Sentences with phrase «n't quack»

He doesn't quack, but tries to bark.
Yup, we have plenty of special snowflakes out there who thought they were the chosen ones to discover what was surely an incredible high margin recurring revenue machine... Maybe so — except I came along & reminded them if doesn't quack like a duck & it doesn't look like a duck, it may not be a fuckin» duck....
The Crosstour may look like just another fastback - utility crossover duck, but it sure doesn't quack like one.
He campaigned around the state like a duck, but didn't quack.
My hubby has gotten very much better with this type of treatment, but look for a licensed classical homeopathic doc, not a quack.
The Gunners CBs will not quack but remain solid.
David Tepper is a brilliant investor, (not a quack) but note that he did not say that stocks are a great value over the next ten years for example.

Not exact matches

But that won't prevent greed - crazed brokers and bankers from reacting to that old Wall Street maxim: «when the ducks are quacking, you better find something to feed them» (or your competition surely will).
I suppose many consider church to be just like a quack cure, full of promises but not delivering on the results?
I like to debate if people show they have a legitimate point to make, but quacks like cosmos and salero just aren't worth my time
It's always been amazing to me that people take the word of quacks like Bart Ehrman just because he has alphabet soup after his name, but they don't take the word of men like Polycarb, Ignatius, and Clement.
It found prayer was not effective, and even less effective than the hokey quack medicine «techniques» which at least helped people by giving them positive human attention.
You don't write off all hospitals just because you hear about one quack doctor, and you shouldn't write off all charities just because a few get caught spending funds poorly.
On the other hand, Addicted to Quack wasn't worried one bit about Oregon falling to No. 3 with a month to go.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why
Addicted To Quack wasn't too happy with being ranked third, but knows there's plenty of season left.
Now, charming and charismatic does not mean that someone is a snake oil salesman or otherwise a quack, but it absolutely does not preclude it.
What about the MD quack who was telling people they have cancer when they don't, who was giving people treatments they didn't need, and who all the while was a «respected» member of the medical community?
Midwives are quacks, and really shouldn't even be allowed to practice.
Featuring an old photo of her family with someone dressed as apparently as Donald Duck and apparently at a childhood birthday party («Oops, that link wasn't what it was quacked up to be»), it also includes a volunteer signup link.
According to the prosecution, the quack doctor did not learn his lessons and went back to his old ways, this time around, changing the name of his facility to Family Community Hospital.
Also opens another round of «I am not running although God knows I want to but I won't and I'm not» yawns from soon - unemployed Bloomberg, whose witch doctors must now either sit shiva, find a new gravy train or more ways for Lame - duck Mike to quack.
By not passing the bill to protect LGBT youth from conversion efforts, our youth remain vulnerable to harm at the hands of quack therapists.
I don't like the title quack - buster at all.
He paints them as either ignorant, money - hungry quacks who don't have a clue what real medicine is, or dismisses them as vapid celebrities who should do their homework before influencing the public by endorsing medical treatments.
Many steps of the holistic treatment for Candida are also recommended by allopathic doctors, so the holistic approach is not just another pseudo-scientific quack.
To be fair, if those laws didn't exist every quack in the country would claim that they could cure cancer with a variety of non-effective treatments and many people would die unnecessarily (although many people are being injured from conventional therapies).
That's something the paleo quack movement won't tell you, and don't want you to hear.
Maliciousboy — So you are telling me I should listen to you and not take vitamins — You are telling me that Linus Pauling was a quack.
(2) Any person who calls another a quack because he does not have an AMA membership or a degree from a Flexner — Fishbein Medical School loses all credibility.
There is so much misinformation on the Internet that a large portion of the country thinks they are doing well by following the latest quack diet like Paleo, low - carb, low - fat, and many more that simply do not focus on the nutrition / calorie ratio of whole plant - based products.
I really don't think people like Dr. Eric Westman are quacks
A vegan diet has done wonders for me and I really don't think people like Dr. Michael Greger are quacks.
I wouldn't touch a girl scout cookie with a ten foot pole & Dr. Oz is a quack!
So pardon me for having an opinion and not following the incomplete, inconsistent data provided by a study that has been discredited countless times nor the claims made by two complete quacks.
Of course, I'm sure you'll refer to him as some kind of quack or snake oil salesman, because he doesn't follow what is engrained in nutrition courses and books, and guidelines thrown together by the USDA, which by the way, has done nothing to make us healthier as a population.
I am not sure if some homeopathic quack told you this or if you read it in some juicing manual, but it is absolutely unfounded.
It's very easy to refer to someone as a «phony» or «quack» if we don't believe in or understand what they are doing.
Don't believe the QUACKS, and instead use the ridiculous amount of money you'd be throwing away on these pointless scams to buy healthy food, join a fitness program or heck, pay off your credit card!
I do not think he is a quack.
Lots of quacks and I do nt know how to find reliable help.
For those without a reference point, this may feel like a pretty but archaic platformer, but if you can get past the obtrusive cut - scenes, fans of the NES classic shouldn't think twice about giving this a quack.
There are bits and bobs that don't measure up — grainy «camera footage», underdeveloped secondary characters — but for a movie equally given to quirks, quacks and quarks, the bumbling never detracts from the charm.
Every time you promote a now discredited theory, you are doing even more damage — you are not only risking the whole profession being seen as quacks and new age romantics, you may well be harming learners.
«Charter schools ought to be unique and meet the needs of their specific community,» she said, «and not just look and quack like all the other ducks.»
Michigan's charter school «industry» — and that's what it is, an industry; not an educational system, but rather a business model designed to steal public money and slip it into private bank accounts — is wildly out of control, an unregulated Wild West playground for unscrupulous hucksters, quacks and charlatans who see our school system and our children as an untapped well - spring of profits.
Richard Carter, the epitome of public - relations perfection in dress and in diction (South African, when he isn't doing a fine impression of my Michigander nasal quacking), recalled endless discussions over naming the exciting new shape, designed by Andreas Thurner.
If that doesn't prove that he's a quack then I don't know what will.
In the meantime, the only quacking I want to hear is from the real ducks at the pond, not from those on two legs who ought to know better but who are either incapable of independent thought and research or are afraid of it.
Quack, Quack, Quack... If you don't, you will turn into a little peep... and those get eaten!
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