Sentences with phrase «name of the letter»

Name some of the letters in the title and see if your child can point to them.
While she touches and traces, say the names of the letters and / or the sounds they make.
Just remember, at this age, we do not expect your child to remember the name of the letter.
Remember to say the name of the letter and the sound it makes for extra exposure, but don't expect your child to remember the names and sounds yet.
Touch the first letter of your child's name and tell your child the name of the letter.
Your child will need many exposures to a letter in playful ways before she will recognize and remember the name of the letter or its sound.
Your child will need many exposures to a letter in many playful ways before she will recognize and remember the name of the letter or its sound.
Just remember, at this age, we do not expect your child to remember the names of the letters.
You can simply say the name of the letter that he chose and let him feed it to the monster and try again.
In this activity, children will compare letter shapes as they learn the names of letters.
Step 4: As your child finds the letter, repeat the name of the letter.
Your child will need many exposures to a letter in many playful ways before he will recognize and remember the name of the letter or its sound.
Say the name of the letter together.
Repeat the name of the letter together with your child when they get it right.
As your child prints the letters of his name, ask him to tell you the name of the letter.
Clicking a letter will activate an animation that both says the name of the letter out loud, and displays a picture of an object whose name begins or ends with that letter.
The word wall helps them learn the names of letters, ABC order, and letter - sound relationships.
A child does not learn the name of the letter «A» or what sound it makes or how to print it simply by being around adults who know these things, by being in an environment in which picture books are read to children, or by being in an environment in which adults read for pleasure.
Compare the difficulty of linking the shapes and the names of the letters with learning the letter sounds
While they are writing each letter, they should say the name of the letter, its sound, and then read the whole word aloud.
Pearson and Hiebert (2010) note that two - thirds of entering kindergartners already know the names of the letters of the alphabet and that one - third also know the consonant sounds.
They think letters make sounds instead of standing for them or they pay more attention to the names of letters than the sounds they represent and are forever confused trying to use the names of letters to decode words.
While playing with the letters, your kid will easily learn the names of the letters and the correspondent sounds, it will successfully read his first words and learn to write all letters of the alphabet and also train his fine motor skills... «ABC in boxes» is:
When saying the name of the letter «Z» aloud, American - English speakers will say «Zee», but in the rest of the English speaking world the speaker will say «Zed».
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z