Sentences with phrase «narrative comments»

Note: Click here to download a PDF of the full 31 - page report, including narrative comments.
They found that women who received the same narrative comments as men about their technical competence and partnership material received lower numerical ratings than men.
In addition to the slides below (also available here on Slideshare) we are publishing a treasure trove of 240 narrative comments organized by size and genre.
For a connection to endorse you, all they have to do is to click one button; Recommendations are longer and are specifically connected to one of your positions on your Profile and include the ability to write narrative comments.
In addition to containing graphs measuring constructive behaviors, destructive behaviors, and hot buttons, it also has narrative comments from other raters, measures of the organizational importance of various conflict behaviors, and indications of how the individual is viewed during different stages of conflict.
One of the points made in the narrative comments of the survey was that reviewers — in particular the media — prefer reviewing print books.
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