Sentences with phrase «names like»

Names like Garden Burger, Farmers» Market and Wholesome Sweeteners say «I'm natural,» without going over the top.
Appeal to the emotional side of those values when you name your product; brand names like Organic Valley, Nature's Path or Eden Foods evoke an immediate response among natural and organic consumers.
You'll see over 35 of the world's best fasting researchers, nutrition coaches, health experts, holistic doctors and thought leaders share their experience with fasting, and the protocols to support the fasting process, including big names like Dr. John Demartini, Prof. Valter Longo, Dr. Will Cole, Dan «The Life Regenerator» McDonald, Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Michael VanDerschelden, Ori Hofmekler, Dr. Jay Davidson, Dr. Thomas Lodi, Dr. Daniel Pompa, Dr. David Jockers, myself and lots more!
But there was a time in early New England culinary history when cookies were given playful names like plunkets, tangle breeches, kinkawoodles, and the infinitely more familiar snickerdoodle.
One of the big names like Tesco or Sainsbury?
The 17 - year - old allegations have largely overshadowed the upcoming release of the film, and have led to larger conversations about how audiences should attempt to separate the artist and their art (similarly to Hollywood names like Woody Allen and Bill Cosby).
The name GOD is 6th century Germanic language: Prior to that they used names like Jehovah, YAWEH, Hasheim.
In fact, judges all over the country should be changing the names of all the poor idiots with stupid names like «Janaenae» or «Duhwayne» or «Obama» ---- what kind of messed up parents name there kids these god awful names anyway?
There already have been children with names like Lemonjello that haven't been changed.
Is she also rejecting names like Cooper, Mason, Deacon and Marshall?
With my more obviously Crunchy Con peers, names like these sometimes lead to a strain in the conversation, a parting of the ways.
This is why many recent critics of the so - called «New Perspective» on Paul — I have in mind names like Francis Watson and John Barclay at Durham in the UK, Martinus de Boer at VU University Amsterdam, Susan Grove Eastman at Duke Divinity School, and even the French philosopher Alain Badiou, who, despite his atheism, finds Pauline theology to be a powder keg of possibility for addressing matters of the day — have faulted other scholars like Krister Stendahl and James D. G. Dunn for presenting a relatively de-theologized Paul.
I have noticed, however, that you are not above calling people names like «stupid» and «pervert», and otherwise judging people you do not really know.
It means «son» and is compounded in Egyptian names like Tutmose and Ahmose.
As for the ones I don't respect (as in the ones who can only call names like a 5 year old but never have a substantive argument), I'd rather that they didn't..
After a few years of living in the shadow of names like Flying Lotus and Kendrick Lamar, Stephen Bruner finally emerged as a wonderfully odd, prodigiously gifted artist in 2017, crafting an album so stuffed with wonder, weirdness, humor and sadness that it defied genre.
When I returned to do the work on behalf of dead people, they recieved names like Naomi, Eliza, Abish, Esther, Lucy, and Martha.
Silverman is especially proud of the event's speaker's list, dropping names like a proud father.
You are the one who calls peoples names, would you like to see a sample of the many names you like to call people?
The literary, scriptural and talmudic sources of Kabbalah include Genesis, Ezekiel, the Mishna Tract Hagiga, and ancient treatises with names like «The Extended Description of Genesis,» «The Sword of Moses,» and «The Book of Secrets.»
Associations with names like «free - thinkers» etc..
She said blacks had to actively make good on their centuries - old legacy of political activism, mentioning names like Frederick Douglass and Rosa Parks.
; the healing of the blind man was the release of the disciples from «Jewish blindness»; names like Jaïrus and Bartimaeus contained subtle allegorical meanings; the Gerasene demoniac symbolized idolatrous heathenism; the rending of the temple veil meant the end of Judaism; the darkness at the Crucifixion symbolized the darkness of men's minds apart from Christ; the healing of the deaf mute was the symbol of conversion — either of Jews or Gentiles, it was not certain which!
The pizza bundles range from $ 25 - $ 100 and have names like, «Low - key Date Night» and «Post-Honeymoon Adjustment.»
Most likely, lots of parents named their boy babies Jesus back then, much as we commonly assign ours names like Chad and Brett.
The stats did not include names like Mehmet or Ahmet, which are Turkish, Bosnian, Azeri, etc., variations of Mohammed, from the days Turks did not care about the Arabs or Iranians and adjusted words as they chose to fit their language.
Traditional names like John, or William or Charles I guess are out of style for the hipper lefts over there.
PLEASE stop calling people names like Bob - a-lou or whatever.
(I give my friends Spanish names like Tomás and Juan.
The Bible calls these forces by names like principalities, powers, dominions, thrones, rulers of this age, elemental spirits of the universe.
I doubt anyone is buying your claim that you posted hostile things from names like Larry and Shawn to prove a point about message boards.
Kids call her awful names like retarded, stupid, cucus, gross, punched her and pushed her back, and tell other not to hangout with her because she is different.
Because officials back at LDS Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, can't monitor what each member does, whether with good intentions or not, names slip through — names like Daniel Pearl, Mickey Mouse and Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother.
Darwin and Marx's century, and its leaders had names like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao.
Church history is full of names like Francis, Luther, Wesley, Campbell, Stone - people whose monumental contributions began with no official sanction but with faith and thought that inspired thought (or ignited fury) around the world.
I agree that there needs to be some separation of church and state, but look at the name above, and remember names like Hitler Stalin and Mao all glorified in the name of atheism and science and equality, and they were a catastrophe!
Do you ever wonder why are there hospitals with names like St. Jude?
Just ones that post on belief blogs with names like «In doG We Trust» or «dyslexic SaNTA».
If a church has more than 2 - 3 names like «First Baptist» or «St. Mary's», etc..
The rest are Catholics, with a few Episcopalians and black Baptists at the margins, and somewhere far away — in places with names like Mobile, Murfreesboro, and Louisville — lurk threatening tribes of fundamentalists, also known as evangelicals, who resent the Real America that is New York City.
For 2009, $ 105,000 was split among a list of winners that included respectable names like Invisible Children, Partners in Health and Blood: Water Mission.
How about some cool Brit names like Flinders, Bertram, and Meadows, and Heathcliff?
For real, 100 %: most atheists are not like you 6 to 10 regular posters who constantly berate and insult me with names like «delusional» or snide remarks like «don't harm children.»
But the larger incongruity for me were the stickers professing affiliation with churches and Christian schools bearing names like Good Shepherd alongside the oval sticker on the rear window which read «Proud Member of the Angry Mob.»
Decades ago, or even years ago, names like #MikeBrown would have been buried in news briefs and death notices, if even mentioned...
Then we make the rounds through heroes of the bygone eras, tossing around names like Bunyan, Edwards and Spurgeon.
Saying god exists does not make that so... of course the opposite is true as well... all the pundits here (and Hawking) who like to call things by descriptive names like «fairy tales» do so because they are desperate to be right in this matter... because no one can be proven right or wrong in this I choose to respect the faith that some have in Science as well as thos who have faith in God's existence.
I disagree with the esteemed posters who call Mr. Beck names like «idiot», «moron», etc..
With Radiohead and LCD Soundsystem headlining, the slate also includes big names like Red Hot...
But one could say that the movement had never been other than «religiocified» «-- though it was the «Reverend» prefixing names like King, Young, Shuttlesworth, Fauntroy, Abernathy and Bevel that made the public aware of the deep religious roots of the civil rights movement and of black rhetoric.
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