Sentences with phrase «n't explain to a child»

They haven't explained to the child what they did wrong and what is expected.
Don't explain to a child what they can figure out themselves.

Not exact matches

... And my mother, said «Oh, don't worry about it, with your imagination you'll learn to fill in all the blanks,»» explains Corcoran, who was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child.
Brooks released a statement saying he would only «play five shows or none at all,» explaining that to «choose which shows to do and which shows not to do, would be like asking to choose one child over another.»
«What we need to do is help children see that that behavior is a core part of who they are, so that when they grow up they don't lose creativity,» he explains.
«When parents set a limit, they should always be prepared to follow through, so don't threaten anything you won't actually do, like turn the car around on a family vacation,» child psychologist Ariel Kornblum explains, also in Good Housekeeping.
She explained that she had added children's suitcases to her product line but they hadn't sold well.
Your children will model their behavior based upon yours — if you're not educated enough to explain to your kids why taking drugs is dangerous, don't give them tacit license to use because you did,» says Dennis Poncher, author and founder of the support group network Because I Love You.
«While we were walking to see another customer, a woman yelled out to Pauline to ask to buy some MixMe (a nutritional supplement for children similar to Sprinkles)... This woman did not have time to talk, but Pauline explained that she previously sold a cook stove to this woman.
Michael Kierkegaard may have been brooding and domineering, but that doesn't» or doesn't have to» explain why he taught his children to practice the virtues of temperance and chastity.
That explain alot happening in Alaska... all these cops are «retiring» aka I didn't get caught helping Todd Palin's Pimping Service... And that explains why the FBI changed Special Agent in Charge... and they sent a Girl not a Guy... ouch... if they are doing these things then it sounds to me like some peoples need to file charges... that crap has to stop... period... but now we will sell our soul for money or in Sarah Palin's case her body and those of her children evidently and Pappa Pimpin Palin there to collect the $ $ $
Finally medicine man came out of cave sweating and all bruised, her husband rushed to him, and asked about wellbeing of his wife and child, boy or a girl, medicine man could not answer, while he was trying to figure out way to explain, finally he put himself together and started to explain mystery of his child birth.
... The child doesn't have to struggle to get himself in a good position for having a relationship with God; he doesn't have to craft ingenious ways of explaining his position to Jesus; he doesn't have to create a pretty face for himself; he doesn't have to achieve any state of spiritual feeling or intellectual understanding.
Anyone who has to have it explained that it is unnatural for homosexual copulation to produce a child is, one fears, not really interested in serious argument.
They don't explain why, nor have they taken the time to explain before hand what is expected of the child.
Please explain to me why it is MY responsibility to pay for the children YOU have that you can not afford?
The problem that many atheists have, whether they are vocal or not, is that religion is continually thrust upon us (Federal holidays that are Christian only for example), and it gets really really tiring explaining to our children what is truly the US and what is Christian infiltration of our government.
You'll see your child's recovery as an answer to prayer, and then you'll come up with some excuse to explain why God didn't answer my prayer to avoid admitting the fact that your kid's recovery had nothing to do with God, just as the death of mine had nothing to do with God.
Let me explain something to you: the job ain't finished when the child is born.
And the sacrificial system was explained to Adam and Eve who told their children and so it was arrogant of Cain to substitute garden produce for the animal Jesus said should represent Him and flesh and blood did not reveal that to those who believe.
Please somebody explain to these innocent children and young adults that a mentor, true leader, a family oriented man who helps many families does not exclude that he is capable of engaging in child molestation.
But this still doesn't explain why people are so frequently returning to his work, why people, like me, find themselves getting lost in the vast and variant immensity of his canon; in everything from his essays to his children's novels.
How are you going to explain to him why you didn't support slavery like he does or discrimination against women like he does or discrimination against the handicapped like he did or (hopefully) not beating your children with rods like he insists on?
Elsewhere, Schüssler Fiorenza explains: No biblical patriarchal text that perpetuates violence against women, children, or «slaves» should be accorded the status of divine revelation if we do not want to turn the God of the Bible into a God of violence.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
Rather, Garcia explains how Stein believed that «motherhood is a universal calling for women, and so not simply a task to be exercised with one's biological children
Gary — I've got ta go do stuff, so I don't have a ton of time, but I'll try to explain the point about children.
why is that christians will always tell you that you don't need to follow the old rules of the old testament i.e. stoning disobedient children, brides who aren't virgins etc yet CONSISTENTLY cite levitacus to justify their opinion that killing gays is wrong — could someone explain this please.
Who but a madman or a prophet would have imagined, as novelist Walker Percy did, that a whole industry of profitable «Qualitarian Centers» would spring up, where, as one of Percy's characters explained, doctors would respect «the right of an unwanted child not to have to endure a life of suffering»?
Please explain why a mother might not get confused when listening to your religious poison and decide to guarantee her childrens future even though she might understand she's throwing away her own, as you say, she's not God so it would be wrong for her to take her childrens lives.
(CNN)- Bill Nye does not think that children should be taught to deny evolution, and a YouTube video of him explaining why has gone viral.
Selfishness, greed, judgementalism, hate, etc. are not the sort of qualities I would suggest you can defend on that day by explaining that those poor, needy people were deemed unworthy by you & yours for breaking the man - made idea that crossing an imaginary line on his Earth to seek a better life makes one of God's children unworthy of compassion and help vis - a-vis the lesson of the Gospels.
Often they are hyper - sensitive to rejection and pick up immediately on the psychological message given by the well meaning priest while he explains why he is «deferring» the baptism of their child.The message is simple: «You (and your child) are not good enough to belong to this Church» — and they go away sad and humiliated, often never to darken the door of a church again.
Sure, it's not easy to make sense of these, let alone explain them to children, but it's total nonsense and intellectual / hermeneutical laziness to simplistically assume that these are all aright in the sight of God, and therefore legit moral options for us today.
Sometimes we just have to figure out a way to explian things to children that we don't wish to explain..
Explaining the appointment to Gatwick Airport, the cardinal said he had received «conflicting psychiatric reports» and believed Hill would not have access to children.
«the viewer wrote that one of her biggest fears was that her children and husband would not go to heaven «because they question why the Bible could not explain the existence of dinosaurs.»
In a submitted question, the viewer wrote that one of her biggest fears was that her children and husband would not go to heaven «because they question why the Bible could not explain the existence of dinosaurs.»
@snarf: I don't like explaining to a child when the hear Christians preaching god sends them to hell for eternal torture if they don't believe the BS in the bible.
Atheists can explain to their children why they don't celebrate, just as Jewish people do.
Finally, the reason why Bob and the other Christians on this board aren't saying as much as you atheists, or saying it as often, is because after one explains the truth to an immature child but is responded to with a temper tantrum, there is nothing left to say: there is only one truth, but the child is capable of throwing tantrums all day long.
Gary Bauer, undersecretary of education and chairman of a White House task force on the American family, has been quoted as saying that his group's goal is «to tell children [that premarital sex] is wrong and explain why it's bad for them — not to teach them so much about sex that they can engage in it in early adolescence.»
The challenge was how to explain this from - ness without violating the same - ness, which they did by declaring that the Son was begotten — but not in the way that human fathers beget or generate their earthly children.
This, according to the authors» analysis, helps to explain why children of single parents do not do as well on average, and provides additional motivation for involving fathers in the lives of their children.
Does she still is a child or is she an adult who can depend on herself to decide what to do and evade excuses to explain her child why they are not kosher?
The scientific explanations she had grown up with weren't enough to explain the totality of what she was experiencing in the bond with her child.
We have to be sat down like a child and explained things because we didn't do any learning or research or have common sense for that matter.
C. S. Lewis identified this sort of discourse in The Abolition of Man where he explained how the grammar book of «Gaius» and «Titius» propagandizes rather than educates, having wormed into the inner recesses of the child's mind: «It is not a theory they put into his mind, but an assumption, which ten years hence, its origin forgotten and its presence unconscious, will condition him to take one side in a controversy which he has never recognized as a controversy at all.»
His model explains the behavior of cads, philanderers, and Casanovas rather well but not that of men who appear to remain faithful to their wives and children.
But it is comforting to realize that the techniques of child - raising once thought to be crucial — breast or bottle feeding, time of weaning or toilet training, spanking or not spanking — are insufficient criteria for explaining behavioral and emotional reactions of children.
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