Sentences with phrase «n't pay back the loan»

Generally speaking, Fillet says, franchisees take out loans to build out their locations, and then often don't have adequate working capital once they open their doors, and thus can't pay back the loans.
This is because there is a higher risk that you won't pay back the loan if you borrow a lot or if you plan to repay the loan over a long period of time.
The idea is that if the borrower can't pay back the loan for whatever reason, the co-signer assumes responsibility for paying it back in full, or until circumstances get better for the main borrower.
As part of the terms of the partnerships crafted by China's government, if the nations that borrow the money can't pay back those loans, China assumes control of those projects.
«The average cost to government of providing this student finance is large (between # 13,000 and # 18,000 per trainee for postgraduate ITT and between # 10,000 and # 27,000 for undergraduate ITT), as a teacher with typical career progression would not pay back their loan before it is written off.
But it's not a good option for those who can't pay back the loan.
This is because there is a higher risk that you won't pay back the loan if you borrow a lot or if you plan to repay the loan over a long period of time.
Some lenders charge as much as 4000 % APR, and this can land customers in financial hardship if they can't pay back the loan on time.
OK, having said all that and being clear that you are only talking about a short - term loan and not a way of life nor a change in lifestyle that will tempt you to not pay back your loan, it's probably fine to borrow from your 401 (k) for any of the three reasons mentioned above.
Also, if there were further unforeseen circumstances where you couldn't pay back the loan in full when you said you would could cause friction and ill feeling.
A cosigner should have a strong credit history that puts lenders at ease, as well as the willingness and means to put their own finances on the line if the student can't pay back their loan.
Notice: If you do not pay back your loan according to the terms the lender may charge you late fees and turn your loan over to a collection agency which may affect your credit score.
This means that if your business can not pay back the loan, the lender reserves the right to take possession of your business assets to satisfy the debt.
With peer to peer lending, you get a higher return on your investment, but there is the risk that the borrower won't pay back the loan, causing you to lose money.
This effective rate climbs again if you don't pay back your loan within those three months.
There is a low risk for the lender, since he is entitled by law to keep your home if you do not pay back the loan.
Cosigners more or less act as a safety net for your lender: If you can't pay back your loan, they will turn to your cosigner, whoever that may be.
If you can not pay back your loan right away, you risk acquiring even more debt, which will harm your financial situation even further.
If borrowers can't pay back their loans, your Finance stocks will suffer.
In the event you can't pay back your loan, your home might face foreclosure.
If you fall behind or don't pay back your loan, your cosigner's credit can suffer if they don't make payments.
If a lender doesn't sell a loan to investors, it can pretty much make up its own underwriting rules, because the lender assumes the risk and takes the loss if the borrower doesn't pay back the loan.
Longer time frames increase the chances that the borrower may not pay back the loan, or that interest rates could shift.
Overseas or at home, if you don't pay back your loans, it'll reflect poorly on your credit report and scores.
There is no excuse to not pay back your loans and if you need to rework your budget, it is something you need to consider.
Not paying back your loan on time can affect your credit score, and this will be visible to other lenders in the future, reducing your chances of your approval for taking out a loan elsewhere.
If you can't pay back your loan for any reason, contact your lender immediately to discuss alternatives.
If you talk to a lawyer and your lawyer says not to do anything, don't pay back your loans «get your lawyer to put that in writing for you»!!!! There is a legal opinion from Charles Rotenberg stating that these are real loans and they need to be serviced.
If you take a withdrawal or don't pay back the loan, you reduce the death benefit for your heirs.
Secured loans typically have lower interest rates because if you can't pay back your loan, lenders have a way of recovering at least some of the cost.
They're secured loans, which means if you don't pay back your loan with minimum payments each month, your car could be repossessed.
Essentially, auto loans are secured loans, with the vehicle itself acting as a sort of collateral against default (i.e., if you don't pay back your loan, the lender can sell the car to get their money back), which means less risk to the lender.
If you can't pay back the loan, collateral items at stake typically include your home or car and you could lose one or both!
Technically it can't — Texas passed a law in 2012 specifically prohibiting lenders from filing criminal complaints against borrowers who can't pay back their loan.
If you don't pay back your loan interest the carrier will simply add the interest to your outstanding loan balance.
Diversifying across multiple LendingClub Notes is important because if one borrower doesn't pay back their loan, your investment loss may be offset by the other borrowers that do.
I've had difficulty with the federal nursing loan repayment program because they don't pay back loans that have been consolidated.
You may lose your collateral if you don't pay back your loan.
No matter which way you obtain the financing you need, never forget that collateral can be seized (and sold, when appropriate) if you don't pay back your loan as agreed.
Using your car as collateral also means you can lose your car if you don't pay back the loan on time.
Borrowers who can't pay back their loans, borrowers who somehow get off their repayment track, scammers... oh, and the literal trillions of dollars in debt weighing entire generations down.
They also become liable in the event you can't pay back the loan.
If you do not pay back the loan, they will take it from the cash value of your policy or your death benefit.
If you do not pay back the loan, the unpaid amount plus interest will be deducted from your death benefit.
(If you don't pay back the loan before your death, that amount plus any unpaid interest will be subtracted from your death benefit.
Instead, your cash value is used as collateral so that if you do not pay back the loan because say you die, the company first repays itself from your cash value before paying out the death benefit.
Just remember that if you don't pay back the loans before the death benefit is paid out, it will reduce the proceeds that your heirs receive.
If you don't pay back a loan, the interest being charged reduces your cash value.
You can repay the loan in full, repay just the interest, or not pay back the loan or interest.
The policyholder can then choose to repay the loan in full, repay just the interest, or not pay back the loan or interest.
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