Sentences with phrase «nagging little»

We all hate those nagging little problems around the house that can't seem to stop popping up.
That is the idea behind Remember the Milk, a site for managing all those nagging little tasks.
Because of the age of the Jeep, it is normal to get a lot of nagging little issues due to neglected maintenance from previous owners.
But with every aspect that makes it good, there's a nagging little feeling that it could have been better still with a little more application.
And it might not even be in the weight room where the nagging little spot in the wrist might act up.
But has everything to do with the nagging little aches and pains that most people walk into the gym with and that seem to always crop up and interfere with their workouts.
So while Rock Tape is great for treating these nagging little injuries we all suffer from, from time to time, whether it be IT band, runner's knee, cyclists knee, Achilles tendon, various sprains, the lower back, shoulder pain — that kind of thing — there's a whole new area that we're exploring called power taping which is just putting tape on to promote... for performance.
Finally, there's that nagging little question of what the universe is made of.
Even if you give them plenty of time, you may still have to nag them a little.
While the Moto X is as simple as any Android device to get up - and - running, Motorola's enhancements do nag a little.

Not exact matches

«If you don't really trust your car, if you have a car that is a little bit of a nagging worry, you don't want to take it.»
As a result, I moved on to other projects and opportunities; but there was always this little voice nagging at me.
Already the road warriors out there are already nagging me to trade using this complex programs when I know little or nothing about them.
For all of my memory, Sunday has been the day of the little nagging string of stress telling you you're getting closer and closer to the entire looming week.
As the years passed, I grew a little more confident, but I still lugged with me the nagging fear of rejection and not being good enough.
It's always been a little nagging after surgery just due to the surgery and inflammation.
But the little nagging boo - boos that kept guys like Moncrief in the training room drove Pagano and all of us nuts.
Now, there's little connection to the previous series on the present rosters, but still: nagging, pit - in - stomach feelings don't need to be rational ones.
He just needs a little bit of luck to his nagging injury.
Don't start talking about the past when they were little or nag them about their future.
Try this with me: use the phrase «Asked and Answered» to end little kid nagging.
There's something about trying to get two little ones ready on time that makes me nag and lose my patience.
Often it is the little things that nag away underneath and if you bring it into the open and work out what you can do to take care of it, it has less impact.
These techniques can not only change parenting behavior but also can reduce stress in the home often made a little worse by reminders, nagging, noncompliance, and routine behaviors that often occur in family life.
No nagging at them to eat their rice when I use a baggie to mold them into little rice balls.
And even if you did color your nails, there will always be the nagging feeling of whether the chemicals will leach off into the little ones.
But still, despite my previous good experience, that little nagging voice says: this time Ember can walk and she has entered the tantrum phase!
A deload week is a planned week where you take the weights a little lighter to allow you body to fully regain your strength and prevent any nagging aches and pains from becoming injuries.
Plus, if we don't do it, I'll always have a little nagging feeling in the back of my mind wondering if things would have turned out differently if only we had given it a go.
I took a little break last week after I got back from Paris — the constant nagging in my head of when to take outfit photos and if my outfit was even blog - worthy was just a big damper on the trip and it was boring me to death.
(I sometimes feel a little harangued by fashion pundits who nag everyone to desert neutrals for color - at - all - costs!)
Perhaps that little nagging voice in your head says, «What are you still doing here and why are you still doing this?»
Example nagging and underlying problems that can be addressed with a little work are...
Now that you're a little familiar with why people are opting to join a Nebraska dating website instead of continuing to waste precious time and money on meeting people in a bar, maybe there is something nagging in your ear that prevents you from actually signing up.
At the same time, if you nag and criticize your partner about everything little thing, your partner will not enjoy spending time with you.
There are many occasions on Modern Worship when the surging synths sweep you along with the force of a dopamine rush, but there are a few others when you're left with a nagging sense that Hyetal could take things that little bit further.
With one nagging exception, there's really pretty little wrong with the game, but it doesn't exactly push any boundaries either.
And even if the story itself has a nagging predictability, there are some seriously nasty plot turns coming that are more than a little disturbing.
I'm just frustrated by the nagging demands of so much to do and so little time.
Ditto on that, Pikmin 3, 3D world and Wind waker HD, the top 3 games thus far I have played on Wii U, Pikmin was something else though, they really took that franchise to a whole other level, the atmosphere, the music, the little fellers left behind at the end of a mission, everything was a breath of fresh air, but damn that nagging bitch, she never had enough juice on board, 43 bottles, only enogh for a little while......... man, what a fat little plump apple
A remarkable tour de force, simultaneously droll and poignant, burlesque and romantic, tracking the eternal (and nagging) question of good and evil through a pair of comedic bumbling cops and a couple of little kids in love, this immersion into the racist fantasies lurking in an un-bucolic landscape of meadows and manure could do for French television (and Dumont) what Twin Peaks did for the US (and Lynch): coining a new language, tapping into liberating creative forces.
While we never hear her, those who are charting Scorsese's use of his mother in films can add another title, for it's Catherine Scorsese's nagging voice we hear every time Rupert's fantasy enactments get a little too loud.
But I was nagged by curiosity as to how this little film I recalled as so spiteful and ugly might serve as a link between these two eras in his work.
Dave escapes the nagging by hanging out with his pals, ladies man Brock (Eddie Cibrian) and equally - henpecked Tree (Kevin Hart), with whom he coaches a little league team.
But — and I hate to sound like a nagging grandparent — if it had applied itself just a little bit more, aimed just a little bit higher, and tried a little harder it could have been even better.
The nagging sense that we're not quite steering this ship plagues educators, too, who may find themselves dropping everything to manage the fallout of interpersonal crises that play out in the digital realm, erupting with little or no warning.
Don't for a minute write it off as a boring, understeering Audi because it is far, far from it, but at the end of the day I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that a four - wheel drive system like that in the Focus RS, one with a proper torque vectoring rear diff that allows more throttle adjustability, would elevate the TT that last little bit to the star performer that it so nearly threatens to be.
But that same gut feel has a nagging suspicion its predecessor might still be that little bit more thrilling to drive on the road.
If there's a little nagging voice in your head telling you to give your manuscript a better life, and it will always bother you that you didn't do everything you could to make it happen, reach out to Mark and see if he's a good fit.»
My only little nagging complaint is that this Zelda is not as edgy as she has previously been portrayed.
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