Sentences with phrase «name ideas with»

These are real people looking for Female Led, Femdom dating, Wife led marriage and women Create niche business name ideas with available domains

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I noticed a couple of names who started their small business out with an idea and a dream, and now they're globally recognized names with a product and a service that have positively impacted people's lives everywhere.
I noticed a couple of names who started their small business out with an idea and a dream, and now -LSB-...]
The idea was proposed by a Nebraska high school student named Shelbi Klingsporn as part of a private education program partnership with NASA and is now being supported by Medtronic.
As you come up with ideas based on the emotions you want to evoke, check them against this list to make sure you avoid the classic naming pitfalls.
We had an all - company contest to come up with a name, and we all resonated with the word «idea
In almost no time she had found an idea to go with the Lumi name.
The suit alleged in part that Abhyanker pitched a neighborhood site called Nextdoor to Benchmark in 2007, and that Benchmark stole the website name and then, via one its entrepreneurs - in - residence, ran with the business idea themselves.
I asked whom I was speaking with and also pointed out he had no idea whom he was talking to, because he never even asked my name — so how could he possibly know my «case file»?
While Wal - Mart Stores as a corporate legal name is rarely used in public - facing materials or in stores themselves, CEO Doug McMillon said in a statement that he felt the name change was needed to be «consistent with the idea that you can shop us however you like as a customer.»
A classic example of this idea is that you'll have an easier time remembering a story about someone who bakes than a person with the last name Baker.
CEO Doug McMillon said in a statement that he felt the name change was needed to be «consistent with the idea that you can shop us however you like as a customer.»
That's why many brands that play up their affinity for summertime activities with beach - appropriate names like Barefoot and Flipflop, or seashore - inspired graphics (waves, sandals, you get the idea), are big on canned wines.
Adams has tirelessly promoted the products, inserting them into Black Eyed Peas videos and lyrics, though most consumers have no idea that he was closely involved in the company's creation (he's fine with that, and says he passed up an idea to have some of the headphones bear his name).
(The name, Adams's idea, begins with «Coke» backward.)
A simple idea with a NSFW name, the concept is to gather members of your entrepreneurial community together regularly to share your biggest screwups and the wisdom (painfully) gained from them.
My idea is to sell personalized sporting equipment with a person's name or whatever they want written on a basketball or football in permanent ink in the font of their choosing through the internet.
As a group, and as a movement, it's vital that we acknowledge and utilize our privilege, use our platforms to spread the names of the dead and the injured, promote ideas that can help spread kindness rather than hostility, support those who aren't being heard, take our voices and use them together with the megaphones provided.
The name Warren Buffett conjures up images of brilliant investment plans and more wealth than anyone could possibly imagine (and, possibly, the idea of just a hint of clairvoyance), but it also speaks of a man of humble origins who combined a natural - born gift with hard work and put both to good use.
The idea — far grander than the money itself, which is only $ 150 million to start, pocket money for most of the investors — was to assemble a dream team and create a network effect for entrepreneurs in the middle of the country to align with the biggest names in business.
I come to these conversations based on what I read from the author and only contribute my own voice to counter what I feel is a diatribe of irrational and fantasy charmed people with letters after their names who have no idea of what they write about.
Meanwhile, a Quora user named Adam Cohen (a developer with SeatGeek) ripped into the idea of Bitcoin recently on the Q & A service, calling it a «ludicrously bad idea» and an outright scam.
Our network of professional contacts also serves as a good source for new ideas, and clients even have contributed some of the better names that we've come out with.
If you asked me who my mentor is, I could name you at least 20 people that transformed my thinking with their stories, ideas, careers, and actions.
There have been actual, physical, places which were considered to be the gateway to «Hades» (Hades was the Greek name of the G - d of the underworld, Pluto was the Roman name)... most of these places were places that emitted gases from deep in the earth that killed off flying birds and / or the animals surrounding the area (Can't remember the name of the lake in Italy offhand, but there's a new find in Turkey with roughly the same idea):
Ask an Amish person if they are related to the person 3 doors down with the same name and they will have no idea.
Also, we can come against the IDEAS they support without putting names out there (especially when we aren't in personal relationships with them) and make our impact online that way.
So at the end of the day, even as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ (the name Christian has been so stained, refuse to call myself one to distance myself from traitors to God like Bush and just about every Conservative American), I'd vote for an astheist with good ideas and was brave enough to push for the interests of people, not corporations, then I would vote for them.
Yes, name calling is just a way to disagree with a person without dealing with their ideas.
The failure to integrate God's two natures in interaction with the world may explain Whitehead's decision to introduce only that primordial nature throughout the bulk of Adventures of Ideas, under the name «the Divine Eros.»
Brumbaugh admits that as of 1978 he could name only a few American theorists working with Whitehead's ideas in education, physics, or the philosophy of science.
The explanation of Isaac's name (from a word meaning «laughter») is indicated in the thrice - repeated narrative motif of laughter over the idea and fact of Isaac's birth (17:17, 18:12, 21:6) So is Ishmael's (16:11, 17:20, 21:17) The meaning «heelholder» is given to the name Jacob with the explanation that he was born holding his twin brother by the heel (25:26).
I'm just going to have to post along with probably about 2,000 more people how funny I think it is that a guy named Leatherman «kinda likes» the idea of killing Gays.
Religion, as an idea has been with us before recorded history from early man's worshiping of nature to Charlemagne's murder of the innocent in the name of Christianity, to jets crashing into towers in the name of Islam.
But it depends upon their giving up both their uncritical acceptance of the present ideology of modernization identifying it with Christianity and any revival of primalism in a militant and fundamentalist way in the name of their self - identity, and evaluating both modernity and tradition in the light of Christian personalism i.e. the idea of human beings as persons in community, and all natural and social functions as sacramental means of communion in the purpose of God.
West fails to point out that there are many contemporary theologians, beginning with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin but more recently John Haught, Ilia Delio, and Elizabeth Johnson, to name a few, who fully embrace Darwinian ideas in a theology of continuous creation.
We are not powerless and fearful, not us: and so I pray and I work; I make coffee in the morning and hot meals to gather around the table at suppertime; I worship and sing out words of promise and praise; I raise children and read good books; I pray for my enemies and write letters and send money and show up to fold clothes and drop off meals with an extra bag of groceries; I advocate with the marginalized and amplify the oppressed and antagonize the Empire with a grin on my face; I will honour those who get after the work of the Kingdom and celebrate; I learn how to listen to those with whom I disagree; I abandon the idea that we can baptize sinful practices in the name of sacred purposes; I will stand in the middle of the field near my house with my face turned up to the rain and consider it a minor baptism.
As citizens, we need to dispense with the idea that pluralism implies an obligation to ignore or accommodate serious evil in the name of social harmony.
What is wrong with the idea of heaven, hell, blah blah blah is the people who wage wars, kill, maim, insult, and otherwise try to impart their way of life on others all in the name of religion.
Some department chairmen and laboratory directors have a reputation for publishing papers with their own names appearing first, when all the ideas and all the work were those of other professors or graduate students.
Then, I put the idea in your hearts that his name should be «Trig», because it's so fitting, with two Norse meanings: «True» and «Brave Victory».
At a time when Christians were condemning, expelling, and killing one another over doctrinal differences, a guy named Georg Calixtus had the crazy idea that perhaps one could hold to one's convictions (his were Lutheran) without condemning as heretics those with whom one disagrees.
Barfield's conception of the incarnation as a freeing of man, in the course of time, to say the Divine Name («I am...») here coalesces with Altizer's idea that the death of God frees us to see the contemporary reality of a continuing incarnational kenosis leading to a nonhubristic apotheosis of man.15 Barfield has achieved with his metaphorical sensitivity a pre-view of a «final participation» which is the coincidentia oppositorum Altizer was insufficiently able to apprehend with his dialectical method.
None of the story holds together except that there was a man named Jesus with a wild imagination and a few good ideas about how we should treat each other.
But my point here is that unsatisfactory economic ideas and practices which have an impressive history of failure, which caused to founder that great nation California, which lie at the root of much of the shame and dread and division and hostility and cynicism with which our society is presently afflicted, are treated as immutable truths, not to be questioned, not to be interfered with, lest they unleash their terrible retribution, recoiling against whomever would lay a hand on the Ark of Market Economics, if that is the name under which this mighty power is currently invoked.
These are the ideas which were first brought forward in biology by thinkers such as Needham and Woodger (with myself acquiescing on the side - lines) under the name «Organizing Relations,» and by Bertalanffy, who conducted a vigorous propaganda campaign on their behalf, under the name of «Systems Theory, and finally by Norbert Wiener, with equal fervour, as «Cybernetics.»
So it is a matter of plain fact that Christianity molded what came to be called Europe (whose original name, after all, was «Christendom»), but to say so does not by itself tell us whether that shaping of European culture through the medium of Christian ideas was a good thing or a bad thing to begin with, let alone whether those ideas speak to us now.
I totally disagree with «Religion is stupid»; not only in his / her name but in his / her idea.
I changed my name multiple times — I've had conversations with her — she has no idea what my ip address is.
The name they chose for their group was, J. R. R. Tolkien self - effacingly recalls, «a pleasantly ingenious pun... suggesting people with vague or half - formed intimations and ideas plus those who dabble in ink.»
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