Sentences with phrase «n't hold up to scrutiny»

A Quiet Place There's plenty in the new science - fiction thriller «A Quiet Place» that doesn't hold up to scrutiny and even more that feels conspicuously derivative.
From there it's grown into a massive industry, but at the core, personal finance advice is a part of the self - help genre, and like all self - help genres it's prone to being invaded by self - appointed experts whose advice doesn't hold up to scrutiny, or who sometimes offer an unhelpful moralistic view of your problems — like the suggestion that if you're poor, you deserve it.
Scientific thinking looks at all sides and considers them for merit and discards those that don't hold up to scrutiny.
There will be no agreements at Poznan because the «science» supporting anthropomorphic climate change sucks, it doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
This concept — like the rest of the plot — doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
[1 — 3] Furthermore, the suggestion that lethal control methods would be more effective — implicit in HAHF's criticism of TNR — simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
But don't hide behind claims that don't hold up to scrutiny.
The problem is, the film doesn't hold up to any scrutiny — it's a terrible Christmas movie, and has some pretty cynical things to say about relationships.
Even the «dangerous» LDL type doesn't hold up to scrutiny as a culprit for heart disease.
Unfortunately that just doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
This widely repeated figure doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
With that context in mind, here are the three reasons why the 20,000 job loss estimate does not hold up to scrutiny.
Whether it saves money this year or not is less important than avoiding consequences from having your finances entangled in a tax return which might not hold up to the scrutiny of an audit.
Biblical creationism just does not hold up to this scrutiny.
If your beliefs can not hold up to scrutiny then it's not scrutiny that is the problem!
But it hasn't held up to scrutiny.
Of the several million species yet to be discovered, there is a reasonable argument that many are very rare and thus extra-vulnerable to extinction, but the common statement that «Species are going extinct faster than we can discover them» does not hold up to scrutiny.
This was also the film (along with another disaster, the live - action Beauty and the Beast remake) that has made me begin to question Emma Watson's acting abilities outside of Hogwarts, as her officious and exacting mannerisms have not held up to the scrutiny of time.
Ultimately the Mormon faith does not hold up to the scrutiny of this young boy's mind and this leads to powerful questions about the whole process of forcing fanatical religious beliefs on the mind of a child.
This was a nice idea, but it does nt hold up to scrutiny.
This, in turn, leaves those outside of the community to see even a small division of belief on controversial theories as evidence that the leading explanation does not hold up to scrutiny.
It seems to me that a modest, lower - than - present MWP has been claimed many times in recent years, and that those claims — when examined — have not held up to scrutiny.
Amory Lovins, an equally legendary figure in US environmental circles, has produced a very damning critique of Brands assertions on energy in which he says: «His nuclear chapter's facts and logic do not hold up to scrutiny

Not exact matches

Malcolm Gladwell may or may not have been completely right when he claimed that becoming a true expert in any subject requires 10,000 hours of practice, but whether his exact number stands up to scrutiny, the underlying truth still holds — getting good at things is time - consuming and involves a lot of hard work.
However, the incident does not appear to be holding up to scrutiny after the founder of the exchange made an odd request to the developers of Nano shortly after discovering the alleged theft.
By the end of the evening one thing was clear — Giuliani had concocted such a shifting, nebulous alibi for Trump that it didn't even hold up to a few hours of media scrutiny let alone a future interview with a Federal prosecutor.
Many, if their worldview doesn't hold up under scrutiny and they feel the lack of support for something that is sacred to them, simply resort to repet.itious circular statements, name calling, diversion, red - herrings and such in order to justify it to themselves.
That is an absolutely horrible argument, however the comment you replied to does a fairly good job of breaking down why all the major religions don't hold up under scrutiny.
I'm not certain, but I don't think «a little reading between the lines» holds up too well to close scrutiny.
Likewise, he refuses to reveal his own motives for opposing gay marriage, probably because he knows his reasons don't hold water and won't stand up to scrutiny or be borne out by evidence.
When you think of it, when Paul said in the Corinthian correspondence that one prophet should speak; then when another stands up to speak the first one should be quiet and sit down; and that the content of what they say is held up to scrutiny, discerned and judged by the community... wasn't Paul implicitly giving room for heresy?
Problem is, the standard measures don't hold up too well to scientific scrutiny when it comes to measuring protein powders.
This was originally just a response to Glassie's screed and his premise doesn't hold up to even casual scrutiny.....
But that is NOT the same as a legally binding agreement that would hold up to any kind of legal scrutiny.
Chambers Bay, a public course like Erin Hills, did not hold up well under this scrutiny (maybe due more to the USGA's conditioning of it than anything).
I don't think Rae's conclusion holds up to scrutiny.
So parliamentary scrutiny yes, but I don't think that the Brexit deniers or those who will never reconcile themselves to Brexit should be given some power to either hold up or try and frustrate the Brexit process,» he says, sternly.
«DNAWitness will hold up to scientific scrutiny whereas personal feelings and biases won't,» he says.
For if this discovery holds up to scrutiny — and some of my colleagues aren't sure that it does — it is the first direct sighting of the gravitational waves that Albert Einstein predicted shortly after he proposed his general theory of relativity in 1915.
But it turns out this widely held notion doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny: New Danish research has found no evidence that routine checkups increased longevity or reduced the risks of dying from diseases like cancer or heart disease.
It was the underlying arguments and conclusions used by Shapley and Curtis that are held up to modern scientific scrutiny - not a hypothetical straw pole of an audience that consisted of mostly non-astronomers.
Given what we know about clinical nutrition, that sometimes a startling mix of foods can be used to help people in certain disease states — more ice cream and gravy for someone undergoing cancer treatment, less protein and fewer vegetables for someone with kidney disease — and since dividing your risk among a wide variety of different foods can help hedge your health bets, the idea that there are universally good or bad foods doesn't hold up well under scrutiny.
As discussed in my previous installment, some of the dogmatism within the paleo realm does not hold up to scientific scrutiny, and the scientific literature on anti-nutrients is deficient in high - quality human studies.
While some vegan nutrition websites and books still promote this idea, it hasn't held up to scientific scrutiny very well.
But don't try to live longer by slowing your metabolism just yet: while the theory is helpful to explain some aspects of aging, it doesn't really hold up under modern scientific scrutiny.
The statistics behind the finding that the couples that met online were more likely to break up do hold up to scrutiny, but these results are certainly not the last word given the small sample of only 280 couples that met online, as compared to more than 6,000 in the study by Cacioppo and colleagues.
Between Scarlet Johansson's vampire - alien character Laura and truly impressive production design, the movie is gorgeous to look at even though it doesn't hold up under any degree of thematic scrutiny.
The Kings of Summer's narrative doesn't stand up to much thought or scrutiny, but this artsy indie film's exploration of adolescence still holds considerable appeal.
It's a film that will not hold up to and was never intended for intense scrutiny.
His assertion that Escape from New York holds contemporaneous relevance to the Iran hostage crisis that climaxed with Reagan's ascent to power is convenient in that most pop is incidentally socio - politically resonant; and the analogy doesn't really hold up to any scrutiny, particularly if you factor in the film's nihilistic conclusion.
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