Sentences with phrase «naive view of»

But people can be, and often are, misguided do - gooders who create more harm than good with their bllinkered, naive view of the world.
That is a naive view of scientific method.
Yet I meet others who do hold a fairly naive view of a utopian coexistence between humans and those cute little piggies — and I can't help but feel that this naivety is fueled by some of the rhetoric coming from veggie advocates.
The naive view of a consensus based on incontrovertible evidence is... naive.
No reader could seriously infer that this is Crichton's point of view, when the bozo character is humliated soon thereafter for his naive view of the constancy of climate and environment.
16) Academics who encouraged a naive view of diversification, and their followers who believe in uncorrelated returns.
Letters to Juliet will probably delight die - hard romantics but it is difficult not to be annoyed by its simplistic and downright naive view of what «true love» really is?
But this argument suggests a naive view of the point of democracy and a naive equating of what people ask for and what is good for them.
What left me speechless was Charen's utterly naive view of what a school cafeteria would look like absent the program.
I think many Christians have a naive view of salvation that is perpetuated naive preaching from pulpits across this country.
Does this express a naive view of the possibility of harmonizing all interests?

Not exact matches

And US federal regulation is the product of the naive view that we read and actively assent to the privacy policies on the websites we visit.
I don't feel the need to cater to the religiously naive and uneducated by acting like there's a difference especially when these same religious folk would surely deem a person of an opposing religion / view that heard voices crazy.
That seems to be a bit of a stretch in my view if not somewhat naive.
I also think many of the the views he tries to shame us into accepting are very naive and do not hold the moral high ground he seems to believe they do.
And I don't believe you are naive enough to believe that those who don't embrace total depravity don't have plenty of scriptural support for their views.
Similarly, a view of time that goes on and on without change of form is a static and naive view.
Regarding the popular view of time as a straight line stretching backward and forward, it should be observed that it is not only naive as Von Rad has mentioned, 32 but also quite unreal and non-evolutionary.
Induction has been accused of many shortcomings, but the common denominator of the various criticisms leveled against it, from Popper to Kuhn to Feyerabend, is that belief in induction is responsible for a naive empiricism which views science as based on uninterpreted observation and direct verification of theories by the «facts.»
We assumed that our situation was normative for Christian thinking, and we viewed the ideas and beliefs of the black church as naive and theologically unimportant.
Instead of advancing storytelling toward greater self - awareness (and self - examination), a 3 - D spectacular like Avatar relies on the same naivete of once neo-genre movies like The Time Machine, Dances with Wolves, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, and Rapa Nui, which took a nostalgic, unsophisticated view of industry and colonial expansion; this time Cameron pretends to introduce modernity and globalization to his naive audience.
It was this naive positivism that Kaplan accepted, rather than, for example, the much more sophisticated views of his philosophical mentor John Dewey, as the basis of his argument for religious naturalism.
An objectivist view that sees the nature of reality writ large in the universe and waiting to be discovered by the human mind, that claims theories are exact replicas of reality, is typical of naive realism.
The idea of shifting to a different economic system, one that would meet human needs on a sustainable basis, is viewed as naive and utopian.
The naive realistic perspective, which was rejoined to philosophy after the renaissance and embraced by scientists, resulted in the modern period in a revival of the cosmological point of view.
While the cosmogonic point of view requires a naive realistic acceptance of the world, the ontological point of view rests upon subjectivity and conceives of the world as its object.
We have the forward and DM issues, which seem to be made difficult to solve by our arrogant and naive manager, i however feel a chambers is still a DM option and a change of formation can strike goals, with two strikers, any way that is my view
You could assume that Evergreen Park was just trying to do the right thing, to make sure that the rules of Little League were enforced, but this is at best an optimistic point of view, and at worst a naive one.
Personally I have always taken a possibly naive view that a foul is a foul no matter where it is committed and that there should be some form of intent, bad timing or negligence involved.
This naive view gave way to anger and since your book, I realize that medical doctors are just like the rest of us being fed bullshit for truth — building their lives on marshes of fecal rhetoric and subsisting for the material accouterments the pharma / insurance dollar bring.
The naive view is that inequal distribution of wealth is natural, because people are differently productive.
«It would be naive to deny that there are, within the prison population, Muslims who hold radical extremist views, or who may be attracted to them for a variety of reasons,» Dame Anne said.
«That's a naive point of view.
The intensification of the drug war, by way of ethical slippery slopes, is shown from the point of view of seasoned SWAT leader, Kate Macer, played by Emily Blunt in equal measure as a steely badass and naive moralist.
«As much as we might wish for a strictly behavioral theory of learning, where exposure to information would lead directly to results, we know too much about learning and cognition to cling to such a naive view
I view these as publishing predators — snare naive authors with their offers of getting published for a few hundred dollars and the cash register gets into gear.
Jay, I respect your point of view, but I think your a bit naive if you really think that ebooks cost only 10 % less then physical books to produce and distribute, but thats your opinion, I am assuming its due to information your publisher gave you to prove how bad they are being screwed by lower ebook prices.
12) I am not a fan of what I view as naive comparisons to other markets and time periods.
There may be those in the dog show community, and in the worlds of hunters and breeders, who say that view is naive — that certain breeds can handle it.
The Young Adventuress post is just another example of that naive, sheltered world - view.
Samb actively worked on the deconstruction of Leopold Sedar Senghor's (the cultural theorist and first president of Senegal) aesthetics and views of Senegal's artistic production that promoted a naive and fetishized idea of African symbols, decoration and beauty.
He's just accusing the debate's organisers — naive as they are — of «political - motivation», with the implication being that he, his science, and his view on what the policy should be are above mere politics.
The problem isn't just that Crichton's view of science is methodologically and epistemologically naive, and fails hopelessly to describe how science actually makes progress (for a corrective, read Imre Lakatos for starters).
regardless of that, one way in which Crichton's view of science is «hopelessly naive» lies in his ignorance of the role of probability.
I may be naive, but I did not view the the «Dear Gabi» as adversarial, but as a gesture of respect in that she is regarded as someone who can be trusted to sort this out.
I realise this is a naive view, but in the first instance can't we just deal with Lindzen's criticisms of ACC, see whether they're valid or not, before we start getting into speculating about his psychology?
I suspect that the free energy link is relying not upon the Poynting vector, but upon some garbled version of advanced potentials, because in a naive view these seem magically to draw in energy from the entire universe and the whole of past time.
They viewed his hopes for Republican cooperation as naive and his characterization of social justice groups as insulting.
Given how difficult it is to raise revenue in the state, the idea, often put forward by I - 732 proponents, that greens can simply find that money somewhere else is, in the alliance's view, naive to the point of malice.
D'Aleo's selection of a seemingly bad outcome expresses the same naive view that lots of people have when viewing statistics: a treatment that improves almost everyone's symptoms will seem to have made some selected person worse.
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