Sentences with phrase «n't fight for each other»

We don't fight as a team, we don't fight for each other.
If they can't fight for each other on d pitch who will?
«I usually get a kid to challenge me,» Monastero says, «and to ask, «Aren't you fighting for other people to keep their slaves?

Not exact matches

No, the fights over top candidates won't grow quite so fevered in other industries, but a tussle for talent there will be.
When it comes to Princess Charlotte or Prince George, or any other royal children for that matter, they better not put up a fight about eating because if they're not done by the time the Queen is done eating, then they're going to be a little hungry!
His 2017 crossover fight with UFC icon Conor McGregor earned him a payday well in excess of his $ 100 million guarantee (and that doesn't count the $ 25 million he picked up for sponsorships on his trunks, robe, hat, and other attire).
«If he's not in the club's plans... I would try to be waiting for him on the other side and be fighting with the other coaches who would like to have him on their team.»
That meant a first section with a broad pledge to fight climate change in general; a separate paragraph carved out that acknowledged the U.S. did not support the Paris deal; and a third paragraph in which the other 19 members reaffirmed their support for the deal.
«We will fight to defend them because they are about the health and economic security of America's working families, and we will not use Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security as an ATM machine for the Republicans to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends and corporate America,» House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at her year - end press conference, signaling that Democrats would not support cuts to Social Security and other entitlements.
A wise people, seeing the situation for what it truly is, would grapple with these harsh truths, determine a way to stop fighting literally on the other side of the world, and seek a settlement, not as victors, but as an honorable people.
It is not uncommon for founders to fight amongst themselves or teams to develop silos that simply can't stomach talking with other groups so they avoid human contact and revert to flaming wars on email or Slack.
Before declaring bankruptcy and trying to fight against a system that's designed not to discharge your student loan debt, be sure to research your other debt repayment options for student debt relief.
A spokesman for Pershing Square said declined to comment other than to point to its proxy statement, which didn't mention the talk about Ackman's ability to cause media coverage but did say Ackman told ADP it was in the company's interest to avoid the distraction of a board fight.
Trump... has increasingly complained in recent weeks that he needed to consider all options for fighting Mueller and not simply agree to an interview... other members of the legal team share Trump's view that they should take a more confrontational approach with the special counsel, including lawyer Jay Sekulow, who has urged the group to consider the pros and cons of fighting a subpoena, according to people familiar with his advice.
Just don't ask Jean what fighting «proudly and fiercely» looks like because other than low taxes, low royalties and weak environmental regulations (how's that working for you?)
In the past, these groups have perceived conservatives to be suspect on racism, while on the other hand they worked with liberals in the fight for civil rights, and several of their theological heroes are crucial forerunners if not advocates of radicalism.
The others, for the most part, do not fight them for fear, the very real ongoing fear of reprisal.
You can leave this country at anytime, just do not change our way of life this country fought for... if this way of thinking continues in the United States of America you will be saluting a different flag... these people who think this way can go live in any other foreign country or go to an island and start your own country, with your own beliefs, sick of the ACLU running this country
Therefore, we can safely conclude that Dr. King would have embraced gay rights just as powerfully as Coretta had it not been during a time when to be so open about gay rights for a clergyman, especially one who was black and fighting other problems would have left him open to plenty of criticism and worse.
and there is nothing wrong with the name jihad since jihad actually means «fighting for your country and people» without waiting for anything in return, for the love of god there are NO 72 virgins!!!!!! freedom of speech does not mean insulting other people!
The only thing he can do is to admit that he is acting so out of his own fears and emotions (not to defend oneself in battle is difficult, more difficult than to accept a death sentence calmly); or else he can say that he is fighting for others, not to save his own life.
Our churches, whose steeples dot every cityscape and small town in the land, are exempt from paying taxes, and unlike many people of other faiths, we don't have to worry about fighting with our employers to take time off to celebrate our religious holidays as they are largely taken for granted.
But even if we are thus reconciled in the «idea», this does not mean that the actual separated Churches are united, those Churches which for 450 years have lived side by side, fighting and contradicting each other, or, worst of all, indifferent to one another.
This doesn't mean there still won't be differing callings, but we should commit to learning about and sympathizing with other fights for human dignity.
I also blame CNN for reporting this news... this is not news... it's anything that can get people fighting each other... Surely there are more important things to report on... The problem is the news agencies... desperate for a reaction... for a story they can claim...
I had to convince him to use my «kuffar boo - tay» for exercise, our biggest fight was over whether or not we were going to live in the US or Jordan, him wanting to stay in Jordan, and not once has either of us ever tried to convert the other.
You all fight for first place at a table that eats bread and wine, but it doesn't give you carte blanche to pass judgement on others.
Contemporary warfare has in fact taken the form of local conflicts, more often than not civil wars, in which no great alliances of nations are involved; these have been wars fought for reasons based in local rivalries, typically inflamed by historical animosities, ethnic disparity, or religious difference, rather than for reasons of global Realpolitik; they have been fought not with nuclear weapons (or, indeed, other types of weapons of mass - destructive capability) or the latest in military technology, but instead with conventional weaponry, often of old design, and often limited to rifles, knives, grenades, and light, crew - served weapons which individual soldiers can carry on their persons.
(Luke 13:31) Jesus, however, did not deviate from his Father's purpose for him to fight «crime», but rather said that «to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.»
They will fight for us on the Internet and from the hallowed halls of institutions of learning and advancing civilization, of interdependence not separatism, of building bridges with other faiths, not destroying them.
In the other marriage the partners fought frequently and vented the feelings that lingered from their distressing childhoods yet were careful not to physically hurt or lose their loving concern for each other.
Why not fight the urge for revenge ourselves by turning the other cheek and stop it, there and then with us.
He doesn't deserve anything that we have here in America — that other Americans fought and died for.
For Frank this means illness is not a fight against an other, but it is a long struggle.
Perhaps our love for the Bible should be measured not by how valiantly we fight to convince others of our interpretations but by how diligently we work to preserve a diversity of opinion.
Contemporary Islamic reform: Both Khalidi and Kepel are sharply critical of what they believe are counterproductive approaches currently being employed by the U.S. Kepel argues that the most important battle in the war for Muslim minds will be fought not in Iraq or Israel / Palestine, but in the suburbs of Paris, London and other Western cities where Islam is now a fixture, Two prominent Muslims — Feisal Abdul Rauf and Tariq Ramadan — develop this theme in new books that have attracted considerable attention.
As we saw in chapter 2, Jesus could be recognized during his lifetime as a man of peace, who refused to take revenge when mistreated, who did not fight in his own defense or permit others to fight for him, who commanded his disciples to follow his example of nonviolence, who wept because his nation would not follow «the things that make for peace,» The apostolic church kept that memory alive, tried to follow that example and obey those commands.
So, in the midst of this the battle is being fought not far away and the other priests don't know why Columba hasn't come back for something like three days!
More than likely, there's a lot of talk about loving each other, but not much about fighting against sin or fighting for each other.
These people would not allow any religion but Christianity to be seen in a good light if taught in classes in the USA, when history proves that, Christianity is the reason so many people in the USA have been motivated to lynch black people, make gays second class citizens, fought against woman being allowed to vote, hunted down and killed others from different denominations, force all other's to pay for their «work» whether in the USA or around the world through tax exempt status, gifts or «Faith - based initiatives».
And the most important thing is: while it is important to fight for our rights in society, we're not dependent on other people to define the communion aspect of our relationships.
The Jews are willing to fight to drive others out of Jerusalem, the Christians endured dangerous pilgrimages not to worship, but to fight the Crusades to take the Holy Land for their faith, they tortured to «convert» infidels, and they fight amongst themselves (Protestant v. Catholics in N. Ireland, for instance); The Muslims declare «jihad» against their version of «infidels,» and they fight wars between Shia and Sunni over who should set the rules.
We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish... Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics — on a theory of man's nature and of man's relationship to existence.
tradition hard to break.the tradition of marriage is older and more meaningful than any other we know it crosses all religions and non religions, and races and won't change easy.calling it something else for some people may make it easier to change.but what about those people who want that time tested tradition for themselves for their own self is a civil right give it to them today.this issues has divided my community as much as any other, but as we have fought to gain right after right, we have lost sight that all deserve the right of freedom of happiness.No gayness here, just can't fight the battle to keep someone down after being held down
It is in this Deep Hermeneutics that religions meet, and thus their effort is not nonsense or a reason for fighting each other.
How can you say you fought / fight for equal rights but then say one group can't have what the other group has?
By focusing on the two big wars, you're ignoring the Jews fighting Muslms, Muslims fighting Jews, Muslims fighting other Muslims (Shiites vs. Sunnis), Muslims fighting Hindus, Christians fighting Christians (Protestants vs.Catholics in Northern Ireland); the FACT that the «Pilgrims» had to leave England and Netherlands to escape perscecution by OTHER Christians (Protestants) who were perscecuted by OTHER Christian (Catholics); and the FACT once they got here, they couldn't get along, and that part of the reason the Founding Fathers had f to form a federal govt was to resolve the intolerance they had for each other among the coloother Muslims (Shiites vs. Sunnis), Muslims fighting Hindus, Christians fighting Christians (Protestants vs.Catholics in Northern Ireland); the FACT that the «Pilgrims» had to leave England and Netherlands to escape perscecution by OTHER Christians (Protestants) who were perscecuted by OTHER Christian (Catholics); and the FACT once they got here, they couldn't get along, and that part of the reason the Founding Fathers had f to form a federal govt was to resolve the intolerance they had for each other among the coloOTHER Christians (Protestants) who were perscecuted by OTHER Christian (Catholics); and the FACT once they got here, they couldn't get along, and that part of the reason the Founding Fathers had f to form a federal govt was to resolve the intolerance they had for each other among the coloOTHER Christian (Catholics); and the FACT once they got here, they couldn't get along, and that part of the reason the Founding Fathers had f to form a federal govt was to resolve the intolerance they had for each other among the coloother among the colonies!
But except for the specific details, many others have fought and lost to the same things — if not those things, then other things of equal weight in their heart and mind.
Oh and let's not forget all the other world organizations and the NAACP who are also fighting for the civil rights of gays.
He does not want his son to be killed any more than any other parent, but he sends him off with a lump in his throat and pride in his heart that his boy is patriotic enough to fight for his country instead of sitting it out like some yellow C.O.'s in his church.
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