Sentences with phrase «name but a few legal»

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Like Sachs, Whippman believes that «there are many reasons why life in America is likely to produce anxiety compared with other developed nations: long working hours without paid vacation time for many, insecure employment conditions with little legal protection for workers, inequality, and the lack of universal health care coverage, to name a fewbut she stresses that our «happiness - seeking culture» is also part of the problem.
A few names of possible Pigott replacements are already starting to surface in the legal community but they will likely spark a lot of discussion once the nominees are listed in December.
ThoughtRiver works with companies across many industries, such as telecoms, advertising and legal services, to name but a few.
In particular, as part of a more qualitative approach, one needs to have a look whether the current perceived «turbulences» have also by now reached the more fundamental layers of international law, i.e. meta - rules such as the ones on sources, State responsibility, State immunity, treaty interpretation, or res judicata effect of international court decisions must be abided by the parties involved, to name but a few, the general acceptance of which is indispensable for a functioning international legal system.
When we talk about legal tech, we're talking about the use of artificial intelligence (or «AI») software, «smart» or «automated» documents and e-discovery and document review tools (to name but a few).
Naturally, we'll often feature issues related to SRLs and Access to Justice, but in the first dozen episodes we're also taking on topics such as sexual violence, racism and Islamophobia, disability rights, and legal education, to name a few.
But the downstream costs — data discovery, legal review and data breaches, to name just a few — have never been higher.
It has the promise to revolutionize many diverse sectors, including musical digital rights management, secure digital voting, storage of healthcare records, and digital «smart» legal contracts — to name but a few applications.
Of course some of them you see on screen, as Journalists and Presenters, but the majority are working hard behind the scenes - in Technology and Product Development, HR, Finance, Legal and Customer Service, to name but a few.
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