Sentences with phrase «n't groping»

I wasn't groping around to figure out who the power brokers were.»
This divine author did not grope from beginning to end, or vice versa, but knew the end at the beginning because he is the Lord who is, who was, and who comes.
He said he was confused as to where he could not grope or what not.
However, I hope she respects and appreciates this young man's choice of NOT groping her and tossing her around like a rag doll.
Walk out to Lover's Point (named after lovers of Jesus, not groping teenagers) and watch sea otters play and crack open an occasional abalone.

Not exact matches

«This election hasn't so much appealed to our better angels as it has groped our better angels, mocked their weight, and called them «sixes at best,»» Oliver joked, alluding to a handful of Trump's scandals.
«Just for the record, though, are you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent?»
If its response, heartfelt or not, is to grope in the dark for ways to help journalism succeed, well, that's better than overtly showing it contempt.
Franken groped her breasts while she was asleep during the 36 - hour trip back to Los Angeles — an incident captured in a photograph that Tweeden didn't see until she was back in the US.
Other celebrities and politicians have denied accusations, but none has stooped as low as suggesting that their accusers weren't attractive enough to be honored with their gropes.
We believe that equity exposure has become a key central - bank policy instrument to suppress currency - exchange rates and to grope for yield that they can not achieve in traditional safe assets.
But the presidency is too important and powerful a position simply not to worry about it, especially given the context: Trump has been accused by more than a dozen women of sexual misconduct, and has bragged about groping women without their permission.
Whatever be the roots of this young mans convictions is irrelevant, what IS relevant is the fact that he didn't want to wrestle a girl and grope and fondle this young lady.
As a woman, I would not want my boobs or my tweeter groped by a guy who want to wins a match.
Children do not need to see men holding hands, kissing or groping each other in public.
But he will listen to sincere individuals who want to know him, for the apostle Paul said to the Athenians, that ones should «seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.»
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
Others were groping down false paths toward the reform of an institutional Church that, for all its integration with culture and society, was becoming evangelically flaccid and sluggish, perhaps in the complacent conviction (not unlike that of the recent past) that the faith could be transmitted by cultural osmosis, as a kind of ethnic heritage.
And I'm not just telling you what I believe, but this is obvious from the words of Northrup himself that he strongly objected to the aspect of «groping» and «positions».
Further, there should be an in - depth series immediately on Acts 17:26 - 28 which reads, «And He has made from one blood [a] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, «For we are also His offspring.»
If we ask what he means by «it», he can not precisely tell us; but he is evidently groping after the idea that «we», that is our personalities, will be re-made by God for a different mode of existence from that of the flesh - and - blood body, and yet that in some way we shall retain our identity and be the same personalities as those which now live in the mode of physical beings.
There is not a trace of any succession; there is no temporal sequence at all — except on the psychological level, in the mind of a student groping for the conclusion, not in the logical structure itself.
If he was not able to change the face of the present in a decisive way, his groping toward the mainsprings of human existence enables one not only to grasp more deeply the religious situation of our time but also to foresee the direction in which a new breakthrough must be sought.
For one thing, Francis has the temerity to take the science of climate change seriously, which is the sort of thing that can send a Wall Street Journal conservative frantically groping for his smelling salts, but which I can not help thinking is slightly saner than clinging to the politically inflected obfuscations of the data that so many in the developed world use to calm their digestions and consciences.
Although this new concern with the experiential relationship between client and therapist was «still in an infant and groping stage» in 1951, there are indications that Rogers himself, if not the counselling group as a whole, has moved somewhat further in this direction since then.
In the 1970s «everything nailed down» has not yet come loose — but many intellectuals are groping toward the same moral imperatives.
Jenson is nothing if not rigorous, although his elliptical style frequently leaves the reader groping for connections.
Gee, all that blanket electronic surveillance, and all the scanning and groping at the airport — it's obviously not to «keep us safe» as the propaganda line goes.
Likewise, if he finds that wrestling necessarily involves «groping,» the bible is at least as much if not more opposed to men groping men.
So in your Christian view women are not to be viewed as «objects to be defeated on the wrestling mat to be, in some cases, groped or slammed.»
We do not have to grope about blindly in prayer hoping we hit some cosmic bullseye called God's will.
And yet the great themes I have been probing here were present, not in any articulate form but present in the uncertainty, the groping, the yearning for something that has so slipped out of memory as to be almost without a name.
Whitehead was saying there is a grasping at a new possibility, a feeling out, groping, establishing something not just as a result of pure chance.
Bell's work is not without interest; for instance at times he seems to be groping towards belief in something like Purgatory.
Comforting to know that the dad of this boy wrestler is OK with groping other boys but heaven's to Bestsy not a girl.
Groping in the darkness of resurrection, we come to know that asserting that God's nature is light may not be wrong, but it is as limiting as asserting that God's nature is masculine.
(Acts 17:26 - 27) He created people in such a way that «they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each of us.»
And yet we grope, If perhaps we might find it, If perhaps we might build it right, If perhaps it won't matter if we don't.
As they groped for a new identity, the Dolphins were not always entertaining.
So in future learn to base your arguments on solid facts not to just grope in the darkness for facts that may support your myopic views.
Ferrell groped for his cellphone but couldn't find it.
I'm feeling very frustrated with him as I feel like he's constantly pawing at my body and the night nursing involves lots of sucking, snoozing and groping of my other breast — to the point that my body feels so sensitive I could scream (and, of course, I'm not getting good sleep).
It's not like we're advocating making out or heavy groping in front of the wee ones, but a smooch or a hug is good for them to witness!
Should «good moms» let their babies fend for themselves, tossing a bottle of formula at the infant, allowing the child to cry piteously and grope for the bottle in the dark, since that which does not kill them makes them stronger?
The Time's Up letter, which was endorsed by actresses including Jessica Chastain, Reese Witherspoon, and Julianne Moore, demanded a full review and investigation of why Vance did not file charges against Weinstein in 2015 for allegedly groping Italian model Ambra Battilana.
If Trump hadn't made these comments, threatened to throw Clinton in jail, boasted of groping women or dismissed the idea that a man could rape his wife, do you think his supporters would turn up to rallies wearing t - shirts proclaiming that «Hillary sucks but not like Monica»?
A women's advocacy group will rally to denounce Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. for not prosecuting disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein for the alleged groping of a model in 2015.
After Friday's release of 2005 video showing Trump making lewd comments about groping women, Democrats from every corner of the state have been decrying not only the Republican presidential candidate but any member of his party who continues to supports him.
Democratic Senate candidate Sara Niccoli on Monday in a statement criticized Republican incumbent George Amedore for not making a clean break with Donald Trump after allegations surfaced the GOP presidential nominee groped and sexually assaulted women.
The contract also stipulates that the women who accused Lopez of unwanted groping and sexual harassment could not publicly provide any «disparaging remarks» about Lopez or the state Assembly.
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