Sentences with phrase «n't up to»

It isn't up to the thumb to decide what the big toe should be doing for the benefit of the head.
It isn't up to one guy's interpretation.
It isn't up to those that don't buy into such claims to provide evidence to debunk that notion.
«It isn't up to the believer to convince anyone.
It isn't up to the layman to decide what they expect from credentialed individuals.
But more than that, the very rhythm of creation was reminding me that it wasn't all up to me.
Ain't you up to your ears in several mortal sins at once — intolerance, pre-judgment, hate for thy neighbor, defamation, my good Christian?
JPL never should have hired him after the experiences when he was a contractor; he also wasn't up to par in job skills - but at the time, sysadmins reported to non-technical people, so they likely weren't aware of his skills nor his antics.
Don't insult a religion for believing something just because your education level isn't up to par for tackling those types of questions.
Sorry if it isn't up to you.
It isn't up to the scientific community at large to disprove ID, it is up to the proponents of ID to present any evidence at all to support their hypothesis.
But since you and I both know God is the ultimate authority and thus sets the standard, and God clearly is against abortion, and the atheists are erroneously calling very early human life nothing but «a bunch of cells,» isn't it up to us to fight for those lives?
C'm on CNN this isn't up to your standards.
Ultimately, it wasn't up to us to decide if this would be a great record.
Although I have a few suggestions, I'm not saying that your SEO provider isn't up to par due to my requirements.
If there is any major structural damage or the home isn't up to code, the seller is required to tell you as a prospective buyer.
She also addressed workers» concerns that the credit - monitoring company OPM contracted with to help affected government employees wasn't up to the task.
But too many managers aren't up to the task.
But it could happen, particularly if your credit score isn't up to snuff.
«I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so when it came to submitting some ideas, I felt embarrassed — they weren't up to my standards.»
As opposed to just sending out a simple «sorry the network is slow, we're working on it» email, the company crafted a beautiful and dramatic video to acknowledge their performance wasn't up to standard, and to explain what they were doing to fix it:
They aren't up to the task
That followed a review that found Plus500's anti-money laundering checks weren't up to scratch.
When I was on The Apprentice, I had a cookie business, but my manufacturing wasn't up to par and I didn't really have distribution.
Their data protection and privacy controls still aren't up to snuff, according to Snowden.
Instead, it means your newsletters fail to pique audience interest, or your calls to action aren't up to scratch.
Regardless of the situation, it's probably a good idea to think about looking for a different job if your performance isn't up to par.
They are proof Mr. Obama isn't up to the job and no longer worthy of the nation's confidence.
They just aren't up to snuff in terms of ability, they're too slow, or they don't like to work in general.
You can also troubleshoot your projected costs and see where you can cut if your profit projections aren't up to snuff.
When she isn't up to her neck in coupons she is enjoying the outdoors fishing.
If your managers aren't up to a high standard, this research isn't a «Get Out of Jail Free» card that gives you a pass on improving their leadership (Google's got your back with free resources if you need to work on this).
For a lot of time - strapped entrepreneurs, iPhone's native calendar isn't up to snuff.
We recalled some bags from Barney's because they weren't up to the quality we wanted them to be at.
If the work product isn't up to snuff, the company may not have to remit payment and the independent contractor could suffer a loss as a result of the relationship.
Learning about the importance of social media for marketing should also underscore why these efforts need to be continuous and the harm it does when social media marketing isn't up to consumer expectations.
(Granted, Whole Foods» systems are almost certainly not up to Amazon's performance levels or expectations.)
The quality was not up to snuff.
It's not up to us to take taxpayer money and put it into that kind of competition.
One, management is responsible for telling individuals if their performances were not up to snuff, putting them on a program to fix it, and then removing them if corrections couldn't be made.
Many compensation committees are not up to this task, in my view.
«And the DoJ lawyers saw themselves as an expeditionary landing party arriving here, just in time, to rescue the state from oppression, obviously presuming that plaintiffs» counsel were not up to the task.»
Fliers could potentially wear monitoring devices, the researchers say - but most off - the - shelf products are not up to the task.
For some reason, their audition, interview, or portfolio passed you and the team with flying colors, but now their quality is just not up to par.
If you're not up to the task of fighting the beast known as corporate customer service, there are plenty of jerks willing to get «er done for you.
The automakers suffer from bad management and it is not up to taxpayers to bail them out,» wrote one.
Business education not up to par.
As smart as artificial intelligence gets, it is still not up to many critical job tasks that are required to protect companies from risks that can destroy not only bottom lines but reputations.
Nadella addressed the problem by saying that Microsoft «quickly realized that it was not up to the market» and took Tay offline.
The Facebook data privacy and Russian election interference scandals show that artificial intelligence is still not up to many critical jobs in the technology sector.
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