Sentences with phrase «n't lose part»

You have to be as risk averse as retirees so that you don't lose a part of your funds that you are relying on for a comfortable post retirement life.
You can also take your money in and out whenever you want subject to the cap — however, most places now offer «Flexi - ISAs» which allow you to take money out and put it back in and not lose part of your allowance.
But there is a crucial difference: I haven't lost a part of myself to someone who has subsequently spurned it, rejected it, and perhaps never cared for it at all.
Besides, there are not losing parts or sharp pieces or any electrical wiring that could make contact with your cat and harm it.

Not exact matches

While a lower unemployment rate is certainly better than a higher one, the rate doesn't capture workers who've quit looking for a job, part - time workers who wish to work full - time, or workers who've experienced a significant wage reduction in a new job after they lost their old one.
«In fact, I think it'd lose part of its appeal if it weren't.»
«On the contrary, it reflects a sense of helplessness and frustration on the part of those who lost power and don't have nay ideas how to attract Poles to their views.»
«When we're watching a TV show that involves people trying to lose weight, there's some part of us that says,??? Well, at least I'm not that bad.»»
«It's a slippery slope, but we're not on the part where we've lost all control,» says Jacks.
If you still can't lose the bad taste of the sequel, check out the original, in which the jokes feel less stale and Will Ferrell is still the best part of the movie.
The cost is nothing more than a little bit of lost productivity on the part of the top employees who act as coaches, and even that's partly if not entirely offset by the performance bump in those they train.
Robots may be taking over parts of the workforce, but General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt doesn't think you should worry about losing your job.
She thinks it could be a positive step forward for Rhapsody, in part because it doesn't have that much to lose.
Getting lots of money from Spotify may be great for music labels and owners, but it's not doing much for Spotify: The company lost $ 200 million last year, and the massive payments it makes to record companies (which amount to more than 85 % of its revenues) are a big part of the problem.
But, for the most part, cities have not yet fully bought in to them, largely because of the inflexibility they introduce: Cities lose their ability to repurpose community - entrusted land for other uses, such as zoning it for commercial use if necessary, because the land is often locked into long - term leases, usually spanning in the 75 - year range.
The company hadn't lost any clients, but attracting new business had proved harder than expected, in part because of the weakened economy.
«What we need to do is help children see that that behavior is a core part of who they are, so that when they grow up they don't lose creativity,» he explains.
And you won't have to worry about losing credibility by being a part of the crowdfunding disaster that's waiting to happen.
A lot can go into perfecting the fine art of mobile optimization, but breaking it down into a few key parts should help ensure you don't lose the plot or get overwhelmed.
That appears to be part of the reason why Britain's Sun newspaper took its paywall down recently — because it had lost a huge proportion of its readership, and that meant it could not be as influential.
«Further testing is required before Song's device could be approved as a treatment for dementia or Alzheimer's, but if it is able to help those patients regain even part of their lost memory function, the impact would be felt not only by the patients themselves, but their families and even the economy at large,» says Science Alert, which notes that Alzheimer's was responsible for a whopping $ 236 billion in healthcare costs last year.
But its true utility is only realized as part of Microsoft Office Small Business Management Edition 2006 (about $ 500 street), and as with any accounting program, its real cost can't be measured in dollars, but in time either saved or lost.
Whether the college endowment tax was politically targeted or part of a larger plan to push schools to lower the barrier to entry, it doesn't change the reality that many liberal arts colleges stand to lose significant endowment income.
And when a fast - food restaurant can't do the «fast» part right, it starts to lose sales, which explains McDonald's prolonged financial doldrums.
He started out as a non-technical entrepreneur until he spoke to's founder Sam Lessin, who said: «Idea people who can't code have to relay their vision to others, and part of the vision inevitably gets lost in translation.
For the better part of a decade, average U.S. commercial real - estate prices have climbed relentlessly, not only recovering all the value lost during the 2008 - 09 financial crisis, but also far exceeding the pre-crash heights of 2006.
Fluctuations in the market price of our Class A common stock could cause you to lose all or part of your investment because you may not be able to sell your shares at or above the price you paid in this offering.
The front page of Fridayâ $ ™ s National Post reported, «The Conservatives will encourage the five provinces that do not have harmonized sales taxes — Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, P.E.I. and Manitoba — to take part by setting up a $ 5 - billion trust fund that would compensate them for lost revenue over the phase - in period.»
Not surprisingly, a quarter of lost jobs occurred in steel - consuming industries such as machinery and equipment, automotive and parts manufacturers.
You may not be able to resell your shares at or above the initial public offering price and may lose all or part of your investment.
«The worst part [of the NDP plan],» Mintz added, «is that it doesn't have good economic impacts because small business deductions contribute to a wall of taxation, so if they grow, they lose some of their benefits and get hit with higher taxes....
They've lost part of their income and can't pay everything they owe.
Part of the problem is that the movie doesn't know what it's about; it keeps changing its mind and losing focus.
The sad part for TD is that they not only lost my mortgage but the lack of special attention to a big customer makes me want to start moving money elsewhere.
Some of the vocal tracks were just recorded onto the computer.For the most part, the whole thing was on four - track, giving it a scratchy feel.The new album will probably cover the whole experience of trying to get my thing off the ground, losing hope and finding hope.So, I think there will be a theme to the whole record, but it won't be as story - driven as the last one.Like in The Novelist, there's a specific «on this song this is happening, and on the next song such - and - such is happening,» along with the character building.
If it is denigrated to something of a ritual then it has lost its essence and does not have any value if the individual is not willing to examine oneself before they take part in communion.
What happens if I lose my job and can only get a series of part - time jobs that add up to forty hours a week but don't offer health insurance?
That counterpoint is not a mere fiction; it is a central part of Kierkegaard's project that here gets lost in the rush of detail.
I guess zombie jesus did preach for everyone, although it looks like everyones failed because theres still a solid amount of jews around, so apparently jesus» message was lost on a hefty amount of people because he thought he could play the part of messiah and didn't convince that many people.
However, when I think of people in parts of Africa, South America, and Asia where laws may prohibit open Christianity, and our brothers and sisters are thrown in jail and many losing their life for the faith — then dealing with a few dirty looks or nasty comments isn't so bad.
It also could mean that they may lose playing time for not being part of the team.
your lost... and missing the best part of life... The joy of Gods love... if you think you do nt need it, you are truley lost... doing good things is great but the love of God is is an unfathomable joy that I hope you find.
So what you're saying is if one of your top atheist leaders being paid to be part of the Atheists Anonymous Association were to start practicing religion he wouldn't lose his job?
If we manage not to lose sight of Scripture, if we remember that our relationship to Christ must take precedent, and if we recognize messages that are extraneous or contrary to Scripture for what they are, engaging with otherwise worthwhile media that has morally questionable content can be an acceptable — indeed, inescapable — part of inhabiting culture.
The problem that most often resulted was that people could understand the small parts just fine, but like western science, lost sight of the whole and couldn't understand how it all was supposed to work together on the grand scale.
Workers shouldn't have to fear losing health care coverage if they lose their job and have to make - do with a series of part - time jobs that do not offer health insurance benefits.
Of course, we will not gain the rights and benefits (or suffer the losses — I have been part of «religious» weddings conducted by churches for elderly couples who did not want to lose retirement benefits if they had a marriage recognized by the state) of a civil marriage.
Eternal security (the belief that a person can not lose his or her salvation) is rejected, since Mormon salvation is based in large part on acts of obedience after an initial faith experience.
The goal here is not the deification of nature, but maybe admitting we have lost sight of whose creation this is, and our part in the creation.
If all Muslims living in the US want to become part of an accepting society one would think they would show sensitivity for the lives lost in lower Manhattan 10 years ago and not build in its shadow.
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