Sentences with phrase «n't occupy the territory»

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Under international law it is clear that they can not claim self defense when they are occupying the Palestinian territory
@Chad «ok, so you have given up on maintaining that Babylonians Romans, Persians, Ottomans ever had any «common practice of destroying the gods, and killing the religious followers of the conquered indigenous people (don't forget, Christianity arose as a sect of Judaism, in an occupied Roman territory (Judea).
Their life as an «odd sect» with the simplest of economic pursuits within occupied territory did not give occasion for such responsibility.
I think drones are the way to go 1) cheaper 2) Cuts down on the loss of servicemen 3) less injuries to servicemen mean less cost to the taxpayer 4) The enemy can't say «we're occupying» their territory 5) Instant response 6) keep enemy off guard Last but not least 7) THEY WORK!
But 61 percent of respondents opposed any compromise on Jerusalem, and 75 percent agreed with the statement, «The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel.»
The people in Palestine still occupied their own territory and continued to live by their own traditions; but for that very reason they were not obliged to cut themselves off so completely from the rest of the world as were the Jewish people later, when it became necessary for their self - preservation, exiled as they were from their land and scattered among the nations of the world.
When Israeli soldiers killed a woman and her six children on Lebanese territory, which they have occupied in violation of all UN resolutions, this is not called terrorism.
Your assumptions that someone is or isn't «illegally occupying» territory, or that something is or is not illegal under international law, isn't really how international law works.
Every such state has the right to territorial integrity which means that another state may not occupy parts of its territory.
«It can not be force used against the territorial integrity or political independence of another State because the actor State is merely occupying its own territory
The article's main claim - that Israel is planning to occupy Syrian territory to create a «safe zone» - didn't realize so far, 3 months after it was made.
A redistribution of resources demands rethinking who is included and who is excluded by «Israel 2011»; whether the young couples who can not afford a flat in Rothschild Boulevard should move to Ariel instead; or rather, whether resources from the occupied territories should be redirected towards those who have been carrying the burden of the occupation on their backs for years.
One interesting part of the question that hasn't been addressed is why a Palestinian state wasn't created in 1948 - 1967 when Arabs hold the now occupied territories.
I would guess that they haven't (yet) engaged with Muslims in Palestine to occupy territory.
It happened again in Palestine in 2006, when Hamas sleep - walked into shouldering a responsibility it did not want and was not prepared for, for governing the Occupied Territories, also with unwelcome consequences for everybody.
Yet you can still see the potential for the SNP to push for policies that Labour might favour if it didn't have compete so hard on territory occupied by the Conservatives.
Many readers of the letter will not miss her reference to Israel and the Palestinian occupied territories, where Israeli settlers continue to defy international opinion.
My question is to what extent is Israel (mainland not referring to occupied disputed territories) a liberal democracy?
Can you quote any a source that claims the contrary (and not about the occupied territories or a generic «Israel is the devil» site)?
Doesn't Blue Labour occupy exactly this territory?
The acting executive secretary added that the report did not state that Boko Haram insurgents still occupied territories in the North - East as at the time of consultation with stakeholders.
«It's not that they want to move E.U. money into the occupied territories,» Beja says.
The results clearly indicate that HP populations were capable, despite the pronounced aridity that characterised the period in which they lived, to exploit territories and ecosystems that the preceding Still Bay people did not occupy.
isn't offensive; it occupies a territory beyond the offensive, where you temporarily suspend any faith in reason or an order to the universe.
Now, with Defiance, director Edward Zwick, is upping the ante further by recounting the heroic exploits of a courageous band of guerillas who not only escaped from the ghettos of Poland but subsequently staged daring raids back into Nazi - occupied territory to rescue other imperiled Jews.
There's little left to be said of the new Golf GTI that hasn't already been said many times elsewhere; it's the best all - around performance package available right now for around $ 30,000 or less, and I admit that wholeheartedly as an owner of competitive vehicle that occupies the same market territory.
Benchmark the Ford Fusion against comparable products from Toyota and Honda — Ford does, so we might as well, too — and it doesn't quite match: The Fusion is slotted between the Toyota Corolla and the Camry, and between the Honda Civic and Accord, occupying the market territory once held by the Nissan Altima before the Altima was redesigned in 2002 as a much bigger, nicer, pricier car.
Jordan and Egypt occupied the other parts of the territory that had been assigned by the partition resolution to the Palestinian Arab State, which did not come into being.
Great, or main, races occupying vast territories aren't completely identical.
A colony typically occupies and defends a specific territory where food and shelter are available, such as dumpsters or restaurants, beneath porches, or in abandoned buildings.Because a female cat can become pregnant as early as five months of age, the number of feral cats in a community can rapidly increase if cats aren't spayed or neutered.
Scratching is a dual - purpose territory marker: It leaves visual evidence that a cat occupies a space, and the scent glands in your cat's paw pads leave another message cats can't ignore.
For this discussion, territory doesn't mean the house or yard or neighborhood, it means the space the dog is occupying right now.
In Argentina, the Scotia Sea is considered part of an area known as the Mar Argentino, and several territories claimed but not occupied by Argentina, such as South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, lie within this region.
In The Day we Saw Nothing In Front of Us (2015) takes images of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories and then proceeds to scratch them out, revealing not only the possibility of an iconoclastic future but the materiality of the image itself whereby violence can be enacted upon the violence depicted.
This radical re-marketing of the island's contemporary art raises funds to resist the oppression of communities displaced by civil war, channelling resources that are not under government control to the formerly Tamil - occupied territories of the North and East of the country.»
However, the artist's recent move to real - world politics is not always successful: comprising 12 American flags hung from the ceiling, on the opposite side of each are flags from US - entangled nations, Occupied Territories is jarringly heavy - handed for an artist known for her subtlety.
In an abrupt about - turn, he revealed not pristine, sacred American nature, but the suburbs proliferating out of the cities; the landscape as increasingly occupied territory.
Socio - urban and architectural theory has argued that space is not self - evident, rather that it is socially produced; we produce the city, the digital landscape, office waiting rooms, the postal system, the nation and its territory by the way we live in and occupy it, use it, by what we wait for in it, send through it, and the violence we use to try to control it.
Occupying uncertain territory between documentary and fiction, he lays bare hedonic reversal, a pleasure in pain that is foreign to him, a pleasure in social and cultural ruins: «I have been looking at how to construct ruins that don't carry this pain.
At that time, circa 1965, because the lively, archive - oriented revisionist art history had not yet begun, there was no more turf left to be occupied in old art — no more to say about Michelangelo et cetera — so the younger art historians invaded the territory of contemporary art, colonized it, and brought with them their fangs - bared killer instinct of the departmental paper chase.
Not primarily about migration, but a case arising out of the long - running conflict between Morocco, as occupying power, and the Western Sahara as occupied territory.
It's not like there aren't smartphones that occupy this territory already, somewhere just below OnePlus 5T, ZTE Axon 7 and Honor View 10 launch prices.
Indigenous peoples have the right to redress, by means that can include restitution or, when this is not possible, just, fair and equitable compensation, for the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, taken, occupied, used or damaged without their free, prior and informed consent.
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