Sentences with phrase «n't nurse your child»

While I would not choose to rock climb with my child on my back, I also wouldn't nurse my child until age 5 or have him / her sleep in the same bed with me until age 5 or allow him / her to eat fast food or a lot of other actions that other parents might do.
Some women can not nurse their children due to health issues.
«It's something that is voluntary and it takes time and it's just very generous of these women who help those of us who can't nurse their children or elect not to for various reasons.»

Not exact matches

With greater sincerity (one hopes), undertakers calm the grieving, nurses comfort the sick, and migrant nannies lavish on other people's children the love they aren't present to furnish back home...
She will not be executed until her daughter is two years old, allowing time for her to nurse her child.
I shouldn't have been so surprised to recognize God when I gloated over sleeping children or nursed through cluster feeds or washed soiled sheets in the middle of the night or clapped until my fingers tingled over Christmas carols in school gyms or read aloud childish stories printed on construction paper or welcomed friends for sleepovers.
Fear, on the other hand, is a dry nurse for the child: it has no milk; a bloodless corrector for the youth: it has no beckoning encouragement; a niggardly disease for the adult: it has no blessing; a horror for the aged: when fear has to admit that the long painful time of schooling did not bring Eternal Blessedness.
The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives loose to his worst passions; and, thus nursed, educated and daily exercised in tyranny, can not but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities.3
Nursing a child is not the same as sitting naked in the parlor.
Because of that week, not only was my own life changed profoundly through friendships and awakenings, but I'm proud to say that we — and I mean all of us because you have all walked this road with our family — we have partnered with incredible leaders to build a school for kids in earthquake ground zero Port - au - Prince (staffed and run by Haitians), supported a home - based village for trafficked children near the border, built a preschool for early support for these children, supported schooling and food programs in neglected villages decimated by the cholera outbreak, supported pregnant and nursing women with a fantastic maternity centre, and so much more.
He told gathered crowds that at his hospital, doctors and nurses must focus on children and not fall prey to corruption.
Of course I nursed my child in my parents home, they did not have a problem with it and neither do any other mothers I know!
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), one of our more recent confessions states that even though we rebel against God, God remains faithful, «like a mother who will not forsake her nursing child, like a father who runs to welcome the prodigal home.»
She had borne children, nursed, fed and washed them, sewn, cooked and swept, eaten little, traveled not at all in her years, suffered much pain, never known the ease of superfluity; but her back had been straight, her ways straight, her eyes quiet and her manners gentle.
In fact, most women that I know, including myself, use a cover and very discreetly nurse their child — you wouldn't even know what was going on unless you were staring.
I am now an old grandmother but I was given a piece of advice from a baby health nurse when my first child was going through the not - eating stage.
In fact, ABA member companies voluntarily display total caffeine content — from all sources — on their packages along with advisory statements indicating that the product is not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women and persons sensitive to caffeine.
We have not had our Christmas proper yet as three of the «Children» were working over the Christmas, Eric is a paramedic, Lisa a Security officer and Emma is a nurse.
Each 1.2 oz bar contains 50 mg of caffeine and carries the warning that they are not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women, or people sensitive to caffeine.
After all, it's not like I began my nursing journey saying, â $ œI want to nurse my child until she's at least four.
I loved nursing my children but was not really into wearing them in a carrier.
If you are mostly nursing (meaning you can still be getting SOME formula but not enough to feed your child) you get significantly more foodstamps.
So I just don't get the «too much pressure to breastfeed» when all around me are images of bottles, ads for formula telling me a happy feeding makes a happy mom, bottlefeeding moms, moms and doctors and nurses telling new moms that formula is «just as good» and «not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not to feel guilty», women getting «the look» for nursing in public, or feeling weird about doing it (I sure did)-- to me, any pressure out there is NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.NOT to breastfeed, or do it as little as possible (not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not if it's not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not immediately easy or you don't love every minute, not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not past 6 mos, not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not in public, not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not around male relatives and friends, not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not around children, not if you ever want to go out alone sometime.not if you ever want to go out alone sometime...)
They're not there when: * your baby is diagnosed failure to thrive * you're threatened with formula feeding or the child will be removed from your care * the severe jaundice * the stinky teas and horsepills * your baby starts crying when you unbutton your shirt to feed them * your child eventually refuses the breast * you nurse, then formula feed, then pump, then feed what you pumped, and then start all over again without a break * the lactation consultants who offer helpful hints like «you must be doing it wrong» or «stop being so lazy!»
As for tandem nursing (nursing two or more children), first of all, I know you didn't mean this in a bad way, but Ava will not be «stealing» from her brother.
Your child's friends, with statistically normal parenting, will not be nursing at age 4 or 4.5 or 5 years old.
It is absurd to think that I am somehow forcing the nursing on my child, as he is the one who requests it, not I. I do not offer if he does not ask and many times he asks and I try to divert his attention to something else that we can do together, like extra playtime.
I would love to nurse my next child as long as he / she needs it but I don't know if I could handle all of the criticisms I know I would receive.
Nursing is not just about giving a child nutrition but it is also about comfort.
After nursing two kids (although usually not at the same time) for a year and a half, I was ready to go back to nursing just one child.
I wouldn't be surprised when data comes out, in 20 years, that children nursed beyond 1 year were more likely to thrive socially and economically
It is my hope that as a result of segments like the one on 20/20 and the fact that more women are feeling comfortable speaking out about long - term nursing (as evidenced by all of the comments and Tweets I received), that others will not feel like they need to be «closet nursers» nor feel pressured by family, friends or society in general to wean before they feel it is right for them and their child.
It is very encouraging and I am glad I'm not the only mom nursing her child past 2 (especially amid a ton of criticism here)!
I haven't had any children of my own, but my parents have photos of my mother nursing both myself, and my sister B -, while pregnant with my sister A -.
Hmmm... every time I have flown with my baby, he was nursing... or had just fallen asleep after nursing, so I didn't hold him the way I was suppose to for take - off... but you know — when a baby has just fallen asleep on a plane, you do NOT want to move the child AT ALL for fear that he'll wake up!
I was born in the late 70s in Norway and the breast - feeding trend hadn't quite caught on yet, but I was lucky enough to have a grandmother who nursed all her three children through a time when formula was the norm.
I've made a few errors along the way, in regards to not realizing I needed to teach my nursing infant to fall asleep on his own because I never had this issue with my other children.
When lying on my death bed, I won't remember how much money I had, I'd remember the good things in life and I have many fond memories of nursing my children.
My baby wouldn't latch on As a mom who has nursed 4 children (including twins) it is VERY difficult for me to not respond and correct the mother that these are untrue.
I didn't drink coffee at all until after my fourth child was born and done nursing.
Meanwhile, a heated debate happened in a Facebook group I belong to for mamas who also happen to be «geeks» about whether or not a husband's request that his wife, the original poster, refrain from putting photos of her and their child nursing, lest his colleagues and employers see these photos and feel uncomfortable.
But... but... but... I don't want other women to give up on breastfeeding because they believe something to be true that really isn't true and I don't want you to be robbed of the opportunity to nurse your future children (if you want to) because you believe something that really isn't true.
Three of our boys simply didn't nurse very well and our first child was the worst.
Don't get me wrong: I'm relieved as hell to not be nursing all night long, or being kicked / head - butted / otherwise inconvenienced by an ever - growing child.
Other customers would of course prefer not to have a hungry baby screaming the place down, and usually they would have to strain / leer / stare very hard indeed to view the tiny amount of breast tissue that may be visible while any child is nursing!
For mothers who want to continue providing their child with the best possible nutrition, but for some reason can not nurse exclusively, they supplement formula along with breast milk.
Do not try to nurse on a rigid schedule but provide milk whenever your child starts to show signs of hunger including mouthing, increased alertness or rooting.
As with any other situation that may not have a definite answer, always talk to your child's pediatrician before you decide whether or not weaning is the cause of this lack of interest in nursing.
Note that Claritin does not have any ill effects on your milk production or ability to nurse your child.
Food poisoning may not pose a direct risk to your baby since you'll be the one suffering from it, but it will still impact your ability to nurse your child properly while you're sick.
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