Sentences with phrase «n't work with you on»

Not only will they get to know people they don't work with on a day - to - day basis, they'll pick up skills from one another as they work on important projects.
They could be a great alternative if your traditional cable or satellite provider won't work with you on price.
Some users have reported that the manufacturer would not work with them on a replacement when their chair broke.
«She's not said she won't be civil to Tory MPs, or not work with them on an issue by issue basis.
It is enough to say that those who are my friends are not necessarily those who agree with my politics, and I have certainly never determined who I can or can not work with on the basis of my politics.
I didn't work with him on the script.
Dealer would not work with me on repai... r cost or trade in.
Dealer would not work with me on repai
Call Priority Documents, I have (2) AES Chase loans and they will not work with me on anything.
The tactics used by insurance companies to deny claims won't work with us on your side.
If they are not working with you on the process collaboratively, find someone else.

Not exact matches

WeWork's ambitions in the enterprise space are still loosely defined, (the company does not advertise pre-selected packages for enterprise companies on its website, but rather works with companies on a case - by - case basis).
Along the way, there's a personal cost: Stress results when you're afraid your head is on the chopping block, and you aren't certain what kinds of resources you have to work with.
In an email, Biosense founder Abhishek Sen says he won't comment on the content of the FDA's letter, except to say, «We are in touch with the U.S. FDA, and will be working closely with them over the coming months to ensure that we continue to deliver accurate, affordable and convenient diagnostics across the world.»
Your mother may have warned you not to walk and chew gum at the same time, but when Schaefer compared the performance of both children and young adults on a standard test of working memory when they were sitting with when they were walking, her results contradicted mom's advice.
For example, even if you work with someone closely on a project team, that doesn't mean that you need to have the same level of one - on - one interaction with them that you have with other team members.
Having worked closely on major diabetes treatment medications like metformin and Sanofi's flagship insulin Lantus, Chew was taken with the idea that such treatments, however innovative, don't have to be necessary by default.
Why would I want to own this stock of Starbucks if the man I most identify with Starbucks is only the executive chairman and is working on a division that may or may not pan out even as I know that Kevin is a strong leader?
The JetDrive is best used as a place for files that you need to have on you, but don't need to work with often.
But the transition «wasn't smooth,» and he felt increasingly limited working on megaprojects where there was little contact with the client, which had once been a hallmark of Vanbots» corporate culture.
The ability to work with a smart home hub and be controlled from anywhere in the world are two of the Nest Thermostat's «smart» features, but it's also intelligent on its own.
Even though we're working with early - stage founders, there's a clear indication very early on of what they've been able to build, not what they're able to talk about.
Plus, every VC is working with more than a handful of startups at any given time, so we simply don't have the bandwidth to hold a founder's hand on a day - to - day basis.
Founder Zach Goldstein, an investment banker who formerly worked at JPMorgan and a private equity firm in Chicago, was frustrated with the quality of other lounge clothes on the market that he didn't feel comfortable wearing outside his house.
«Watson is able to give us faster, better matching of patients to potential clinical trials that our oncologists wouldn't have otherwise be able to see — and I sit with our oncologists who work on this kind of thing,» Christopher Ross, CIO at the Mayo Clinic, told MobiHealthNews in an interview.
If you haven't watched our Radiate video series with memory guru Jim Kwik on how to boost your memory, please do — his simple tricks really do work.
«The time of humongous studios with a thousand people working on a few big games, I don't think we'll see that again any time soon.»
On the other hand, Egoway's battery comes with its own 18 - month warranty, which would be a coverage improvement if you're working with an older machine that doesn't have Applecare.
«When people discover the great new thing isn't quite what they were promised, they return to what's proven to work,» says James Heller, CEO of Wrapify, a new advertising platform that connects brands with drivers to create splashy on - vehicle ads.
A representative from Southwest told Fortune the company could not comment on pending litigation and was focused on working with the NTSB on its investigation.
You're on your way to work with your perfectly styled hair, ready for that big client meeting... and suddenly you're not sure if you remembered to turn off your hair straightener.
Not only do you have money, time, sex, work, family, kids, vacations, etc., but then on top of those basics you also have money for the company, time for the company, your individual relationships with the company.
Recent graduates flock to startups to develop diverse skill sets, working on smaller teams where they have opportunities to take on roles they would not at a company with specialized departments.
Facebook said on Monday that it would work with several leading French news organizations, including Agence France Presse, BFM TV, L'Express and Le Monde among others to ensure that false news items were not published on its platform.
Ruffalo spoke with Stephen Colbert on «The Late Show» in November and said he just didn't shut off his Instagram feed when entering the movie because he didn't know how the app worked.
«I remember long discussions with him on the consequences of imperfect information or incomplete risk markets; my own work and that of numerous colleagues had shown that in these conditions, markets typically didn't work well.
Phil's workout routine includes kickboxing, so I'm familiar with how much your core gets used when boxing, but add in all the bobbing and weaving and throwing different combinations and working on footwork, and it's amazing how tired your core will get — not to mention your shoulders and your legs (especially if you stay in a good stance).
This explains why Jopwell says it's not competing with corporate diversity initiatives, or other nonprofits, but rather hopes to «build on the work» that's already been done.
Bell told Forbes that it's important for her to find time to reflect and be with those she cares about and not dwell on work.
So when Young hired a voice - over actor to help with a church project for $ 10 on online freelance marketplace Fiverr, it sparked an idea: Why not try selling voice - over work, himself?
We will be sharing video interviews with small businesses like yourself who share tips on what works and hasn't -LSB-...]
The key to being successful, then, doesn't lie in working with family or not working with family, but instead is rooted in the decision of which family members to bring on to your team in the first place.
Holes in her talent pool included smart digital designers and marketers, people with user - experience (UX) expertise, and skilled project managers who have actually worked on real - world challenges and not just performed outdated textbook exercises.
As they reflected on their work with clients, they realized that all of the time tracking solutions in the market made it easy to keep track of the amount of time spent on a project but didn't focus on treating time for what it is — inventory.
For the stigma around mental illness to go away, he thinks more leaders will have to come out from the shadows and for those who work with them to be receptive to not judging, even to providing a shoulder to lean on.
You'd think that even in these crazy times of radical change most people would have learned to stick with what has worked for them — at least until it doesn't work any longer — and also to hang on to the advisors, the tools and the techniques that got them to where they are.
The heart of my message: Changing the culture at Microsoft doesn't depend on me, or even on the handful of top leaders I work most closely with.
One technology company that I worked with for a number of years couldn't catch on to this.
Somebody who used to work here was telling me he was going through with his young son and they couldn't decide on what they wanted to watch and they came across one of our Collections, the «Comic - Con Hangover Collection,» and all of a sudden he came across the original Christopher Reeve Superman movie.
News broke in July that Dropbox was working with Goldman Sachs on the paperwork for an initial public offering, but it's looking like the company won't file until at least next year.
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