Sentences with phrase «n't unspeakable»

While the game featured some pretty frightening visuals, it was the brilliant sound design that quickened my pulse and made me question if there weren't unspeakable atrocities lurking in the darker corners of my room.
Even the longing is not the unspeakable itself.

Not exact matches

Managers complain about employees who don't get to work on time, can't do simple math, can't run a register — or even worse, misfits who lick taco shells, bathe in the utility sink or do unspeakable things to the nachos.
«However, the decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values.»
It was written by many people over the span of hundreds of years, it is tribal rules from the infancy of our development and arguably is not a good book at all but full of hatred, spite and unspeakable violence, and you arent allowed to use «faith» as your proof of existence... faith is nothing less than the throwing away of reason i.e. belief without evidence.
it is inconceivable that a God drawn along the Whiteheadian lines, with a total grasp of the possibilities unfolding before the progressive advance into chaos and with a direct pipeline to the «ear» and «conscience» of each and every emerging actual entity, could not have found for the world a way around such unspeakable suffering [as that which occurred in the Holocaust].
Persecution and Forgotten, a report of oppression in specific countries, warns that Christians in these countries will not survive if this violence continues and highlights «unspeakable atrocities» such as Christians in North Korea being starved, hanged on crosses over a fire and others being crushed under steam rollers.
, a report of oppression in specific countries, warns that Christians in these countries will not survive if this violence continues and highlights «unspeakable atrocities» such as Christians in North Korea being starved, hanged on crosses over a fire and others being crushed under steam rollers.
It automatically becomes a serious offense to injure or exploit other people, not because of some vague humanist values but because God has done man the unspeakable honor of identifying himself with the human race.
And that if you do not believe it then you will endure unspeakable eternal torture in the flames of hell created by the loving god.
He warned some everyday folks that if they didn't repent, they would all perish in unspeakable ways.
Once Christianity was established on Hellenistic soil, the term «Lord» tended to take its meaning primarily from its use to ascribe divine honors to emperors or to the gods who presided over the mystery cults, not to mention its use in the Greek Bible to render the unspeakable name of Yahweh.
They only accept those who belong to their beliefs and therefore they can do unspeakable actions to those who don't agree with their position.
Those people are not atheists and have done unspeakable things.
So just because some crazy terrorists committed unspeakable atrocities on American soil, does not mean that we should fear all Muslims — but that's what the terrorists want you to do.
My own view, then and ever since, is that the languages of architecture, music, and poetry work mightily on us when we are not aware of it, slip past our everyday defenses and so convey the unspeakable grandeur of God to us better than any other means.
The group has terrorized villages with unspeakable savagery against anyone who does not hold their radical beliefs: They've video taped beheadings, systematically executed Christian children and publicly crucified civilians...
Yes, for all you Muslim lovers out there, for all you Islamists that would die for your religion, for all you weak lillly livered Muslims that flee your own country to live in ours and swear to its destruction, for all you hipocrites that claim to be in a religion of tolerance and peace but live by your actions of murder and unspeakable horrors, you Iranians, you Afghans, you Pakistanis, you Iragis, you misfits and abhorents of any god, this story of a simple Christian, who is now denied his life because of stupid and educaied cowards in Iran, cowards and murderers who covet children and lust hiding behind a demonic religion, let this man be your true martyr because you are not human and can not touch him.
Rather, the Word of God can be described as that dark core around which the words of the text find their orbit, the unspeakable Source within the text that can not be reduced to the words themselves but that breathes life into them.»
We can not ignore the application of biblical themes to what Gaudium et Spes (51) called an «unspeakable crime» taking place daily in our midst.
Not only did he continue to receive death threats, he became increasingly aware of the unspeakable powers that defend the status quo with violence.
Did not God take on flesh and become the object of unspeakable physical suffering at the hands of His created beings, all because of His love for those very beings?
It is not strange that this concrete meaning of Jesus for his disciples was forever and indissolubly associated in their minds with the terrible and tender events with which his life ended: the final meal dark with the forebodings of disaster, the hours in Gethsemane, the arrest, the brutal handling and the unjust trial, the unspeakable anguish, the long waiting for death, the final release.
But weighty theological issues and unspeakable depravity are not, thankfully, part of everyone's daily struggle.
Revelation can not really mean for us an «unveiling,» or an «unconcealment» of anything unless we already have at least some vague intuition of or access to the unspeakable mystery that it unfolds.
We read of Indonesian school girls targeted and beheaded simply because they were Christians; of Nigerian Christian men forced to chose between conversion to Islam or death, and of their wives and children forced to chose between conversion or perpetual slavery; of Pakistani Christians being burned alive in their homes; of Coptic Christians in Egypt and Chaldean Catholics in Iraq being fire - bombed, maimed and killed» and when not killed, hounded into exile; of «religious apartheid» and executions in Iran; and of unspeakable atrocities against Christians in the Sudan, the «scene of suffering as abhorrent as anywhere on any continent.»
My faith has power and authority, it is tangible and very evident to me, I have seen healings, not imagined, I have experienced the literal power of God knock me down as a sign and wonder, I have experienced joy unspeakable to the point that I could not stand it and could not stand up anymore, My God is very real and all powerful and shame on you brothers and sisters presenting a powerless gospel to a lost and dying world, REPENT CHURCH and return to the true church of the book of acts.
But even unspeakable retribution has not undone the self - beguilement that makes it easy to sin.
While not particularly religious myself, I hope that one day, you are not in need of the comfort he offered the families of this unspeakable tragedy at any time in your life.
The unspeakable horrors of 1914 to 1918 not only edged Whitehead out of his agnosticism; they also help explain the fact that he did not rejoin the Church of England, or become a communicant of some other.
Those who are saved will be taken up to heaven, and those who aren't will endure unspeakable suffering.
But it also feels inappropriate not to acknowledge this unspeakable attack on the gay community — and against all of us as Americans.
ABC aired Oklahoma - Kansas (before cutting away to LSU - Mississippi), which is unspeakable, but under the current TV college football plan thought up by Bert and Ernie, ABC couldn't have broadcast Arizona State - Washington, anyway.
A very, very complicated algorithm was used to compute these scores, and they definitely weren't pulled from an unspeakable place after a split - second of thought.
Isn't it appropriate that their games be used as a path back to normalcy, that the regular weekend routine signal an end to the unspeakable horror of the days that preceded it?
An unprecedented response to an unspeakable tragedy and the fact that one doesn't exist without the other.
Morbid Racism: Active racism combined with psychopathic tendencies (usually possessed by a charismatic lead figure) lead to unspeakable evil that have occurred in history and which I am not very comfortable talking about.
The societal pressure to breastfeed (but not for too long, and certainly not in public where you might inflict unspeakable horrors on unwitting passers - by!)
To prevent the unspeakable, you need to align yourself with facts about dogs around babies before looking at what you should do to ensure the favorite pet does not tamper with kids in an undesirable way.
We were convinced that any part of the brain not directly accessible to the conscious mind was an unspeakable archive of murderous fantasies and grisly recollections of our parents stepping out of the shower.
Hunting in packs, the gastropods prefer to prey on the Northwest spotted owl, which the slugs stalk by smearing unspeakable slime trails on tree branches that the owl can not then firmly grasp.
The fun is in not having to do unspeakable or unethical things and in choosing stuff you like and are good at.
I can not tell a lie: It was unspeakable.
I can't say but she brings great dignity to lines that are, at times, literally unspeakable.
Whatever Trumbo's progressive leanings, he was not past equating homosexuality with unspeakable evil and perversion.
It's pretty clear why so many folk tales of the time involved the unspeakable horrors of what might happen to a family outside the comforting climbs and exacting legal codes of their tight - knit communities: If you didn't conform to society's by - laws, you were a sitting duck for the devil's mischief.
That show didn't let him off the hook for his unspeakable crimes, but it did attempt to graft a bit of humanity onto him.
Although all three movies come from a place of wanting to honor courageous actions in the face of unspeakable tragedy, this one has an impact that goes beyond the previous two movies — it not only combines exceptional filmmaking on every level, but also packs an emotional punch I didn't see coming.
In fact, these creatures are so unspeakable that the townsfolk refer to them, no joke, as Those We Do Not Speak Of.
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