Sentences with phrase «n't kept the romance alive»

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So while soaked oats and chia seed puddings might not at first scream «romance» to you, think about it this way: what's more romantic than keeping your loved ones alive and healthy for years to come by feeding them foods that promote a healthy heart and prevent disease?
Any tips for keeping the romance alive while you're not together?
They would never stop putting in the hard work to keep romance alive, married or not, and they don't get married for the sake of a fairytale ending.
, «Shades of Grey», «Turning Into An Old Married Couple Before It's Your Time», «6 Reasons Women Don't Want a Relationship With You», «How To Keep Romance Alive», «Don't Rush Me», «Your new favorite book», «Tips and Advice», «Meet the Parents», «Latest Word on the Street».
Whatever the case, if you're not having regular date nights with your significant other, you're missing out on all sorts of chances to keep the fun and romance alive.
Poor DD... as if horrifying him with blog tales about accidental gastro farts wasn't bad enough (I've suggested he might need to unsubscribe to keep the romance alive).
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