Sentences with phrase «n't have access to his children»

Explaining the appointment to Gatwick Airport, the cardinal said he had received «conflicting psychiatric reports» and believed Hill would not have access to children.
But one important factor can be addressed by changing the manner by which legal services are regulated — the lack of legal information: not knowing if it is better to appear in court, or better to not appear because if you do and you are unable to pay the fine, you will necessarily be incarcerated, not knowing whether it is possible to request a more convenient court date in order to maintain employment, not knowing if children are allowed in the courtroom and not having access to child care, not knowing if the citation itself can be challenged, and, if so, how.
Child Maintenance Options are independent and do not have access to your Child Maintenance Service or Child Support Agency case details

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Research shows that people (especially children) don't sleep as well when they have immediate access to their phones, even if they don't use them.
They also believe that when employees have access to on - site cafeterias, child care centers, gyms and concierge services, they become more productive because they don't have to leave the office to grab lunch or spend time driving to the gym or dropping off children at a daycare across town.
«My children aren't old enough to have access to the Internet unsupervised.
According to the same report, four million Canadians — including 1.34 million children — did not have adequate access to quality, nutritious food in 2015.
Direct Relief provides the first aid supplies to this school, which serves children who would not otherwise have access to elementary education.
While Bevilacqua was not charged, three priests and a parochial school teacher were charged with raping and assaulting boys in their care, while Monsignor William Lynn, a former top aide to Bevilacqua, was accused of allowing the abusive priests to have access to children.
These bottom feeders wanted easy access to young children, and they chose a profession where not only would they be able to abuse children, but their «bosses» would protect them if and when they were caught.
And when a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship, has every option open to her, [and] decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion — there is not a tragedy in sight — only blessing.
Gays can't get married, women make less money, millions of children don't have access to healthcare, and cops can stop and frisk anyone they feel like in some places.
This is the modest sum which needs to be invested each year in «social support» to guarantee universal access to drinking water within ten years (1,300 million individuals did not have access in 1997), universal access to basic education (1,000 million people are illiterate), universal access to basic healthcare (17 million children die each year from easily cured illnesses), universal access to adequate nourishment (2,000 million people suffer from anemia), universal access to sanitary infrastructures and universal access for women to gynecological and obstetric care.
Allowing free access to contraceptives doesn't endanger our population, it allows families to have a number of children that they know they can support, families with more can support more, and there is nothing stopping them.
If a Christian child is not permitted to say a prayer in a public school (which is the case in many provinces) then a Muslim should certainly not have access to special religious holidays.
Carolyn Bunting, from Internet Matters, told Premier: «Without parental controls in place, children can access content that's inappropriate like pornography, like violence, like crime... which I don't think parents would want their children to see.
A survey's found more than sixty percent of parents haven't put parental controls on toys with internet access that they've given to their children.
In non-western worlds, in 3rd world countries women are still used as slaves, their property of men, women do not have access to contraception, to give birth to children in safe places, they are ganged raped and have no right sometimes even to divorce abusive spouses.
I'm not sure how many children go to CNN news boards in the first place, but if they're online, they certainly have access to much more raunchy stuff than this!
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the access to only children that is the factor and not whether they were male or female.
I certainly don't trust a parent who leaves his children unsupervised in the woods and allows the most evil being to ever exist to have access to them.
The lesson is: no one knows the life time of anyone — The mothers who are delivering a healthy child should be appreciative to The One who took care of the baby when the baby was inside of the mother's womb and mother has no access to the baby — This is a sign for mankind that what The Creator can do and its not in any human's hand... all a human can do is to treat as best as they have the capability — and many more
Can you even imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have access to clean water to drink, to cook with, or bathe your children in?
The private water and club rules of Scottish and Canadian salmon streams do not exist in the Northwest — every man, woman and child has access to streams and the right to take Steelhead — and there are no revered and ancient methods.
The Laugh N Learn Sweet Manners Tea Set has three built - in Smart Stages ™ allowing your child to access different levels of songs, sounds, and phrases as they grow.
That's more than 1 in 5 children in the United States who do not have access to adequate, nutritious food.
The science that gives evidence that for a couple that could not biologically reproduce on their own, loving a child with abandon still requires that they have access to safe and suitable nutrition for their baby.
The integrated cup holder allows your baby to easily access his drink so that you won't have to reach in and hand it to your child.
Supervise your child's use of computers (a child at this age should not have unsupervised access to the Internet), computer games, movies, and know what they have access to at their friend's homes.
So I guess at the end of the day the best way to protect against online predation is to have an ongoing dialog with your children so that they understand that they can not share too much information and that in fact they have their privacy settings set in such a way that nobody can access any of their online profiles unless they are known to them and they are a real friend.
One young father describes how the project has not only provided him with accommodation to make access to his son possible (without an address a young father can not apply to court for access to their child) but has also mediated to ensure that a social worker was appointed quickly and access to his son has therefore been speeded up by six weeks.
At present, 1 in 9 people go to sleep hungry, 6 million children die before their fifth birthday each year, and 2.5 billion don't have access to basic toilets.
Alternatively, if you don't have physically access to the water heater, there are products that you can use to child - proof the faucets.
Menu of Hope was created with the goal of raising funds to provide healthy meals and nutrition and physical education to Ohio's at - risk children who do not have consistent access to the food they need to grow, learn and thrive.
And yet we get to choose our own friends, do the inviting, and we have adult reasoning skills and judgment in place... things small children don't have control over or access to!
My thought is that until society changes, it will be a up - hill battle to convince children that the healthful choices they see at school cafeterias are great when outside of school many are seeing and eating the less - than - healthful choices in many of the ways we've talked about here before: classrooms, athletic practices, homes because parents are busy, don't have access to fresh foods and more.
Also, make sure your child doesn't have other ways to access the privilege you remove.
I don't have access to a doula, nor do I want any of my extended family members to attend the birth of this child - I tend to allow them to affect my emotions negatively.
If things are really hectic and you can't get him to settle down, you could try moving to a quieter area, but I generally don't recommend this as it tends to feel a bit like punishment, unless of course you are trying to avoid the in - laws I think the main thing to remember, is every study where we have allowed children access to food, they have eaten enough and a varied diet ensuring that over a period of time children if given the opportunity to eat when hungry will ensure that all their nutritional needs are met.
Most parents would be thrilled to have the help of such a coach who could tell them «ask for this, not that,» or «fill in this form and you'll have access to better services for your child
Not only are children scarred by witnessing their parents battle one another, but using the courts to devise a custody and access arrangement is a waste of money - money that could have been better spent to the needs of the children.
A sibling doula is really a beautiful model for those who want their young child present, don't have access to a family member or friend they'd like to have around, and would like to have someone specifically devoted to their young child that isn't one's partner.
Even though your bothered by her comment - no children do nt need soda - but who has all that money to buy the gerber snacks sometimes its not whats easy access but what is affordable but the part about the babies do nt need water until they are 6 months is a lie because I tried that and my baby got really constipated and somtimes your baby needs that juice to help with there systems.
Make sure you safely store the lawn mower in a place where children won't have access to it.
Breastmilk substitutes are legitimate products for when a child is not breastfed and does not have access to expressed or donor breastmilk.
The USDA summer food program is intended to make sure children have plenty to eat during the summer months when those who would normally be participating in the school lunch program don't have access to those meals.
Examine window areas carefully to make sure that children do not have easy access to furniture that could help them get to a window's height.
If you are lucky, your child will tumble off something low and will only get a scare, but if you haven't properly baby proofed your home and haven't restricted his access to the stairs, he could take a much more serious fall.
This happens because at a young age children tend to explore the world by putting things in their mouth, so the only way to prevent them «exploring» something dangerous is to make sure they don't have access to it.
Toward that end, judges generally do not favor an arrangement in which one parent is denied access to the child or where visitation would be difficult.
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