Sentences with phrase «n't true learning»

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Now let me give you three things that say that's not true: If you ate a lot of vegetables and fruit, you probably aren't going to gain weight; No. 2, if you work out like crazy, you're probably not going to gain weight; and No. 3, people who I've learned to really hate, people who have very fortunate, fast metabolism, aren't going to gain weight.
Hero worship is not conducive with true learning; it's not a mentorship, it's the beginning of a cult.
This is not to say that you need to always have people who have «been there, done that,» that's not always true, but you need a mix of people who are Rent the Runway in their blood and then folks who had been C - level executives before, who weren't learning on the job... who have been to the rodeo.»
Once she learned more, maybe she realized that's just not true, low - income families don't need to deduct more income from taxation, they need credits to reduce their bottom line.»
Trump himself has called his accusers «horrible liars» and said he will prove the allegations aren't true, but Hillary Clinton and ally Michelle Obama say Americans are learning more about Trump's unacceptable behavior every day.
His true vision is a platform that doesn't just fund innovative teachers — it helps them connect and share learnings to improve education for kids everywhere.
Referencing blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and other Web - based tools, they often bypass the traditional selling model altogether — learning for themselves about your products / services, your competitors, and what customers say about you (whether true or not!).
* Why approaches like therapy and journaling don't always lead to true insight * How to stop your confidence - killing habits and learn to love who you are.
Recently read (in original order): - Building wealth for dummies - Stocks for dummies - The 4 - hour workweek — Timothy Ferriss - Steve Jobs — Walter Isaacson - Elon Musk — Ashlee Vance - Learn to invest like Warren Buffett — Björn Kijl & Hendrik Oude Nijhuis - This can not be true — Joris Luyendijk - The intelligent investor — Benjamin Graham - The storyteller's secret — Carmine Gallo - Pour your heart into it — Howard Schultz & Dori Jones Yang - Onward — Howard Schultz
I worked for three USA based multinational corporations and very quickly learned not to reveal my true religious beliefs.
We'll never know his true motive; I learned many years ago not to take at face value excuses based on religion.
As science developed, it was learned that what they once thought to be true no longer was - the earth was once thought to be flat, we know it isn't so.
«I don't know if what the Archbishop said is true or not, but as a mere observer, it is frustrating to learn from Mr. Mills that certain ideas are dismissed out of hand simply because they might cause offence.»
People who don't believe in your God are still capable of deep committed love, it's through our intimate relationships with other human beings we learn the true meaning of love.
I also agree that it is not a book of science, the way I see it, the Bible is a way for us to learn about God and one of the ways He uses to talk to us, and to be honest, I don't really pay attention to the evolution theory or any other theories, if it really happened or not (or if it keeps on happening), is fine by me, I respect those who believe them to be true.
Again, this isn't the claim that «I can make water have magical saving power» but that Jesus and those who learned directly from Him treated conversion and baptism as inseparable because true faith bears fruit.
I learned this not from a class in feminist studies, but from Jesus — who was brought into the world by a woman whose obedience changed everything; who revealed his identity to a scorned woman at a well; who defended Mary of Bethany as his true disciple, even though women were prohibited from studying under rabbis at the time; who obeyed his mother; who refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery to death; who looked to women for financial and moral support, even after the male disciples abandoned him; who said of the woman who anointed his feet with perfume that «wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her»; who bantered with a Syrophoenician woman, talked theology with a Samaritan woman, and healed a bleeding woman; who appeared first before women after his resurrection, despite the fact that their culture deemed them unreliable witnesses; who charged Mary Magdalene with the great responsibility of announcing the start of a new creation, of becoming the Apostle to the Apostles.
I still think we should still go to the church... or maybe a meeting where all the believer can learn from each other, strengthening each other, pray for each other etc, and of course, to worship God together... It is true that sometime I feel that I do not learn many thing from the sermon, but, many times, I learn by going to the church, knowing that I will not learn something from the preacher, humble myself to still listen to God and worship Him,,,, it is such a blessing to hear others testimony about how God works in their life, it is such an encouragement to see people open up their problem, then, we can pray about them..
For someone so involved with a Religion, he's learning how true his pals really are... showing what many atheists know, Xtians are not very pleasant when atheists are around, or when one of their own leaves the herd.
Countries and societies especially the US are carried away with everything under the umbrella of freedom and rights your governments should learn from third world countries true values and laws.certain lines should never be crossed and such movements need to be exterminated for the sake of youngsters that must learn true values and acts in order to be a well being and not end up in jail and on the long run in hell.
I've learned that the criticisms that hurt me the most are not the ones that have no relation to reality, but the ones that, deep down, I desperately fear are true («you don't have any fruit in your life,» «you rebel for the sake of rebelling,» «you don't care if you destroy other people's faith»).
That's true, but just to be fair... We wouldn't learn it all in the same order or the same way, necessarily, which means that at any given time our actual understanding of the universe could still be skewed.
We learn that it can be «a record of things as they actually were, and a true account of those things about which it speaks,» even if it does not always portray truth as we want it, or (are you ready for this?)
The same would be true where the issue is sexism: a female counselor — or a male counselor — who feels that women and men «should» learn to fit the stereotypes can not be helpful to anybody.
And as I learned from my dad growing up, experiences don't necessarily make it true!
The Republicans 1) Learn about the true Christian values of empathy, compassion, caring and love for your fellow man (Not just your white fellow man) 2) Scour hate for those who are different from your soul.
If we are not submitting to God, being «true salt» can not be accomplished especially for those of us that for some reason or another learned the wrong way to treat people.
It is true that a person can be ever learning and not know the truth (Plato's allegory) but we also can recognize that the reflective images we perceive are not truth but also that there is truth and an Omega (truth source or cause).
Yeah, you don't want the kids to learn the true story.
While it is true that knowledge is learned and therefore a child is not aware of the construct of God, atheism is a belief that is learned or taught just like any other belief.
But I've learned and read the same articles as many of the Atheist here and I don't BELIEVE it to be true.
You know very learned non muslms from all walks life accept Islam because they find out after doiong their research, that all what the non muslms have been accusing was not true.
It's not until we have a firm grasp on the true love of God and learn to remind ourselves often that God's love does not prevent us from suffering, that we can offer that hope to a hurting world in a way that also acknowledges that pain and suffering are real.
Most of my life I did not practice my Christianity because I watched professed Christian being very cruel, judgemmental etc. instead of doing the correct thing and looking only at Christ to learn the true meaning of Christianity.....
True humane learning — the learning that sets men free — is justified mainly by the intrinsic value of what is learned, not by its usefulness.
Even the San Francisco 49ers know that this is true: They implemented «cell phone» breaks into practices and meetings every half hour, because studies from Stanford show that millennials are too distracted and really aren't learning anything after that threshold.
All I can say is that I've been around long enough to know that I haven't learned everything yet, that my mind has changed before and can be changed again with new evidence, and that anyone who claims to know that something will remain true forever is a damn fool.
Atheism offers nothing to me, it never has and never will, it doesn't make me feel good or comfort me, it's not there for me when I'm sick or ill, it won't intervene in my times of need or protect me from hate, it doesn't care if I fail or succeed, it won't wipe the tears from my eyes, it does nothing when I have no where to run, it won't give me wise words or advice, it has no teaches for me to learn, it can't show me what's bad or nice, it's never inspired or excited anyone, it won't help me fulfill all my goals, it won't tell me to stop when I'm having fun, it's never saved one single soul, it doesn't take credit for everything I achieve, it won't make me get down on bended knee, it doesn't demand that I have to believe, it won't torture me for eternity, it won't teach me to hate or despise others, it won't tell me what's right or wrong, it can't tell nobody not to be lovers, it's told no one they don't belong, it won't make you think life is worth living, it has nothing to offer me, that's true, but the reason Atheism offers me nothing is because I've never asked it to, Atheism offers nothing because it doesn't need to, Religion promises everything because you want it to, You don't need a Religion or to have faith, You just want it because you need to feel safe, I want to feel reality and nothing more, Atheism offers me everything that Religion has stolen before.
We should be honest about the slight discrepancies that exist between some accounts that can not both be true (for example, the order of the 3 Temptations of Jesus), while pointing out that these discrepancies do not change the lessons of the story, which is: you defeat Satan by learning the Bible well enough to keep him from tricking you!
I don't like the fine - tuning, but if my speculations about the multiverse are proven true, then I won't have to learn to live with the fine - tuning».
If I'm wrong (which I seriously doubt) and I am subsequently punished for not believing things which my mind tells me are not true based upon everyhing I have observed and learned, then the game was rigged from the beginning.
Even people who do not believe the Bible is true, or that it is divinely inspired can read the Bible and learn from it.
Do you even read this book of remembrance, the so call Ot, in Malachi 3v16, before you make a comment, or have you just learned from that Nt not true book, how to just «believe» anything, and not «know» its truth?
True, throughout the history of Christianity and of the Church the Christians themselves had slowly to learn — and this process is not yet finished — what their Christianity really means; they must ask this question again and again and answer it in ever new situations which they can not, of course, foresee and for which they will not have ready - made answers.
This is by the way not true, as in Judaism it is only possible to learn by asking questions.
MacIntyre's position is, I think, similar to his characterization of Rosenzweig's in Edith Stein: «We do not begin with some adequate grasp of the concepts of knowledge and truth and in the light of these pass judgment on whether or not we know something of God or whether or not it is true God exists, but rather it is from our encounters with God — and with the world and with human beings — that we learn what it is to have knowledge of what truth is.»
They say that the opposite is true of human beings, for in man knowledge — as an attribute — is added to his being, and is not even given to him, for he has no knowledge other than that which he learns.
Muslims can not be counted as worshiping «the only true God», for they fail to use his personal name, Jehovah, but use the Aramaic word Allah, meaning «the God» and are as mixed with the «world» and violence as are the churches of Christendom and Jews, not having» beaten their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning shears» whereby «nation will not lift sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore».
Its impossible to have 2 firstborn sons, rationalize people learn the true word of YHWH through His true prophets taught in Amos 3:7, YHWH does nothing without His prophets, a man can't just say what He wants unless He gives all say, and praise unto YHWH FIRST.
Just because we don't have answers to something that occurred further back doesn't mean things we've learned about more recent developments are not true.
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