Sentences with word «narcolepsy»

Narcolepsy is a medical condition where a person has uncontrollable and sudden sleep attacks, causing them to fall asleep at unexpected or inappropriate times. Full definition
When you add up the hours of total sleep time, people with narcolepsy don't necessarily sleep any more than people who don't have the sleep disorder.
The signs and symptoms that occur during an attack of narcolepsy with cataplexy include:
The next big clue came when Mignot of Stanford University tracked down a gene for narcolepsy in dogs and discovered it caused a mutation in a receptor for hypocretin, a neuropeptide involved in prodding the central nervous system awake and maintaining alertness and good muscle tone.
Attacks of narcolepsy in dogs and of cataplexy in dogs are both sudden in onset, they typically last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and they resolve spontaneously.
Individuals who suffer from narcolepsy often find that they feel like they have been well rested after they wake up in the morning, but throughout the day, they tend to feel sleepy.
Some sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, are best treated pharmacologically, whereas others, such as chronic and primary insomnia, are more amenable to behavioral interventions.
Professor Mignot is internationally renowned for having discovered the mutation that causes narcolepsy in dogs.
Besides Xyrem, Jazz has a handful of sleep drugs in late - stage development, including one that has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for approval to treat narcolepsy and obstructed sleep apnea.
Palm alerted Swedish health authorities, and subsequent population - wide studies in Sweden, Finland, Ireland and the United Kingdom suggested that vaccination for H1N1 — but only with the Pandemrix vaccine — had increased the risk of developing narcolepsy between four - and 13-fold in children and adolescents, and between two - and four-fold in adults.
In the new work, the researchers added serum from Finnish narcolepsy patients who had received Pandemrix to cells that were engineered to display human hypo cretin receptor 2 on their surface.
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are racing to design new narcolepsy drugs based on the discovery of hypocretin's central role in the disorder.
Her intuition may be correct and could have a physiological explanation, says Emmanuel Mignot, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and director of the Center for Narcolepsy at Stanford University.
Such experiments suggest that deletion of cellular activity, even for a brief time, «is causally involved with a pathological process like narcolepsy,» Boyden said.
She also writes about narcolepsy and heart problems, as all of these are issues that her children have struggled with.
Although humans with narcolepsy do not possess the same genetic mutation, this finding still proved instrumental in unraveling the disease's fundamental cause.
The hypocretin receptor 2 gene could be the single most important gene in human narcolepsy, says Michael Aldrich, a neurologist and director of the University of Michigan's Sleep Disorders Center.
Emmanuel Mignot, a sleep researcher with the Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, has been studying narcolepsy for more than 20 years.
There follows a twisted tail of breeding partners associating food with beatings and therefore starving to death, inherited narcolepsy, contracted FIV, abusive cat - dads, and cryogenic freezing.
But in China, where comparatively few people were vaccinated, authorities also registered a nearly sevenfold spike in new narcolepsy cases during the swine flu year.
Medication has kept these symptoms largely under control — a good thing, since narcolepsy can cause some odd behavior.
The discovery may eventually lead to improved narcolepsy treatments.
The apparent link between narcolepsy and a specific form of HLA — HLA - DR2 — suggests that the immune system might be involved in the disease.
This is especially true when you consider that many people with narcolepsy often have difficulty sleeping through the night because of unwanted awakenings.
Other neurological and psychiatric disorders associated with mercury include narcolepsy, obsessive - compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Tourette syndrome and borderline personality disorder, as well as neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.
An absence of hypocretin can indicate the sleep disorder narcolepsy, and that was Ben's diagnosis.
«Mignot told Science that while attempting to develop a diagnostic test for narcolepsy based on the assay, «my lab could not make the ELISpot test work.»»
► Why did about 15,000 children in Europe develop narcolepsy after receiving the flu vaccine Pandemrix?
We might have said narcolepsy.
In the draft guidelines, for instance, the FDA says «software that analyzes multiple physiological signals (e.g., sweat, heart rate, eye movement, breathing — from FDA - regulated devices) to monitor whether a person is having a heart attack or narcolepsy episode» is....
In fact, the World Health Organization recently classified «shift work that involves circadian disruption» as a potential cause of cancer, and the consequences of social jet lag and near - narcolepsy extend beyond the usual suspects of car accidents and medical errors:
People with narcolepsy actually do fall asleep very suddenly at any time and without any notice — for example, while working or while driving.
Until fairly recently, Select Committee enquiries were a courtly and decorous business, and reports were written and presented in a style of headline - defying narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy May Be an Autoimmune Disease A July 2015 study in Science Translational Medicine lends new support to the hypothesis.
«There is not that much narcolepsy around
«It may be that a mild form of narcolepsy happens much more often than we realize and is an unappreciated cause of excessive sleepiness in the general population,» says Mignot.
If a vaccine can trigger narcolepsy, can the flu virus itself — either H1N1 or other influenza strains?
Cases of narcolepsy increased after the 2009 pandemic in China, where Pandemrix wasn't used, and researchers discovered that serum from some H1N1 influenza patients does bind to the hypo cretin receptor.
But the results still need to be confirmed in a larger study, the authors and other narcolepsy researchers say.
In the meantime, the new insights might eventually lead to ways to help narcolepsy patients.
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