Sentences with phrase «n't unambiguous»

Then the key is you have to make some decisions yourself about what you find important and what studies you think weren't unambiguous enough to be ignored.
The weaker dollar isn't an unambiguous gain for a Canadian company that wants to make things.
They may need a gentle reminder that their success is not an unambiguous reward for virtue; rather, each new achievement stands as a challenge to learn to do good on that level of accomplishment or proficiency.1
Although the evidence is not unambiguous there is an aura of sustenance throughout nature.
The world is unpredictable, and thus it is not an unambiguous algorithm on which computing is based.
But even more damning is that the formulation Lomborg offers now, following criticism that he muddled the point, is still not unambiguous: sometimes projected resource lifetimes are measured based on extrapolating a constant rate of growth of consumption into the future starting «from the year discussed», rather than assuming a constant consumption rate, and sometimes they are measured «from the year discussed» by assuming that the consumption rate is following a bell - shaped curve (the famous «Hubbert's pimple»).4
The freshness meter is an interesting thing but the passing punter wont know what the heck it is and as one of your commenters here says — it's message is not unambiguous.
If the message was not unambiguous enough: Air pollution «threatens the continuing survival of human societies».

Not exact matches

This is not yet happening in an unambiguous way, perhaps in part because health care prices are rising to offset the benefits of health insurance.
«The data subject is not given an unambiguous consent to the processing of personal data by applications (no opt - in).
The language for these statements must be unambiguous and use plain language (i.e. not full of legalese)
Perhaps it is now time to recognize that the third world - changing scientific achievement of the last century is not the unmitigated good that much of Western culture claims it is — and that treating the sexual revolution as a unambiguous, indeed undeniable, boon to humanity can lead to a lot of personal unhappiness, homicidal ghouls like Kermit Gosnell, and the deployment of coercive state power in ways that threaten civil society and democracy.
In the letter, which I couldn't find online, he begins by «reiterat [ing] my uncompromised commitment to the Magisterium of the Church in all its fullness, including the Church's unambiguous teaching on homosexuality,» providing a number of examples.
If the «message» is true, why wouldn't god present it in an unambiguous way that everyone would immediately understand and appreciate?
Christianity does not consist of a single unambiguous set of terms — far from it.
Bonhoeffer's reluctant involvement in the conspiracy against Hitler certainly does not provide unambiguous Christian justification for resorting to violence and war.
For the question whether Whitehead is a Platonist or an Aristotelian does not, at first sight anyway, admit of an unambiguous answer.
No unambiguous definition of «liturgy» has been attempted, and because of this it is not clear why episcopally instituted and controlled devotions (or, for example, the rite of the Corpus Christi procession) are not to be regarded as liturgy, as this text presupposes rather than teaches or states explicitly.
If that sort of situation developed from such an apparently unambiguous procedure as the deployment of pesticides, what potential disaster may be lurking in the laboratories of those who are creating new organisms whose pathogenic effects can not possibly be predicted with accuracy?
The unambiguous, sole answer is: «You shall not do any work.»
At times the dolphins rearranged the circumstances to make the requested response possible or unambiguous, and on several occasions they performed actions which Herman thought not possible, such as «water toss» (CSBD 200).
That guide should contain unambiguous statements from Christian leaders explaining what message should be taken from the Crucifixion» and which messages should not, unambiguously and explicitly repudiating the charge of deicide.
Subsequent events were disillusioning, but one option for a political theology which does not want to commit itself to belief in a real consummatory End is to arouse hopes of relatively unambiguous change for good in society.
Contrary to the NCC, and contrary to super-patriotic boosters as well, the observance of 1992 is not morally unambiguous.
Bater pertinently comments, «If there was that much ambiguity about the resurrection of Jesus for the eyewitnesses, on whose testimony all the succeeding ages must depend, do not the efforts twenty centuries later to establish it as demonstrable and unambiguous take on a certain comical effect?»
He does not show unambiguous signs of increasing in «Godlike» goodness.
Certainly, a clear and unambiguous understanding of this being should not be the purview of a few intellectual elites.
Today not even devout Jews observe this unambiguous commandment (Deut.
Protestantism has rejected the infallible Church, and some have not been afraid to stake their case on an infallible Book, implying that they have an unambiguous interpretation equally infallible.
In fact, it can be argued that it was considerations of stature, not empirical considerations, which required Loomer to determine that even God is (must be) ambiguous — i.e., an ambiguous God is of greater stature than an unambiguous deity.»
Can a need for an unambiguous generic, however, be so deep if a language hasn't provided for it?
It is important to realize as well that the Bible communicates something of the moral disagreements and struggles of earlier faith communities, not simply unambiguous and unfailing conclusions.
On the contrary, the order a then b is unambiguous if a is necessary condition for b, while b is not so for a. Asymmetrical conditioning suffices for order of succession: moreover Kant seems part of the time to know this, for in dealing with the first antinomy, he argues that the future infinity of time is not a vicious regress since the infinity is only potential not actual.
To make an unambiguous appearance and settle once and for all the question of his existence would deprive us of free will and, even though he is all - knowing, he would not know who his true believers were.
But in the early stages, when a new contender first challenges an accepted paradigm, the criteria do not yield an unambiguous verdict; the experimental evidence and the relative weights assigned to diverse criteria are debatable and subject to individual judgment.
The New Testament quite frankly recognizes this, but seems also quite clearly to imply, that wherever in the Christian scene we do not see love to be central, clear and unambiguous, then we are not really looking at Christianity.
In summary, then, the reply to this third criticism has involved the thesis that there is an ethically and religiously unambiguous order within nature and that this structure is not corruptible by man.
It is not hard to show that common sense is less than unambiguous on the point.
What is not explained is how members of the audience are to understand that there are further steps to be taken when the only presentation of religious faith shown them stresses that the path to Christ is simple and unambiguous.
way out of the «clear, unambiguous, unequivocal, I'm unaware of any denomination that interprets it any other way, and only the atheist tries to pull this stunt» truth that Christians do not live under OT law.
Read goes on to comment that «This revival of Latin and the return of the Tridentine rite, together with unambiguous restatement of traditional Catholic teaching on contentious issues, will no doubt dismay not just liberal Catholics but many of the Catholic bishops of England and Wales: certainly the muted response by the Bishops» Conference to Sacramentum Caritatis hascaused indignation in some Catholic circles.»
The classic passage, Peter's confession of the Messiah, does not give an unambiguous answer to the question, since the oldest tradition does not tell us how Jesus received that confession of the disciple.
As reported by Sky Sports the other day, Rafa Benitez tried to play down the speculation about Benzema and Gareth Bale and while his words about the Welshman were confident and unambiguous, the same was not true of the Frenchman.
When parents are given clear, unambiguous and repeated safe sleep message against bedsharing they listen to it AND that warning will additionally not impact breastfeeding negatively.
@HagenvonEitzen Short and readable is not the same as unambiguous or even internally consistent.
Another analysis is that it is intended that the organizations behind these hits are unambiguous and that each hit is intended to send a loud and clear message to others similarly situated about who is ready, able and willing to kill you if you don't behave.
So there's not any easy way for people to qualify these soldiers as unambiguous bona fide terrorists, since not everyone includes acts against armed forces under «terrorism».
In other European democracies the gravitational principle is usually viewed as the principle of last resort because it follows no clear democratic logic and does not provide unambiguous guidance.
[31][32] By January 2006 Clarke's team had concluded that the compromised voice mail accounts belonged to Prince William's aides, not the Prince himself, and that there was an «unambiguous trail» to Clive Goodman, the News of the World royal reporter, and to Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator.
«The government's proposal for military action in Syria is not backed by clear and unambiguous authorisation by the UN.
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