Sentences with phrase «names of all employees of»

7) In a petition for Clarkstown District 21 the name of an employee of Richard Brega who does not reside in Rockland County appears as a candidate at an address given as 500 Corporate Way, Apartment A in Valley Cottage.
Payroll can be defined as a list with names of all employees of a company along with their payable wage amounts.

Not exact matches

Heading to a company with a name like «Lord Danger,» Kate and Joey have their work cut out for them to give this next office a makeover that brings some productivity to this production team, and also emphasizes the unique, old school vibe of its employees!
«We had thousands of employees at Iamgold, and yet Joe Conway [Iamgold's former CEO] would know people's husband's names and whether their mother was sick.
Figure 1 — named one of Canadian Business's 15 most innovative companies of 2015 — has raised more than $ 10 million from investors in North America, and currently has 26 employees.
Suddenly, I remembered that part of my previous employee's hyphenated last name was the same as the president of the group.
WSJ writer John Carreyrou reportedly spoke to four former employees, none of whom are named in his story, including one who «accused the company of failing to report test results that raised questions about the precision» of their tests, which could be «a violation of federal rules for laboratories,» the Journal article said.
Or if an employee's mother recently died of breast cancer, make a donation to Race for the Cure in her name.
The scheme was a complete bust, but after firing most of the employees, Butterfield, a former philosophy student whose hippie parents named him Dharma, found himself pondering the internal messaging tool the team had created to replace the confusing nested strings of emails such projects generate.
A nearly indestructible disk carrying a digital copy of Isaac Asimov's science fiction book series, Foundation, is also on board, plus a plaque engraved with 6,000 SpaceX employees names.
Before Dan Price caused a media firestorm by establishing a $ 70,000 minimum wage at his Seattle company, Gravity Payments... before Hollywood agents, reality - show producers, and book publishers began throwing elbows for a piece of the hip, 31 - year - old entrepreneur with the shoulder - length hair and Brad Pitt looks... before Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist and Harvard Business School professors asked to study his radical experiment in paying workers... an entry - level Gravity employee named Jason Haley got really pissed off at him.
He gave it a name and a face: a modern Robin Hood helping the working class by stealing from himself — and perhaps from shareholders of other companies whose bosses are now also putting employees ahead of profits: #imwithdan!
But that's not the case in Arizona, which requires businesses to use E-verify, a system in which businesses electronically verify that the documentation presented by a potential employee has matching information between the name and the social security number (securing proof of eligibility to work).
Casares and four other Xapo employees (each of whom previously worked at Lemon) are named as defendants.
And then there's the «Smiley Face Game,» in which, if a fellow employee goes out of his way to be nice to you, you can enter his name into a weekly drawing for a T - shirt, a free limo ride, even tickets to a Cardinals game.
It's no surprise to the retired Telus employee that the Swiss - based Skytrax World Airport Awards recently named YVR the best airport in North America — eighth in the world — for the fourth consecutive year, based on a survey of 12 million travellers worldwide.
These two Googlers wanted to show the world what it's like working for the technology giant, so they took advantage of Google's 20 percent time policy (ergo the name), which allows employees to work on side projects up to one day a week.
The guru, who went by the name of Malachi, led a series of sessions called «withholds» in which small groups of employees vented their deepest feelings and frustrations to one another.
Newman didn't like the name, and during a brainstorming session, one of his employees, a Native American woman, came up with a new one — Seventh Generation, a reference to an Iroquois saying that, «In our every deliberation we must consider the impact on the next seven generations.»
Atchison creates projects in QuickBooks then synchronizes with Minute7 so that when employees use the program, they just have to choose from a drop - down menu of options, eliminating errors that might result from having to type in project names.
Often, that translates to employees on the front lines stealing patient medical data or client social security numbers, which can then be sold on the black market or used to commit fraud like collecting someone else's social security benefits, opening new credit card accounts in another's name, or applying for health insurance by assuming the identity of someone else.
PC Magazine named Gusto its payroll service of choice for a reason: after its one - month free trial ends, Gusto costs only $ 39 / month, plus $ 6 per month per employee.
Five of its employees were indicted in 2007 in relation to the deaths of 17 unarmed Iraqi civilians — forcing the company to change its name to Xe Services in a bid to distance itself from the controversy.
A former employee of Tufts Health Plan pleaded guilty to stealing names, birth dates and social security numbers that were eventually used to collect social security benefits and fraudulent income tax refunds.
Facebook joins a long list of big - name global tech firms to significantly beef up their parental leave offerings for full - time employees in recent months, including Netflix.
Any business that is offering business - to - business (B2B) services or products is most likely best served with advertising on LinkedIn, which can target specific professions, hierarchy levels, employees of a specific company or industries, just to name a few.
When one such owner named Adam Sechrist started to get hostile questions from a payment processor, he was told by Hernan Ortegon - Rico, Willms's vice-president of operations, to let a man named Enrique Fuentes handle it, ostensibly another employee.
They take the time to get to know the names and the lives of their employees, and listen intently to what the employees have to say.
The New York - based business has grown to 130 employees (at the time of the application the company had fewer than 100 employees) and works with clients that include big name businesses like Lufthansa, Microsoft, Hearst and Comcast, all while its core values have remained the same.
CEO Shah and his Cornell classmate Steve Conine started out with in 2002 and quickly expanded, buying dozens of niche domain names and launching many from scratch—,, — and in 2011 changing the company name from CSN Stores to Wayfair (700 employees went on a Boston bar crawl in Wayfair T - shirts to help market the new name).
Founding a company is a sheer act of will and tenacity in the face of immense skepticism from everyone — investors, customers, friends, family, and employees, to name a few.
A company made up of employees from diverse ethnic backgrounds, generations, genders, races and religions (just to name a few) has more creative energy to harness than one with a more homogenized workforce.
Many appeared to be state employees, and some showed up in groups and in mini buses bearing the names of state - provided services.
Applicants are directed to furnish basic information about themselves and their businesses, including personal information (full legal name, street address); basic business information (employer ID number, type of business, number of employees, banking institution used); names and addresses of management personnel; estimated business expenditures and costs (including details on the SBA loan request); summary of collateral; summary of previous government financing; and listing of debts.
On top of issues concerning fair pay, vacation time and growth, did you know that some managers don't even take the time to remember employees» names?
-- Harassing an employee because of a gender transition, such as by intentionally and persistently failing to use the name and gender pronoun that correspond to the gender identity with which the employee identifies, and which the employee has communicated to management and employees.
An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated BambooHR's location and number of employees, and it incorrectly stated the name of Skift's founder.
Tools like VoloMetrix don't share the names of employees, they simply aggregate email headers and calendars to determine how the company, or any one of its groups, is spending its time.
Microsoft must also convince employees in its consumer divisions, who are wary of the company's full - throated embrace of enterprise technology, that it can still innovate in the products that made it a household name.
Erroneous TNC can occur when potential eligible employees do not update their naturalization status with SSA or do not inform SSA of changes in name.
A manager using one of the supported services like Trello's project tracking system can alert team members about a project's progress, let them change due dates, and add names of employees responsible for certain tasks — all without switching to the Trello app to make the updates.
It's true: A recent study found that 36 percent of employees complained that their boss didn't know their names.
The scamster asks him or her to verify the make and model of your copier, then sends inferior and overpriced supplies that were never ordered, using the employee's name and the acquired copier information as proof of the order.
That same year, they incorporated the com - pany, raised $ 2 million in capital, hired a team of five employees, and set to work on still more innovations: a radio - controlled toy hang glider, a stadium seat with self - inflating foam, a self - watering planter, a talking lunch box, and a pop - open beach mat, to name just a few.
Power Home Remodeling of Chester, Penn., which Fortune recently named the nation's number one workplace for millennials, places a strong emphasis on mentorship and partnering young employees with leaders in the company.
The EEOC took that even a step further to protect transgender employees in the case of a transgender woman named Mia Macy.
«A lot of blood has been shed,» said an employee at the morgue, who asked not to be named.
It becomes your single central point of management for all HR needs, streamlining tedious workflows like employee on - boarding and off - boarding, document management, time off tracking, performance management, compliance and benefits administration to name a few.
The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority opened an investigation in 2017 looking at Staley's alleged attempt to find out the name of the employee that wrote a letter raising concerns about the recruitment of a senior official by the bank.
Here is a set of tips for leaders and employees alike to quit calling people names and focus on getting through the root cause of difficult office relationships.
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