Sentences with phrase «name spelling is»

Is that name spelled M - C - L or MACL?

Not exact matches

Bury points out that a brand name has to work in many contexts — as a URL, a searchable company name and something that sounds right when spoken out loud — and shouldn't be so complicated that you're spelling it out for people.
The second is SCRATCH, «the seven deadly sins» of naming: Spelling, Copycat, Restrictive, Annoying, Tame, Cursed, Hard.
If you decide to give it a twist by changing the spelling, make sure you're not making it confusing because any confusion will make your name harder to remember.
For example, if you sell bags and one of your products is a duffel bag, but your customers most often say or search for «duffle bag,» then use the more common spelling and name.
Make sure the name you invent can only be spelled one way.
Most settled on pronouncing the name the way it is spelled — which, by the way, is a challenge in and of itself.
«Psychiatrist and memory expert Dr. Gary Small suggests asking someone to spell his or her name, especially if it's an unusual one.
That's useful if you want to register a domain name in Chinese or Arabic script, or even just correctly spelled French or German - anything that can be represented with the Unicode standard can be registered, even emoji - but it's also opened up a whole new avenue of misdirection for malicious actors to take advantage of, by finding characters in other alphabets which look similar to Latin ones.
Note: it's also wise to be consistent with your name — use the same spelling, middle initial, honorific etc. everywhere.
The spelling of Anthony Zaller's last name has been corrected in this post.
Also, Jeff's last name is spelled Z - U-C-K-E-R.
Part of the answer comes down to design elements like font but partly this is also dependent on the name you choose and how it's spelled.
But Winfrey has also turned her name into a global brand, under which she has launched a magazine, a website, a satellite radio show, a television network called OWN and published five books under her company, Harpo Productions (which is Oprah spelled backwards).
Not only should you come up with an attractive name that's simple to remember and spell, but you should also make sure it's indexed and available on Facebook and other third - party chatbot databases.
In addition to being difficult to spell, these domain names can be hard to pronounce, especially when unaided by a visual identity.
Plus, Siri and other voice recognition software do not understand names that are not spelled naturally.
SHEEPISH UPDATE: One thing Machiavelli would almost certainly have done is spell his name properly.
Your business name should be easy to spell and to say out loud.
Would you care to explain how it is that «primitive sheep herders» as most of you love to derogatorily call them were able to in and of themselves write scripture such that the first two books Genesis & Exodus spell TORAH = LAW for every equidistant letter sequence of the 50th letter... and does the same backwards HAROT for Numbers & Deuteronomy, and the 3rd book that they're pointing towards Leviticus, every 7th letter (7 is God's number for perfection) spells YHWH = The name of God.
The great apes, famous for being among nature's smartest and also widely regarded as having a name that is very hard to spell, order food for themselves on a special app designed just for them.
The novel's protagonist, Jeffrey Lockhart, is a thirty - four - year - old New Yorker who has been drifting through life, from one vague and interchangeable job («cross-stream pricing consultant,» «implementation analyst,» «systems administrator at a networking site») and relationship («She lived on First Avenue and First Street and I didn't know whether her name was spelled Gale or Gail») to the next.
My name is Vivian Josh from USA; I was amaze with Dr. Dele spell because WOW is the first word that comes to my mind to describe your services.
It's GOD's Gods not Gods gods!!!!! I am aspired to be as you state, a Polytheist and yes I know of the Sun God named Ra or is it spelled Rah.
English was always a free form spelling language, except those spellings used by a Dutch printer named John Wesly; that are English Law
Orpah (bible name her mother intended to give her but could not spell) is an ass as are all other religionists.
Mormon spelled backwards is NomroM, the ancient name of a wicked king during the time of Erozokiah.
Well, jeus (you do realize that your screen name is incorrectly spelled, don't you?)
This view is confirmed by numerous lines of evidence: the interpretation given in Exod 3:14 («Say to the sons of Israel, «ehyeh [«I am» or «I will be» (who I am / will be)-RSB- sent me to you»); the use of shortened forms of Yahweh at the end («Yah» or «Yahu») or beginning («Yeho» or «Yo») of Hebrew names; the spelling «Yabe» known to the Samaritans; and transliterations «Yao,» «Ya - ou - e,» and «Ya - ou - ai» in some Greek texts.
Look at the spelling of their names: OBAMA SATAN both 5 letters and if you take the B from OBAMA and the S from SATAN you get the initials B.S. Barry Soretoro
For the sake of simplicity the generally accepted Arabic spelling of names and technical terms has been followed, although in a few cases it seemed to do less violence to follow a form which has gained wide acceptance in a particular Muslim country.
It's much easier to spell, and would make a catchy name for the church band, if you ever decide to release a 2nd worship CD.
What Pete Seeger never left, of course, was the left: not the pragmatic liberal world of Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and Scoop Jackson, but the hard left that created Stalin's Popular Front in the «30s and later spelled the country's name «Amerika» in the «60s.
A name can be spelled anyway I choose.
if not for the testimony i saw on the internet on how Dr Obom help people to reunite their ex back i wouldn't have know he is the right person that can help me without delay that is why I am giving my own testimony on how he help me get my ex back after 48 Hours when i contacted him all he out of me is some money to buy the items to cast the spell and my full names and my lover full names and also the picture of both of us i am give his email address out if you need his help in your relationship ([email protected])
Maybe while Godless is Spell checking me you will see the light (his name is Jesus).
If Ahaz can not hear the sub-text of Isaiah's son's name, «A remnant shall return,» God will spell it out more clearly: «God is with us.»
Assuring me that I can name my baby whatever I want, she writes his name on a piece of paper, spelling it out for me, R - u-b-e-n.
Nancy lets them go upstairs with me and with a girl named Piedad to play a spelling game before it's time to eat.
If your name is supposed to be a play off of the famous razor, it is spelled Occam.
Not only can I NOT spell my name, I'm a typical stupid christian.
The answer is in the article — there are several ways of spelling the name Muhammad Mohammad Muhammed Mohammed Mohamed Mohumed
The English social system is a magnate for everyone named Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhamed or any other spelling.
«Mohamed» by any spelling is equally incongruous as a boy's name in Great Britain.
A parent calling their child Muhammad instead of Mohamed is just choosing a different spelling of the same name.
Just adding in Harrie and Harri to Harry, and the number of boys with variations on that climbs to 7,740... and that is just a quick glance at the data without going through all 4647 boys names and adding in all the other possible variations in spelling that might be in there or all the Harry - whatevers.
Combining the multiple spellings of what are clearly the same Arabic name bumps them high on the list — though not to the top as asserted by this article.
The article states that Mohammed is only number one if you add up all of the existing spelling variations of the name.
So it's not «really» the top name, unless you add up all the different spellings and sound - alikes?
Those are the different spellings of the SAME name, whereas James, Jacob..
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z