Sentences with phrase «n't know the answer»

So I don't know the answer to that until the larger investors really take this seriously and put money behind it.
«It's okay to not know the answer to a question.
Not knowing an answer and looking to the audience shows that you are genuine and open to your audience's input.
Not knowing the answer and not responding to your partner's preferences can lead to constant conflict and frustration for both.
In our view, the result of reading all three papers and others like them leads to a conclusion: we do not know the answers to the major problems the authors raise.
You might object that, obviously, learners don't know the answers to questions before they learn the material.
It's fine to say that you don't know the answer to a question, but that you will get the answer to them soon.
If you don't know the answers, you should.
But what happens when a Disney employee doesn't know the answer to something?
It might seem like a straightforward question, but a majority of Americans who have a financial advisor don't know the answer.
It's still a good question, not because it's tough but because it's easy, and if your prospective employee doesn't know the answer, then he or she probably doesn't know the basics of selling.
I didn't know the answer, so I called our CFO.
Katsuyama: I don't know the answer to that.
I don't know the answer, but I don't trust anyone who says the answer is obvious.
Organic reach is obviously a big dream for you guys (and I sure don't know the answer, and if I did at one point, I'm not sure it's pertinent today!)
Well, I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know that research shows it takes more and more touches to connect.
For the two opposition parties we don't know the answers.
I don't know the answers to all of them, but have researched quite a bit about pipelines.
I don't know the answer to the second question I have not heard of any pick up from when store closes sometimes when an anchor closes in a mall, we pick up a lot of business and sometimes the traffic in the mall gets hurt so that it doesn't help us.
The problem is simple: Central bankers don't know the answer to either question and as a result are unprepared for the consequences, or even to recognize them while they are occurring.
The banks will argue hey are existing loans simply rolling over so we may not know the answer for a while on this point.
And I've learned to be really happy with not knowing the answers.
I unlike you can accept that there are things that I can't know the answers to at this time, and that perhaps someday we will figure it out.
I still do not know the answer to these questions: why does the universe exist and why am I here?
I do NOT know the answers, but observation makes believe a real and unbiased study is warranted.
I am agnostic because I genuinely don't know the answer to the questions that atheists and christians pose.
I don't know the answer to all your question.
Lee, is there ANY chance that you don't know the answer to all of the questions and problems that life presents?
If I don't know the answer, I will research it for you.
We don't know the answers to those yet, but I can as.sure you that god is most likely not the answer.
When science doesn't have an answer a question they say «we don't know the answer.»
You're obviously someone who prefers an answer there is no reason to believe is the real answer to admitting you just don't know the answer.
Why not do the mature thing and be satisfied that it's a mystery you don't know the answer to?
If you don't know the answer, just say so.
Though to be honest, I don't know the answer to this specific question because I've never read up on it.
You ask us all these questions that we do not know the answers to, but we still live our lives.
My favorite blog posts are the ones that begin with a question to which I don't know the answer, and this is especially true for a new series I'm pleased to announce today: «How to be a Christian on the Internet.»
I really don't know the answer.
I don't know the answers to these questions and the Bible does not tell me.
I do not know the answer so there must be a god is not a reasonable answer to your own questions.
I just don't know the answers to the latter question, but note with chagrin that such critical issues are almost NEVER part of the discussion on health care mandates.
Now, am I praying to God, or am I merely reciting these thoughts to my consciousness, I do not know the answer to that.
Thank you for allowing God to grow bigger than the box we put him in and giving me the freedom to know that I don't know the answers and that grey is sometimes ok.»
Although many of these people understand or believe that they can have a living and vital faith, belief in God, etc, even though they do not know the answers, they also may sometimes fear that if admit to their congregations that they do not know all the answers, that the people will leave and look for some one who does «have the answers.»
Tell us the truth when you don't know the answers to our questions, and your humility will set the example as we seek them out together.
I do not know the answer to that, but the area that consitutes the debris field seems reasonable to me to be off limits.
A fear of being helpless, lost, not knowing the answers, alone, weak, and destitute.
If you don't know the answer to that question, then it's time to go into your bank statements and pull up the last three to four months of income.
The reason people do not know these answers is because the media has done a poor job of telling the answers.
And it's weird that you would pose all those questions, like we have some problem with not knowing the answers to something.
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