Sentences with phrase «n't know the dangers»

Then I remember that most parents would take any risk to help their baby, even if they don't know the dangers.
People go in not knowing the dangers of payday loans or think they can pay off the loan but end up getting dragged into a cycle of high interest charges because they can't pay it off.
However, pets don't know the dangers of flame as you do.
No one ever questioned me, least of all the managing broker, until one day head office seemed to notice and I was asked to attend a private meeting to discuss how I acquired my clients and WHAT ON EARTH was I doing double - ending so many listings, and didn't I know the danger I was putting the corp in... no kidding... true story.

Not exact matches

Not only that, but it will make you feel so much happier and positive at work, knowing you're not in any danger or putting yourself at riNot only that, but it will make you feel so much happier and positive at work, knowing you're not in any danger or putting yourself at rinot in any danger or putting yourself at risk.
This is not to say that there weren't people warning about the dangers of balancing data privacy and personalization — but how many people knew that it would happen on such a large scale as this?
Prior to joining Tufts in 2008, Axelrod was head of capital management at Lehman — where he says his experience was «like driving a car at 85 miles per hour, knowing that's probably too fast, but not fully appreciating the danger
But that won't matter if $ 18 billion worth of customers don't know it — and their awareness doesn't appear to be in danger of changing soon.
In many cases, the danger isn't knowing what the most important task is for the day.
The danger is no longer that millions will starve, but rather that millions may rise up in anger if they can't get, or can't afford, the diet to which they're growing accustomed.
Ostriches are known to put their heads down in reaction to danger, especially when sitting on a nest.
No, the life - comparison danger comes from the weak ties; from those people you met at a conference, or the friends from High School that you haven't interacted with since they friended you last year.
You are seeing your return on investment on the cash flow and no matter what is happening in the economy you are not in danger of losing the asset or your initial investment.
@KatMat: your analogy would begin approaching realism if: — during the pledge of allegiance kids were forced to say «one nation under The Orioles» — our nation's currency said «In Dallas Cowboys We Trust» — if millions were slaughtered, tortured and burned to death because they weren't fans of The Pittsburgh Penguins — if NASCAR fans endlessly attempted to have Intelligent Car Driving taught beside Evolution in science class as a possible explanation for how mankind developed — if «the 5 D's» of Dodgeball (Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge) were constantly attempted to be made into law so everyone would live by the same ridiculous notions, even if those notions knowingly discriminate — if nutters constantly claimed America was founded on the principles of Darts, even though our country SPECIFICALLY calls for a separation between Darts and State because the founders knew the inherent dangers of Darts becoming government instead of staying in the realm of sport where it belongs
While there are certain theologies that I know I agree with, and I don't see anything wrong with allying one's self with a theology, I have been impressed lately with the danger of being ultimately loyal to a theology, rather than to the Word of God.
For he knows where the danger threatens, and yet he also knows that every easier way would involve a deception, even though the learner might not understand it.
But even life in this generous sense of membership in creation does not protect us, as we know, from the dangers of avarice, of selfishness, of the wrong kind of abundance.
Somehow, wishing someone luck with regards to a danger they also represent just doesn't come off as sincere, know what I mean?
That can happen, of course, but I'm not sure I ever knew a Missouri Synod Lutheran for whom it was a clear and present danger.
He is also supposed to be omnipotent, and so knew he was not in any sort of danger.
Wouldn't you want to know if someone or something presented a danger?
No doubt this change gives the Christian faith the chance to be realized in absolute freedom, which corresponds indeed to its inmost nature; but, on the other hand, the dangers inherent in it ought not to be under - estimated.
Never mind that these are parents who have dreams of their children in danger all the time, a mom having a dream of their infant in danger happens... um... I don't know every 5 seconds?
Instead of understanding — that intellectual understanding which we are so fond of — there is a feeling of rightness, of knowing, knowing things which you are not yet able to understand... As long as we know what it's about, then we can have the courage to go wherever we are asked to go, even if we fear that the road may take us through danger and pain.»
On the other hand such personalism iuris divini, which despite its importance can not here be proved theologically, is a principle of resistance against the well - known dangers and shortcomings of democracy in large societies where self - government by the people, for example, by plebiscite is no longer possible and the representation which takes its place be - comes more and moe autonomous.
They won't break any taboos no matter how Grave the danger is.
You know, years ago after becoming a Christian I heard a lengthy radio broadcast that had several different viewpoints from researchers of the occult, former occultists, etc. on the danger of Halloween and how it isn't just an innocent «holiday».
Think you are wisely right to have your concerns but let me Guide you to ask which branches of Islam handles each mosque you know of and find out more about their mentality and they call for since not all branches of Islam are of danger, but you mentioned some thing which make me feel that there is a possibility that you got the most redial branch of all Islam branches... This branch is taking advantage of the presence of non harming Muslims to expand it's redical teachings by offerings or force turning Islamic communities from normal to most redical of all... do not favor to give the name of that branch but sure you will find it if you look for it...
All living with the whole being and with unconstrained force means danger; there is no thing, relation, or event in the world that does not reveal an abyss when it is known, and all thinking threatens to shatter the stability of the thinker.
Tacitus could not know, nor Pliny, that the group of people whom the one thought a danger to society and the other a set of pig - headed cranks were the vanguard of a body which would take charge of the whole new movement, give it directions, and carry it into ages far ahead.
It is not so well known that Augustine encouraged mental prayer called wordless and ejaculatory prayer, sighing and groaning to God; he warned of the dangers of spiritual narcissism.
We would not only teach the fishermen trainees everything they needed to know about fishing, but would put them in real - life scenarios where they could practice the skills of fishing, without any danger of drowning, getting pierced by hooks, or getting arrested for swimming.
Centuries ago we used to have the catholics not allowing the bible to be translated into the native tongue because of the «dangers of knowledge», now we have people using a fear tactic that if they know God too well, or know too much about God it will make them unloving.
In this context, the knowledge of an expert guide who knows all the true exits, and dead ends, and the dangers along the way does not destroy the freedom of the lost wayfarer; rather, it liberates him, frees him from his predicament.
The life of moderation respected the taboos, not because one supposed that there was some intrinsic rightness about them, but because one knew that there was danger in their violation.
It's a danger to young people not to know what they believe and why they believe it, because they are much more sensitive to the accusation of hypocrisy that «you are in a Church, and you don't understand what it believes».
But in the chronic case, where the patient is not in imminent danger of death, the omission of assisted N&H is a lethal omission, for by that omission we set in motion a chain of events known to be death - dealing.
He knows that an individual voice will be raised in resistance, but he knows that he is stronger, he knows that for an instant one still can cause men to seem serious, but he knows also that privately they long to laugh with him; he knows that for an instant one can still cause a woman to hold a fan before her eyes when he talks, but he knows that she is laughing behind the fan, that the fan is not absolutely impervious to vision, he knows that one can write on it an invisible inscription, he knows that when a woman strikes at him with her fan it is because she has understood him, he knows without the least danger of deception how laughter sneaks in, and how when once it has taken up its lodging it lies in ambush and waits.
From what I have read sheep are often oblivious to the danger they are in... many would argue that is fitting description of an atheist... proclaiming wisdom not knowing how foolish they are.
People are developing lung cancer today because they were exposed to asbestos particles in and around shipyards during World War II.26 Technology creates environmental dangers, and knowing about these dangers confronts us with problems; we must make choices that did not exist before.
It's easy to post rants about the danger of illegal immigration when we haven't spoken to people who have know how difficult the bureaucratic process is.
He warns of the real danger of dialogue leading to the dilution of confessional standards, leveling out all genuine differences, doctrinal minimalism, or what he calls common denominator ecumenicity, all of which have resulted in darkening the light of truth such that «believers do not even know at what points they are really one, to say nothing of the points on which they are divided.»
No doubt Pearson was correct in feeling some danger to science in accepting a philosophy of science which recognizes choice as real, but I do not think that this is serious if it is also recognized that determinism is necessarily the external aspect of the chains of choices at all levels.
There is a danger of thinking thees are exceptions or the 1 % perhaps as you put it but if we are honest, really honest with ourselves the same nature is in us and others that was in those in 1930's Germany, part good part bad and who knows what we might do in desperate situations if there are not some higher principles that we adhere to.
However, their prominence did not shield Paul from danger; when accusers came from Thessalonica, they realized that Berea would be no different in its reaction against him than Thessalonica had been, so they spirited him away to Athens.
The rationalizations will usually take the form of words about being different from «our kind of people»; about inferior and superior races; about dirt and smells, or dishonesty and treachery and the «yellow peril»; about the danger of intermarriage; about how those of other races are «creeping up on us» and «don't know their place.»
We come into the world not knowing it, it's purpose or it's potential dangers.
An interesting common trait of the poets referred to in the title of this essay is that they seem (it is hard to be sure about this) to believe in God but not in metaphysics, not in the then available theoretical explications of the idea of deity They knew the dangers of religious intolerance and felt that truths of the intellect must take second place compared to truths of the heart.
When we do enter the waters we don't know where the dangers are and so we tread very carefully.
No, I mean the less immediately life - threatening danger that typical potato salads present to those of us who love, love, love them but don't love the added fat they normally are bathed in.
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