Sentences with phrase «nagging cough»

The phrase "nagging cough" means a persistent and bothersome cough that keeps coming back or won't go away easily. Full definition
A runny nose, a nagging cough, teary eyes - how can you tell if your baby is suffering from a lingering cold or allergies?
Let's face it: a stuffy nose and a nagging cough is the last thing a mom - to - be wants to worry about.
During the months leading up to her graduation, Shirley (not her real name) had been plagued by a nagging cough.
People with bronchitis typically experience a nagging cough.
The common cold: drippy nose, nagging cough, sore throat, clogged sinuses, and congestion.
Imagine how it would feel not to catch colds, the flu, or nagging coughs this winter!
It's really tasty and those healthy ingredients went to work, chasing my nagging cough and cold outta me!
Fortunately, buckwheat honey is a wonderful alternative to these types of medications and others for its ability to naturally treat a nagging cough.
A nagging cough can be irritating not only for you but for your family and friends as well.
Cough soother For a nagging cough or scratchy throat that threatens to keep you or your kids up, try 2 teaspoons of honey.
A serious life savor for sore achy throats and nagging coughs!
Puppies may contract many types of worms, but roundwotrms and heartworms in particular can lead to persistent, nagging coughing.
Dogs of all ages, breeds, sizes, and health status can come down with this nagging cough.
Even the most stubborn of us will seek attention for a nagging cough or cold that won't let up.
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