Sentences with phrase «n't shake my fist»

I don't shake my fist at imaginary beings.
I don't shake my fist at God anymore... suffering is life, as is humor and joy and anger and resentment and gratitude and forgiveness and every other human emotion that drives us.

Not exact matches

People don't expect us to lecture or hector or try and shake our fist at the world.
Many outside observers can only shake their heads in pity that more isn't being done to help or shake their fists in rage that the police aren't cracking down harder.
William your reality is not my reality, the belief in Christ has survived over 2000 years and it will survive your angry fist being shook at the sky as well.
This description should not conjure up pictures of sinners wrathfully shaking their fists at God, flagrantly seeking to do their neighbors in, and offering their passionate devotion to conspicuous gods.
even when we shake our fists at Him and say we don't believe in Him — somehow, some way, God always manages to show up.
Attacking Jerusalem is a surefire way to bring God's wrath (good advice, don't shake you're fist at the God of the universe.)
In a fit of rage, she shook her fist at the sky and shouted, «You can't do this to me!»
Well, I'm sorry people don't like God and would rather shake their fist at Him, but does my above statement make sense?
Of course there will be an argumentative few who shake their fists and insist this is not proper cookie dough and to them I say pshaw — go on and eat your raw eggs and raw flour, if you need me I'll be watching from the corner with a cup of tea and a pile of cookie dough truffles.
His fist is shaking like mad, bec oh his desire to win and not to lose.
He wouldn't cry or be upset but he would keep chewing on his fists and shake his head back and forth.
I shake my fist every time I'm in the grocery store because I can't get yogurt without a long list of additives, including high fructose corn syrup.
It did not end well and after I thawed out enough to make a fist, I shook it as I announced that my camping career was now over.
Considering that Smith claims that he made this film for teen girls, not for one moment does Yoga Hosers feel like anything other than a mid-40s writer / director shaking his fist at a younger phone - desperate generation, making inside jokes for the adults in the audience and lambasting the critics that have wronged him in the past.
They simply don't get enough screen time, and what few Michelle scenes there were had me throwing my patio door open, shaking my fists in the general direction of Hollywood, and berating them for not appreciating Alyson Hannigan for her comedic skills.
Perhaps the next time a strange or thoughtless homework assignment emerges from a child's knapsack, a parent will be inspired not to take to Twitter or Facebook and shake a fist, but to march instead into their school or to take the floor at their local school board waive a copy of this Politico piece and demand, «Why aren't we doing this?»
And do recall that readers are the people who matter here, not some little wannabe «author» angrily shaking his fist at what amounts to a net positive change for all three groups: «authors,» «writers,» and readers.
(accompanied by hundreds of shaking fists sticking out of high - rise windows)-- and believe that the bad guy is Amazon, then this behavior won't change.
A book like Blackbirds has gone on to sell in various other countries (France, Turkey, Poland, Germany) and has had, erm, other licensing success that I can't talk about here yet — * shakes fist * — which puts it in very comfortable financial territory for a book most publishers seemed to love but believed they could not sell.
But hey, I'm not a developer, I'm just the bloke poking at stuff with a stick and commenting on it when it wobbles or shakes an angry fist at me.
Deaths never fill cheap or out of place though you will shake your fist in frustration at falling into a pit or spikes countless times, not because you're upset at the game but because you thought you knew better after the last pit or spike that claimed your life.
That's not to say this new game isn't difficult in its own ways, because there were a few spots that will make players shake their fists at the screen.
Even now Reggie Fils - Amie is probably leaning out of his car somewhere and shaking his fist at a billboard for Ready Player One and yelling «THIS IS N'T FUN!».
However, it is reasonable to assume otherwise: oil prices are expected to continue to rise and the oil execs running ANWR will be doing it for a profit — meaning they will charge as much as they reasonably can for their product (something anybody who owns a business would do, so don't reflexively start shaking your fists at the oil execs).
Not a hint of the rhetorical fist - shaking that drains the credibility of so many appellate briefs.
You shake your fist — literally or figuratively — at the airline and hope it knows it's going to pay for what it did (or didn't do).
I'm not railing and shaking my fist at fate, my ex or the universe.
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