Sentences with phrase «n't meet women»

SWANSBURG: Well, even when I interviewed at the firm that I ended up first working at, it was almost like that is when I saw the hurdle because the whole first round of interviews, I didn't meet any women.
You're not the average guy and you can't meet women or sugar babies like they can.
I wish there weren't any meet women guidelines and everyone functioned the way they should act.
I don't meet women who say that with their words.
I have dated often but have not met the woman whom I am comfortable with to travel the journey that is the rest of my life.
The study tested three conditions where people observed footage of two women in a waiting room, with different groups told that they were watching a live webcam and either told they would or would not meet the women afterwards whilst others were told that the video had been pre-recorded.
With that said, I do nt meet women in the last five years or older.
Sex is not meeting the woman was able to capture the heart, if you think you are, it does.
I am a white male never used drugs and don't drink, I suffer from ADHD, so my problem isn't meeting women, it is paying attention to them for long periods of time without upsetting them, i don't do it intentionally but it has been my nemisis in relationships.
I once had a friend who refused to online date, despite the fact he wasn't meeting any women whatsoever.
You may not meet the woman of your dreams on every outing, but one thing is for certain — You will not likely meet the woman of your dreams while watching Sports Center over and over everyday.
I talked to some men of the say that they have not met any women from this site.
Men's Killer Online Dating Profile Tip!Are you dating online and not meeting the women you crave and would like to meet?I know what you are going through and it can be a lonely place when you aren't getting the results you desire.
Can not and will not meet a woman with tattoos or excessive piercings.
Having said that, there is no firm evidence that somewhere in the mess of the Spanish Civil War Bethune did not meet a woman and did not have a child, and the novelist must be allowed some leeway to carry out his craft - even though this particular device seems to cause Bock to come unstuck with some critics who feel that in failing to return to his motherless daughter Bethune is all too human but not sufficiently humane.
I have dated often but have not met the woman whom I am comfortable with to travel the journey that is the rest of my life.

Not exact matches

White's customer is always «my woman» or «she,» who needs shoes for board meetings, silent auctions and running around on the weekends, not to mention for the opera or a bar mitzvah.
When a woman talks about her big job at Hypermegaglobalcorp, it's too often met with a stare that says, «Oh, so that's why the homework isn't getting done, and your kids look like rug rats.»
Neither woman had met the ENIAC visionary before, but they were not the least bit shy or intimidated.
«You're really not that sexy, there isn't a woman in Russia who wants to meet you and you didn't win a million dollars,» he says, so you'd better hold that click.
This year's awards are open to all Australian business women that meet the entry criteria in the following categories: * Westpac Group Business Owner Award (owners with a 50 per cent share or more in a business, with responsibility for key management decision making); * Australian Government Private and Corporate Sector Award (employees in the private and corporate sectors, or owners with less than a 50 per cent share of a business); * Hudson Community and Government Award (employees of government departments, statutory bodies and not - for - profit organisations); * Panasonic Young Business Women's Award (women aged 30 years and under, with any of the above critewomen that meet the entry criteria in the following categories: * Westpac Group Business Owner Award (owners with a 50 per cent share or more in a business, with responsibility for key management decision making); * Australian Government Private and Corporate Sector Award (employees in the private and corporate sectors, or owners with less than a 50 per cent share of a business); * Hudson Community and Government Award (employees of government departments, statutory bodies and not - for - profit organisations); * Panasonic Young Business Women's Award (women aged 30 years and under, with any of the above criteWomen's Award (women aged 30 years and under, with any of the above critewomen aged 30 years and under, with any of the above criteria).
Whether it is women looking for a shade of hosiery or makeup foundation that matches their skin tone, or hair products that aren't relegated to the tiny «ethnic» section of the store, finding products and services that meet our unique needs is often challenging.
A young woman I hadn't met was standing on a wide ledge that ran along the side of the hotel just below the windowsill.
«However, due to occupational segregation and the devaluation of jobs that women disproportionately hold, outdated labor standards, and insufficient work - family policies, women in the United States aren't able to meet their full economic potential.»
«That bar is not easily met for working class and poor women and men.»
Here's Lucila McElroy, the founder of life - coaching company, explaining just how powerful this approach can be (if you can stomach it): «Not long ago, I had a business meeting scheduled with a woman whom I found intimidating.
But I was just amazed by how everyone, young and old wanted to be involved... and was so deeply enriched and touched by the experience and the laughter and the love I experienced from the people I met and how women would in particular open their hearts to me and tell me the stories of where they've come from, particularly because I have the language and was coming there as a woman and just how touched they were that I was there as a woman from England who's learned the language and who's an artist and running this project and come all the way to see them so they didn't feel forgotten I think that was pretty much what they felt... that their stories were being heard so they don't feel forgotten knowing the tents would be around the world.
While individual asset managers may have had the requisite experience, ownership of firms by minorities and women was more recent, so they didn't meet the institutional ownership threshold.
Balancing parenthood and business is a challenge, but anyone who says it can't be done has not met the millions of dynamic women who do it every day.
This book is inspired by the group of women that I've been meeting with since I began my career a decade ago, and I would not be where I am without their support.
«Not too long ago I met a woman who had been working in a flower shop for 10 years.
They must have a driver to go meet friends at a shopping center, since Saudi women can not drive.
Shulkin said he had no involvement with his chief of staff's actions and didn't realize the woman who gave him the tickets, Invictus Games adviser Victoria Gosling, might not meet the legal bar for personal friendship.
According to recent procurement statistics, even though the overall 23 % small business procurement goal was recently met, the 5 % goal for federal spending with women - owned small businesses was not - nor has it ever - been met.
From your experience, do you ever see or have you ever experienced the onus on the wife or women not being met?
A group of women I met in Malawi (on my recent trip to visit a number of Tearfund projects) didn't hold back from dancing at their finance meetings.
Kody's behavior is out of the «norm»... he doesn't act very mature & does not seem to «meet» the needs of all these woman.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, initially surprised by the Vatican's report last month, «plans to move slowly, not rushing to judgment» when the group's 21 - member board meets for three days in Washington, D.C., beginning Tuesday.
As that woman was asked about what changed in her religious life after she «met» Yeshua, she said, «Not that much.»
Jesus didn't need to do an online search before he told the woman at the well her life's story... after just meeting her.
If you still do not understand, let me take you back to our now - famous women's meeting.
I don't give a damn for womens or Sistah meetings either.
Are men and women who aren't married to each other allowed to meet together?
If I had been asked 10 years ago to describe a woman I admire, or a woman I deemed valorous, a single mother barely making ends meet would not have crossed my mind.
If these women do nt want to hear it, do nt want to have their meeting begin with the prayers to some pretend men in the sky who do nt exist, if that feels absurd to them, if they'd prefer the meetings me grounded in reality and good conscious decisions..
But the ritual of shaking hands — not to mention putting your hand on the belly of a woman you have never met before — reminds us that the Christian faith is insistently incarnational.
For 2,000 years, men and women have tried to discern a call and find their way in the ministry, only to find a world of expectations that can not be met.
22: 28 - 29 in my Bible says: «If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her.
She felt guilty if she did not sing in the choir, attend all women's meetings and teach Sunday school.
Brigitte, what is in between «If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver» and «because he has violated her.
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