Sentences with phrase «n't in any distress»

Mr Kroenke is not in distress or meltdown, and is no dull someone to want to sell when» the cow is milking».
If you're concerned, however, don't hesitate to give your doctor a call to make sure your baby isn't in any distress.
3) Come in to help the child, even when not in distress or crying.
I much prefer when the damsels aren't in distress, but are smart enough not to get into trouble in the first place.
They will also listen to your baby's heartbeat to make sure your baby is not in distress.
Thankfully, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released new guidelines in 2014, redefining the start of active labor as dilation to 6 centimeters (rather than 4) and urging doctors to allow women to labor longer, so long as the baby is not in distress.
Since she wasn't in distress, there was no rush to take her away and weigh her, clean her or put drops in her eyes.
This time around he is after a damsel (who is definitely not in distress) called Delilah, which is not an easy task thanks to all the witchcraft.
Damsel Not in Distress!
Up to two pets of the same species and similar size may travel in the same carrier if no body parts protrude from the carrier and animals are not in distress.
If your cat has vomited a few times but is not in any distress, you can try treating her at home.
But Haynes said the vet testified last week in a related civil case that the dogs were not in distress.
She is also taking a small dose of Methocarbomal and I have been sleepless watching over her to make sure she is not in distress and not going to stop breathing from the sedation.
Two fetal scalp samplings were taken later in the evening which were within normal range indicating a well oxygenated baby not in distress.
EDDM — is when you are really wanting to own a house in a certain area, or like in ATL when there is Urban Development happening there are a lot of people that have houses that are NOT in a distress sell, but if you could get them to sale you could tear it down and build a million dollar home.

Not exact matches

«The people with cash are not yet feeling confident enough to be opportunistic; the whole other camp is in denial that anything is going on, in denial that they're in distress,» he says.
«If the way a person expresses their gender identity does not «match» the gender in their passport this can lead to distressing questions.
While we need to better recognize mental health issues and provide those in distress with better access to treatment, we must not forget that like many physical issues, some mental health conditions may be preventable in the first place.
So trying to suppress negative emotions when we are talking with someone — like when we don't want to trouble someone else with our own distress — actually increases stress levels of both people more than if we had shared our distress in the first place.
Regardless of where you may be in your life, whether it's a time of failure and distress or a time of unbelievable success, don't forget to live in the now.
To find value, the fund's managers look for companies that are in operational distress but not financial distress.
That suggests that more companies could find themselves in a distressed position if oil prices do not rise.
Have multiple contingency plans Realize that not all business - for - sale deals close successfully, especially in distressed situations.
The guidelines say that while videos of violence and even death should be marked as disturbing, in many cases they do not have to be deleted because they can «help create awareness of issues such as mental illness,» and because Facebook doesn't want to «censor or punish people in distress
I would not exclude another LTCM style episode of systemic risk given the risk of unraveling of highly leveraged carry trades and the end of easy liquidity: triggers could be a disorderly move of the US dollar, perhaps following trade war threats to China, leading to a 1987 - style stock market crash; or MBSs interacting with a housing slump and the hedging activities of GSEs; or greater corporate distress or a Ford / GM entering into Chapter 11 triggering a massive sell - off in the murky, non-transparent and untested credit derivatives.
It is also important to note that liabilities, such as outstanding bank loans, guarantees, lease agreements and payments to suppliers are usually not insured, leaving the personal assets of business owners pledged against these liabilities, and potentially leaving family members in financial distress.
«This order can change, because we won't sell the liquid assets in distress.
But private equity valuations are too high now, and the government doesn't want foreigners in the distressed real estate market.
What this suggests is that distressed investing need not be an «all or nothing» strategy: i.e. either pile in at the right time and reap the rewards or arrive late to the party and suffer the consequences.
If done correctly, with an eye not to achieving political or regulatory objectives but rather to eliminating financial distress costs, these can improve the enterprise value of the borrower; to the extent that the lender participates in the upside (and if the performances of the various equity positons emerging from these swaps are uncorrelated), the lender's net asset position can also improve.
If it's to compensate for emotional distress well, then, that seems awfully low (and in United credit, not cash as well — it wouldn't even cover United's pet in cabin fee for a pet that isn't claimed to be an emotional support animal).
So the sharp fall in oil prices has certainly been disruptive, but stabilization from distressed trough levels should be good for economic growth even if the price of oil doesn't rebound back to peak levels of above $ 100 a barrel in 2014.
The great victory of the Federal Reserve in the half - cycle since 2009 was not ending the global financial crisis; the crisis actually ended in March 2009 with the stroke of a pen that changed accounting rule FAS157 and eliminated mark - to - market accounting for banks (instantly removing the specter of widespread insolvencies by allowing «significant judgment» in valuing distressed assets).
While interesting and instructive, the case should not provide any false sense of comfort to lenders and distressed debt participants in the burgeoning world of middle - market financing using unitranche structures.
They focus on distressed debt, which isn't that bad considering we live in a world were everybody spends money they don't have.
HFRI Event Driven Index maintains positions in companies currently or prospectively involved in corporate transactions of a wide variety including, but not limited to, mergers, restructurings, financial distress, tender offers, shareholder buybacks, debt exchanges, security issuance, or other capital structure adjustments.
Lenders don't want to be held responsible for deficiencies in the properties they're selling, or for the actions of financially distressed owners, who have been known to strip their houses bare — even removing toilets — before handing over the keys.
If you have an ownership stake in a fantastic business with great returns on capital, a strong competitive position that makes it difficult to unseat in its given sector or industry, and a board of directors that is shareholder - friendly, it shouldn't cause you any particular distress to watch your holdings decline by 50 percent or more on paper.
Let explore them Your bread is not dependent on returns from markets This is an obvious edge, bear market or bull market, you take home a salary thereby ensuring basic necessities of you and your family is taken care of, you don't have to sell your shares in distress to pay bills.
For those who understand the tremendous financial and geopolitical forces that today are vying not so much for supremacy as they were previously, but for survival; gold remains as it always has been — a store of value in times of monetary chaos and economic distress.
We may not yet be in negative rates territory in terms of the official Bank Rate, what with it hanging on to 0.25 % like a cinematic damsel in distress clinging on by her fingertips to a cliff edge.
Mark Polubiec, its CEO, said most of his competitors were in distressed situations and he didn't want to be the «sugar daddy» to prop up another's balance sheet.
It sets distressing signals about race and protest, the same week as police moved in again on a peaceful Indigenous - led standoff against a North Dakota pipeline — and as Donald Trump rhetoric riles up believers in Second Amendment «remedies» when an election doesn't go their way.
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
«Distressed debt [borrowings of companies in trouble, which is Oaktree's specialty] is not different in that regard.»
-- If you're in a moment of crisis and you're in emotional distress right now, don't hesitate to talk.
Divorce is decided by the law, not the Church, although a couple who's marriage is in distress will be urged to get counseling and try to save the marriage.
The virtue - signaling mother in that beauty shop notwithstanding, there's an intuitive understanding that we're dealing here with real psychological distress — «gender dysphoria,» in the technical vocabulary — and that this and similar problems ought not be political ping - pong balls, because lives are at stake.
«Ferguson and Stephens, Riverside Baptist Church's media minister, traveled to Indonesia with Imam Sugianto, a member of Riverside's Indonesian mission congregation, to videotape the persecution Ambonese Christians are enduring.Members of that mission congregation — many of whom have friends and family in Indonesia — are extremely distressed that U.S. media aren't telling the story of what is happening...
It does not easily befit a Mephistophelean Superpower, posing his supernatural guile and strength in eternal battle with the Almighty, to be distressed by the fact that Job has got a lot of sheep.
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