Sentences with phrase «nap time then»

CIO in 5 minute intervals lasts the remainder of her nap time then she's just too tired to stay awake after her next feed.
For instance, if you know it's close to your child's nap time then you should not go out till he has gone to sleep.
I know that if you don't feed right away in the early months that by the time you do feed it is practically nap time then and the whole eat - play - sleep thing goes to dust... This causes me so much stress.

Not exact matches

Ok Sue, first we have time - out for the tantrum, then nap - time for the grumpies.
Then I had to decide that I would wear this contraption all the time, every day, even during naps (lest I miss the phone) and even while making love.
So then it was free - for - all and my kids ate whatever they found for breakfast, then my oldest made a batch of muffins for a late morning snack and then it was nap time.
When we were first married, I got up at 5:30 in the morning to get to work on time and was usually napping by 4 pm, while Carl rolled out of bed around 8:00 to head to classes at university, and then was busy till at least 11:00 at night, so we didn't see a whole -LSB-...]
January brought a month - long nap and then in February and March I was back at it again and decided that if I could make time for 29 awesome towns in five months, maybe the 30th one could be that vacation we'd always wanted, and we made it so.
Time ran out the day we signed lacazette, then the old man went back to his nap until we get thrashed by one of the top 4 guys for him to come out and panic buy, though he's busy selling everyone right now..
yet... when i get sick... i get maybe an hour nap and then i either have to help with the kids, or do stuff around the house or go to work... the worse time i was ever sick that i can remember is when i was 8 months preggo with my 2nd, i was already feeling like crap my whole pregnancy, i was high risk so i was seeing the dr twice a week (3 hour appts... lame) and i got some kinda bug, well my hubby still made me help with the kids, and the needy dog and everything else around the house... preggo... sick... then he got sick... and was dying lol.
He either goes down with a little grunt and then goes to sleep on his own within 5 - 10 mins with no help or he screams for the entire two hours of nap - time.
I know the flow rate is a little high, because he spits up some, but after eating 3 oz from the bottle, he is then happy thru awake time, and sleeps well thru the nap... had to wake him at the end of each nap.
I plan on waking the baby early so that he can go down right after we get home, but then another nap will be around the time I need to pick the oldest up.
I may try it for Landis then especially once he hits the actual nap - time stage (he's on no set schedule yet of course).
but now she wont take good naps through out the day, she goes to bed at the same time and same dream feed but then she will get up at 2:30 am and then every hour after that until about 6:30 when we are up for the day, what do I do and why is she getting up so much?
If he wakes up for the day at 6:30 then what time should his first nap be and when should his feeding occur?
If he ate for the 1st time at 6:30, then napped at 9, he would want to eat at 9:30 or 10 and then have a very short nap.
Her wake time is anywhere from 1.5 - 2 hours taking cues from her and then she naps until her next feeding.
For example her wake time is about 1 hr 15 minutes, she naps for 45 minutes so then I have 1 hour left before her feeding time.
Starting around 5 - 6 pm his last «nap» is always really short (30mins - ish) so depending on when he wakes up then I feed him (anywhere between 6 - 6:30) then he has awake time and then I feed him again before putting him back down around 8:30 - 9:30.
Many toddlers start taking shorter or longer naps and different times of the day and can then affect their ability to sleep at bedtime.
his naps are short only45 min or shorter.we do have a bed time routine and i watch his awake time he is up for no more then 1 hour, then i nurse him to sleep.
I thought when Sears said 13 hours, he meant total sleep time, so that's 11 or so hours at night and then a 2 hour nap.
Then, I took away Pull Ups for nap time and let her wear underwear.
But the last 2 times before nap I could see he recognized that he was going - he had a paniced look on his face and then he said he had to go poopy - even though he meant the other was in progress.
I don't mind Alex being awake so much in the day as he seems happy and if it means he will sleep through the night then I am happy to sacrifice the peace of a long nap time.
On past trips I noted that the baby club times were usually 10 - 12 and then 2 - 5, unless they have nap facilities on - site.
The fold out kick stand allows you to keep then chair in one position which is perfect for feedings or even nap time.
he wakes up, he eats, he plays, he naps, eats, plays, goes for a walk and naps again and then eats again and then plays again until it is bath time and last bottle for the night — where do people have time to give their babies bottles of juice or water or snacks??
So pick a time during the day when you know your baby will be rested and happy — maybe after her morning nap — and offer the brand - new food then.
So I have to get up at 4 am to get hopefully 2 hours in, try to squeeze some more work into nap time, and then finish up after she goes to bed.
You can latch the baby on and fall asleep (the nursing hormones will probably put you to sleep anyway if you're lying down), then sleep while the baby nurses, and if the baby sleeps after nursing you get that time to nap, too.
I put her down for a nap this morning and at her normal 45 min wake time I heard her call out then she went back to sleep!
Start generally around when he eats (so like, if you nurse him down for naps, you can feed him a bottle at that time, then pump).
It's always best to decide on a nap time and a sleep time for your twins and then sticking to it.
If your newborn doesn't have a strong circadian rhythm (can't tell between night and day), or your child doesn't have a regular bedtime or consistent timing for naps, then your life won't be much affected by the time change.
If your twins are past the newborn stage and still waking very frequently at night or taking short naps (or worse, skipping naps), then it may be time to sleep train.
One session after the other, I would not nurse her for nap time and then not for bed time.
Once that happened I was much more able to deal with all the other times that he wanted to nurse and then for the next several months, we were able to cut back to the morning, nap and bedtimes.
Let's say that you put your baby down and they sleep for about an hour and then want to eat again (when they usually sleep longer) do you do wake time after the feeding or try to put them back down to finish a nap (never seems to work)?
Her last nap ends around 7:30 pm, I feed her then play time then feed her again around 9:30 pm and then bed time.
For example, my husband and I have decided on the following: put baby down, if he cries for more than 20 min we go into his room and re swaddle him and then leave the room, after another 20 min of crying, we go in and pick him up and sing twinkle twinkle little star two times through while patting him back and then lay him down awake, after another 20 min we usually put him in his swing to finish out his nap.
but it was still hard going back to getting up repeatedly at night, going back to day time naps and then dealing with two.
8 month old boy (who's in transition from nursing to formula & solids) 8 am - wake, diaper, nurse for 5 - ish minutes 8:30 am - breakfast in high chair (4 oz bottle + solids) 9:00 - 9:45 ish - play time (independent play then reading books & getting ready for nap) 10am - 11:30 am - morning nap 11:30 - 12 pm - wake up from nap, diaper, get dressed for day, etc ** if we go out to run errands this is the time we leave, and and we will stop to eat lunch while out 12 pm - lunch (8oz bottle + solids) 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - play time 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm - afternoon nap 3:30 - 4 pm - play time 4 pm - eat (8oz bottle + snack such as cheerios) 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm - play time (if he woke up early from afternoon nap, then sometimes he still takes a short cat nap during this timeframe 6:30 pm - dinner with family (solids in high chair) 7:00 pm - outdoor play time (baby swing, take a walk, etc) 8:00 pm - start of an 8oz bottle 8:30 pm - bath time, read books, finish rest of bottle 9:00 pm - bedtime.
For instance, feed baby at 9 a.m. each morning, spend some time with baby, then put her down for a nap.
He holds it until he's in bed for nap or the night (the only time he gets a diaper) and then lets loose.
Then they will start to nap for a shorter time period and will need more frequent breastfeeds during the nap or night to stay asleep.
Like «Baby Whisperer» Tracy Hogg, a combination scheduler, Ezzo recommends getting your baby used to a consistent pattern of feeding first, then wake time, then nap time — always in that order.
If Elle isn't interested in napping then that is okay, but she still needs to hang out in her crib for that allotted time.
As they get older, their cycle will grow in multiples of 90 - staying awake for 3 hrs, then 4.5 etc. until they are around 1 year and begin to follow the clock (ie set naps at the same time each day).
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