Sentences with phrase «named by custodian»

For instance, let's say you have a list of folders that are named by custodian...

Not exact matches

«By virtue of our offices as executive members of the ward, the ward secretary is the custodian of the register containing the names of all the registered members of our party in the ward.
Anyone can establish an account for a child simply by making a donation, naming a minor as account beneficiary, and appointing a custodian.
This may be avoided by naming someone other than the transferor as the custodian.
You can avoid the problem by naming as custodian someone who will not make any gifts to the account.
You can learn the name of the custodian of your specific fund by looking in the prospectus.
The works at Cheim & Read belong to a series known as the Pigment Paintings, so named because they were made with paint that Held mixed from 100 - pound sacks of pigment discarded by the Museum of Modern Art, where he was working as a custodian.
When purchasing these policies, James and Lily would have likely named each other primary beneficiaries, followed up by naming Sirius Black their contingent beneficiary as custodian of their minor son.
Joint custody allows one parent to be named the primary joint custodian, while the other parent gets visitation rights as determined by a judge.
You (or any designee you desire) are then named as manager of the LLC, which means that you are in control of the individual investments that are made by the LLC, and sign the paperwork and make the payments, rather than the custodian of the IRA acting as intermediary.
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