Sentences with phrase «narrative about doubting»

The narrative about doubting Thomas is technically not a sign, for Thomas is only asked to believe the evidence of his eyes (Jn 20, 29).
Is a collection of visual narratives about doubt, obsolescence, and mental reverb.

Not exact matches

However, I've also seen far too many people attempt to ground their identity in doubt - free theology making it all too easy for comedians such as Bill Maher, George Carlin or Ricky Gervais to come along and thoroughly dismantle flimsy beliefs about the creation narrative, the historical Jesus or how seemingly misogynistic and oppressive the Bible sounds.
The young man in Matthew's narrative asks Jesus about his good deed; he would settle at one stroke all doubts about being in or out of God's favor.
So please stop with this false narrative of «it's all about the finances», because it's proven beyond doubt that it's a lie!
In the vein of Tommy Wiseau's» The Room» comes» Dangerous Men», a movie the distributor no doubt hopes will become a cult classic thanks to the obvious lack of quality on screen and the narrative about the behind - the - scenes personality who made it.
Yet Gustave's characterisation as a self - absorbed womaniser and his friendship with a lobby boy named Zero (Tony Revolori) leaves little doubt about how he will develop as a person throughout the narrative.
Some filmmakers, including Steven Soderbergh, have expressed doubts about the tech being useful for longer narratives.
If there's a dealbreaker for audiences or commercially minded critics, it's the fact that the narrative tends to grow unwieldy and wanders non-linearly from a coming - of - age story to something much more complex and wider (and no doubt autobiographical) about how the post-war generation's social upheaval and radical thinking damaged the children of this era (of which Potter was clearly one).
Somewhere in there are a feast, a wedding, and a funeral, and while there are occasional nice touches here and there that will no doubt please fans of the stars or the song, there's really no vested interest from a narrative stand - point to really give a damn about any of these people or their lives.
The Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard Millard, author of The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey, is back with a compelling narrative about the assassination of President James A. Garfield.
Furthermore, Gen proves to be as skilled a liar as he is a thief, and throughout his first - person narrative, he keeps both readers and his companions in the dark about his true nature, adding another layer of doubt to his reliability.
Far Cry 5 is a great game there is no doubt about that and it's a testament to how narrative driven, single player games can prevail if done right.
Naomi Oreskes has on one occasion shortened her narrative about her discovery of corrupted skeptic climate scientist «doubt merchants» to a single sentence:
... The Environmentalist narrative of catastrophe, doom, and apocalypse, once given superficial scientific plausibility (in that science can not exclude the possibility of such things happening — which it never could), provides doubt and uncertainty about the security of the future, which in turn provides political momentum and legitimacy for environmental policies.
There is no doubt that for many years the serious legal publishers have been much further ahead of ebook technology, the latter being about simple devices for reading basic narrative in consumer publishing environments.
She constructs an alternative narrative that, ideally, will raise a reasonable doubt about her client's guilt.
Narrative is no doubt an interesting concept that wants to completely change the way we think about rewarding content generators.
Having taught seminars in group psychology and group psychotherapy and read numerous narratives about the origins of group psychotherapy, there is no doubt in my mind that J. L. Moreno has not received the recognition that he fully deserves.
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