Sentences with phrase «n't sleazy»

The bar wasn't that sleazy, but it was awfully cheap.
The victim isn't sleazy enough to be funny, the violence is too glib to be serious, and there's, overall, a jarring divide occurring here.
The Miss Great Britain Party wants to make Westminster «sexy not sleazy».
It's basically a bunch of waitresses dressed in cute maid outfits (not sleazy, by any means), who are super cute and polite and we had to do all kinds of funny little cheers before we ate our very cute food.
OBC has always been sexy but not sleazy, with a fun, light - hearted approach to flirting and hooking up.
Slick but not sleazy, hip but not just for hipsters, I Love You Phillip Morris is a traditional love story with a definite modern twist, in a must - see feature devoid of genericism but full of heart.
It's not sleazy or pushy to handle objections.

Not exact matches

Being a saleswoman doesn't mean being sleazy or dishonest.
He said, «You're the first guy who didn't make me feel sleazy and dirty for being interested in nudity.»
It's about a guy who creates websites that most of us ignore because they look sleazy and aren't something to be proud of.
How to Write a Persuasive Sales Page (Even If You Hate Selling)[Infographic] Selling doesn't have to be «sleazy» — it can be helpful, timely and informative.
I can't tell you how often we encounter clients who've been essentially extorted by their web design firms over their domain names — sleazy firms will require a «transfer payment» to give over control of the domain, sometimes $ 500 or more.
Dateline NBC did a remarkable expose on EIAs in 2008, catching sleazy annuity - pushers in the act and talking to seniors who lost thousands by investing in EIAs («you can't lose money!»)
And if he could do it all over again, he wouldn't have accepted a vice president position at a «sleazy bucket shop» after business school.
Since you are a sleazy troll pretending to be Doc, I really don't have to explain anything to you other that what a scumbag you are.
If it weren't for Joseph's p0rn addiction that caused him to neglect my mother's needs, she never would have gone out and gotten picked up by «God» at a sleazy singles bar, and yours truly, your lord and savior, would never have been born.
Well, it's because no religious value, rule, law, tenet, or bit of dogma EVER trumps this nation's laws and we all agree on that, otherwise you might as well make the sleazy pope President and let the Ayatollah Khomeni be Vice President and we will live under religious sharia law with death for anyone who speaks blasphemy or who «dishonors» any religious figure whether real or not.
«I would suggest you read the Bible in its entirety, not pick and chooses passages out of context without relevance, that are suggested reading from sleazy websites.»
If you are investing so much of your time on the Bible, I would suggest you read the Bible in its entirety, not pick and chooses passages out of context without relevance, that are suggested reading from sleazy websites.
a0a0 Politiadcians and their daladliances or I should say men in power and their dcieanals.a0 What's up with that?a0 Oh, nevaderadmind, justa0 saying... Any man who has a 13a0year relaadtionadship with a woman, plaadtonic or with benadeadfits, withadout telling his wife has someadthing to be ashamed of.a0 In a «helpading someadone out» kind of sitaduadaadtion, the wife is usuadally advised and involved.a0 Mrs. C. is not happy, believe me.The devolvading of «Womadens» Rights» and make me furiadous.a0 I rememadber horadror stoadries of sleazy hotel aboradtions «back in the day».
It was a sleazy affair, with the newspapers publishing Weakland's long and maudlin love letter to the young man - a letter not untouched by poignant moments of contrition.
These prices are not due to the high costs of producing porn, which is well known for its sleazy pay scales.
There's something uncanny about a lawsuit in which Woody Allen pillories the defendant as «sleazy» and «infantile,» prompting said defendant to argue «that it can't have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined....
(oh and lastly all pictures and words are mine, yes mine, don't be sleazy and steal work..
Clearly the BBC budget didn't stretch to a well dressed pundit for Hull... looks orange, scruffy and sleazy with his 70's medallion, shirt hardly buttoned and hair scraped into a lovely fetching bun.
He's done some sleazy shit but if he wasn't banned for that you can't ban him for knowing his way around the NCAA system!
«There's not going to be this back noise of how corrupt and sleazy he is.»
Let us not be swayed by this moronic YouTube video, or for that matter any of Blakeman's reliably - sleazy gimmicks!
I'd also say this: What looks like sleazy or stupid behavior often isn't illegal.
I don't think Ed Cox is corrupt or sleazy and I think the party is in a better place than it's been.
«Surely we should be fighting corruption in the world, not feeding it with fat contracts that filch the earnings of British taxpayers to fund the lavish lifestyles of sleazy Chinese elites.»
Yet they are the least - understood players in the Albany game, because they avoid the spotlight and because they don't always fit the sleazy caricature of their profession.
Of course he did have the small problem that many good organizations don't want to take any discretionary dollar from him - even if it is our tax money - because they don't want to deal with his sleazy self in any way
The voters could easily switch to the LibDems (Calamity Clegg he may be but he appeals to women whilst Vince Cable comes across as well informed and sensible), the Greens (the fruits of a quarter of a century of green propaganda in our state schools and the Greens are the only party not seen as sleazy), the BNP (as the depression bites and unemployment rises, immigration will become a huge issue) or UKIP (Nigel Farage, the ace communicator, dispenses common sense in a straightforward manner and UKIP will become prominent in the EU Parliament elections next spring).
Jesus does not dump a guy just because he is sleazy.
If we are going to get her out of office we do not need a political insider attached to the sleazy corruption of trooper gate, and worked for Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal.
Plenty of his MPs think Mr Bercow is a sleazy traitor but the Tory leader prefers not to waste energy on such emotions.
The term «networking» may carry with it some negative connotations (a sleazy salesman working a room comes to mind...), but it need not.
If you stop buying cigarettes online, you'll not only save money, but you'll also chip away at a sleazy business.
«There are a lot of sleazy supplement companies out there, but Legion is not one of them.
-LCB- I wish it wasn't necessary to point out but: my Thai Massage practice is 100 % professional and any requests for other services of sleazy nature will not be answered -RCB-
He can also have... questionable... taste, verging on sleazy: «Honey, why don't you get those jeans that don't have butt pockets?»
Considering that they combine both the current good - taste - meets - bad - taste obsession with the naughties and the retro 70s, the return of the sleazy - chic shades shouldn't come as much of a surprise.
Currently just enjoying being single, not in a laddish or sleazy way, but just being myself with no constraints.
Cig Neutron — Well I started showing in fine art galleries way before Face Off and I don't hate my real name but I wanted a sleazy sci - fi name to go by.
Sleazy tricks are not going to work.
Also dating online is a bit like a pickup bar you always going to have the more sleazy guys trying to hook up you can just delete the message and block them not big a deal.
No one wants to date someone with a moniker that sounds stupid, petty, angry, sleazy, or annoying; so don't call yourself «Dumb Danny» or «Wicked Witch Wendy.»
Being a sleazy sex tourist isn't going to make it.
Try not to make your messages overly sleazy or crude — being a gentleman (or perfect woman!)
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