Sentences with phrase «name of the church»

Do not include the actual name of your church or temple; that information is actually illegal for a recruiter to keep on a resume.
Second, for someone who is so uptight as this author about knowing religions and even writing a book about it, the mere fact that not ONCE in this article did you use the official and correct name of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints (aka Mormon) in my mind completely discredits your temper tantrum.
The official name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Some bishops and those advising them, like many in the secular world, sought to deny the problem; a few with a twisted logic sought to protect the good name of the Church by buying the silence of victims.
Would you want to be baptized after death into the church of Satan or insert name of any church you don't believe in?
The real name of the church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints.
The correct name of our church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints.
Everyone who thinks that Mormons aren't Christians, the official name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The actual name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints.
The amount of hate in the name of the church is sickening and only makes me walk further from the doors of their buildings, each time their name is used for evil, and it goes unanswered.
Sacrificing the children to preserve the «good» name of the church is flat - out evil.
The Mormon Church believes steadfastly in Jesus Christ - thence the name of their Church.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the name of the church you are talking about.
So if Ryan claims to be speaking in the name of his Church and the Bishops continue to have sharp and specific disagreements with much of what Ryan is saying, aren't the Bishops morally and theologically obligated to shoot Ryan down again?
What did you say the name of your church is?
Unfortunately, the Catholic church still clings to their Medieval philosophies, (you know, when they could torture and kill people in the name of the church).
Surely you are not oblivious to the «real» name of his church.
Look at the name of the Church.
Can you tell me the name of this church and what you were taught so that I don't need to guess anymore?
What would you do if the church members became convinced that to do a better job at reaching people in the community, they needed to change the name of the church?
If you submit, then you will also submit to whatever they want you to do, all in the name of church, God and religion.
I don't feel comfortable giving the name of the church online or the town, but it is baptist, which variety I don't know.
St. Peter's is the name of the church.
the roman catholic perspective harbors peds in the name of the church, it prays to mary, it indecrimnitely creats saints and prays to them, it asks people for penence for the dead, it pray for the the dead, it prays to the dead, and its so called holy cousel lives in a cloak of secrecy,....
I had to laugh at the first one about changing the name of the church.
The name of their church is «The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints».
Name of the church — Lighthouse a branch of The Potter's House.
Those of us who are saved by grace, teach grace, write about grace, proclaim grace, and have «grace» in the names of our churches and ministries, are some of the least gracious people that exist.
In its initial and subsequent meetings, the Roundtable has continued to advance its goal, which, according to Mr. Boisi, is to provide a «check and balance» on the role of the bishops and, according to Mr. Butler of Foundations and Donors, to «allow lay people to speak in the name of the Church
Once the Roundtable is perceived as a legitimate part of the structure of Catholicism in America, it would be in a position to raise funds in the name of the Church.
Had the finance pastor spent 15 minutes with this couple, listening, showing compassion, and guiding them biblically, he could have accomplished this in the name of the church.
Don't tell them your ministry title or the name of your church.
A hint to help you spot these types of fanatics just look at the name of these churches like «Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church» or «Mt. Zion Communion Holy Spirit Church of the Lord».
He couldn't understand when I told him that it wasn't out of hate towards the church that I speak with a critical edge, but rather a love for the Bride, and a tiredness of all the nonsense that has been done in the name of the Church.
What is the name of the church?
Hateful speeches that betray our most basic values are blasted across the Internet, shaming the name of the Church and feeding the lies of the enemy.
for a religion that has been responsible for millions and millions and millions of murders through the ages in the name of your church, you sure are being pious about abortions.
The full name of the church (founded in the early 1800's) is «The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints».
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