Sentences with phrase «napkin math»

"Napkin math" refers to doing quick calculations or estimations using basic arithmetic, often on a napkin or any piece of paper. It is a casual way of solving a problem mentally or on-the-fly, without needing complex calculations or tools. Full definition
I always do the back of napkin math on it but if they have it already that would be sweet.
Given Dover's target of converting 11 % of its revenue to free cash flow, back - of - the - napkin math tells me that it should be able to generate at least $ 800 million in FCF this year.
At an estimated funding clip of $ 7,500 per student, back - of - the - napkin math works out to $ 4 million toward the district's overall operational budget, or an increase of nearly $ 3 million.
Napkin math says the game picked up another $ 3M in between through on - site fundraising and possibly earlier investment.
Let's do some really bad napkin math here (with a highly sophisticated computer - napkin, but terribly approximate numbers going in).
According to their back of the avocado - stained napkin math, «even if millennials assumed the eating - out habits of baby boomers, it would take around 113 years before they could afford a down payment on a home (assuming a 20 percent down payment on the median price for a home in the United States, $ 315,000 in March 2017, and a 1 percent yearly yield rate).»
Is she asking you for a more complex understanding of statistics principles, or guesses and simple napkin math based on logical inferences?
Pete, 25 years of inflation looks like 100 % to me with back of napkin math.
«It was a late night of napkin math,» Grieser says.
With Fortune's back of the napkin math, the company pulled in at least $ 10 million in revenue in 2015.
Doing some quick back - of - the - napkin math, with the next 911 set to arrive in 2019, that would mean the plug - in hybrid version will probably go on sale in 2023.
Your napkin math is interesting and is the first thing to make me think the costs of books fall in different places.
Pardon my math - Correction on my previous question My apologies on the back of the napkin math I provided on my earlier question titled «Rent - to - Own Strategy Still Viable given Canada's Strict Down Payment...
As is her habit in any business transaction, Elaine did some quick back of the napkin math while John was on the phone with the claims adjuster.
Quick back of the napkin math shows that the tournament saved about $ 20,000 by paying their normal electricity rate for wind power.
As is her habit in any business transaction, Elaine did some quick back of the napkin math while John was on the phone with the claims adjuster.
Quick back - of - the - napkin math would indicate that if 750,000 users visited CoinDesk using a Brave browser with a $ 5.00 monthly budget, and 6 % of their browsing time was spent, on average, across all users, CoinDesk's escrow account would be holding $ 213,750 at the end of the month.
Of course, smartphones typically aren't priced exactly the same in different countries due to varying import tariffs, so for US customers, this device may be cheaper than our napkin math indicates.
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