Sentences with phrase «n't hamster mix»

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However, pellets do not give the hamster any variety and should be mixed with hamster mixes and fresh food daily.
They may have cereals mixed in but not enough to make them a good stand - alone hamster food.
Just remember that carrots are not a substitute for hamster mix — your hamster can't live on the Bugs Bunny Diet!
They should meet all of their nutrient needs by eating a high quality hamster mix from the pet store — you should not use fresh fruits and vegetables to try to compensate for any nutritional deficiencies.
There's a side note here: Your hamster's diet is a separate subject altogether, but in short, it's not a good idea to limit it to a store - bought mix, and to simply refill the supply when it gets low.
Therefore, when feeding a loose seed mix, make sure your hamster empties the food bowl before adding more to it to make sure your hamster does not just eat his or her favorite things (but don't allow your hamster to starve if they refuse to eat what they are supposed to).
With a loose mix (seeds and other items), your hamster might pick out what they like and leave what they don't, which could result in a dietary imbalance (or an overweight hamster).
sorry in advance for my not good english.i want to ask about i have been mixing my hamster diet with catfood, so will it be best for my dwarf hamster?
However, it is important that such foods are not used to replace hamster mix or pellets, as these are needed to give your hamster basic nutrition.
If you can not get your hamster to eat pellets or eat all parts of its mix, then you may need to add vitamin and mineral supplements to its diet in the form of treats, chews or liquids.
Provide some safe, fresh food morsels as well (to raise the excitement level, and also because a diet of only hamster mix isn't really optimal).
However, this is not ideal as their requirements are different and hamster mixes contain too much fat for a gerbil.
Hmm... dwarf hamsters need only about a tablespoon of pellet or seed mix daily so I guess he's not really sick but just can't finish that much food.
The food listed in the post above can all be given to your Chinese dwarf hamsters but remember that whatever you give them should be in small amount and on top of their hamster mix, not as a replacement for it.
Hamster mix isn't the only thing your hamster needs in hiHamster mix isn't the only thing your hamster needs in hihamster needs in his diet.
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