Sentences with phrase «narrative details in»

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I've regularly detailed that narrative, along with the adaptations we introduced in mid-2014 to address those inadvertent challenges (see for example, A Better Lesson Than «This Time is Different»).
It was gradually borne upon me that in various details the narrative showed marvelous truth.
This is especially visible in details of the passion narrative, such as the detail of Jesus's mocking and the wording of the titulus, but is also evident elsewhere.
Although those versions differ in some details (scribal, translational and / or interpretational,) they are all concrete on the General Narrative of God.
Colina — What David said is true — you keep trying to control the narrative by pulling the conversation back to it being about a «divorce», when nobody really talked about that at all until you initially brought it up, then David addressed it (everyone else ignored it because obviously they weren't interested in the «sordid details»), and you again directed the conversation (attempted to direct it) right BACK to an over simplification of it being about the divorce between two people!
Dante's innovative but risky technique was to trust us, his readers, with the responsibility for seizing upon the details in the narratives told by these sympathetic sinners in order to condemn them on the evidence that issues from their own mouths.
Only at the end of the fourth century do we see anything like a face of Christ presented alone, without background details or other figures in a narrative composition.
Such a detail does not appear in the biblical narrative.
To try to interpret the meaning of this narrative in detail would require a long chapter to itself.
Yet when that is said and done the narratives need to be studied not only in the closest detail but also in relation to the whole problem of Christ's person and work.
They are no more historical than the set and scenery of a play are part of the narrative of the drama, or than the order in which an artist fills in the pigment and detail of a painting is part of the significance of the painting.
In later chansons de geste, however» such as Les Quatre Filz Aymon, Enfances Roland, and Entrée en Espagne» the details of Roland's earlier life were filled in, with a variety of fanciful elements becoming ever more prominent features of the narrative, and it was not long before the real Roland (such as he was) had all but disappeared behind the more resplendent figure of the hero of legenIn later chansons de geste, however» such as Les Quatre Filz Aymon, Enfances Roland, and Entrée en Espagne» the details of Roland's earlier life were filled in, with a variety of fanciful elements becoming ever more prominent features of the narrative, and it was not long before the real Roland (such as he was) had all but disappeared behind the more resplendent figure of the hero of legenin, with a variety of fanciful elements becoming ever more prominent features of the narrative, and it was not long before the real Roland (such as he was) had all but disappeared behind the more resplendent figure of the hero of legend.
In relation to narratives, one could say that each character and event is a detail that can reveal some important aspect of reality and touch deep feelings in the hearer or readeIn relation to narratives, one could say that each character and event is a detail that can reveal some important aspect of reality and touch deep feelings in the hearer or readein the hearer or reader.
The Adnan Syed Legal Trust has raised $ 93,000 from supporters and is sponsoring the new podcast Undisclosed: the State v. Adnan Syed, which promises to «examine and explore the case in greater detail, from an investigatory perspective instead of a narrative one.»
These bald summaries, in which we recognize already the outlines of the narratives in the Gospels, could no doubt be filled in with detail according to the speaker's ability and the demands of the occasion; but it was essential to the Proclamation that the plain facts of the case should be communicated, because it was these that constituted the fulfillment of God's purpose in history.
It is therefore remarkable that, while they vary in detail as honest witnesses will vary in reporting matters which have touched them deeply, they follow the same thread of narrative.
And so I in my turn, your Excellency, as one who has gone over the whole course of these events in detail, have decided to write a connected narrative for you, so as to give you authentic knowledge about the matters of which you have been informed.1
In Chapters 14 and 15 - the so - called Passion story — we find a continuous narrative, telling in detail how Jesus was seized by his enemies, tried and put to deatIn Chapters 14 and 15 - the so - called Passion story — we find a continuous narrative, telling in detail how Jesus was seized by his enemies, tried and put to deatin detail how Jesus was seized by his enemies, tried and put to death.
A comparatively small number of these units of narrative can properly be described as «tales» about things that Jesus did, in which our authors spread themselves in picturesque or dramatic detail.
The most detailed Easter narrative in Luke is that of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and all the more interesting because it is referred to nowhere else.
As always it is the genius of this narrative that it leaves the reader quite on his own in the assessment of motives and the interpretation of details.
Technical details pursued through books could not be similarly pursued in an oral presentation, but the minister may be surprised at the mental ability of his people to chase an idea through paradoxes, dilemmas, myths, history, and dramatic narratives if the movement of the chase corresponds to the way they think through the issues of daily life.
Tolstoy, for instance, is an epic writer, whose books overflow with physical details and frequently threaten to overflow their own narrative structures and become as vast and as inconclusive as life itself, while Dostoevsky is a dramatic writer, whose books are full of fraught and urgent voices, at times almost disembodied, trapped in situations of immediate and pressing crisis, and surrounded by a physical world usually having no more substance than a collection of painted canvasses or pasteboard silhouettes at the back of the stage.
In the traditional manner of mythic - heroic narrative, this setting is a lively, well - detailed physical place that nonetheless reverberates repeatedly to the moral and psychological dimensions of the hero's development.
In The Art of Biblical Narrative, Robert Alter suggests a key to characters» inner thoughts and motivations which would be helpful even to the inexperienced reader of Scripture: first, external details (appearance, clothing, gestures); second, «one character's comments on another»; third, «direct speech by the character»; fourth, «inward speech... quoted as interior monologue»; and fifth, «statements by the narrator about the attitudes and intentions of the personages» (pp.116 - 117).
Yet, against this larger narrative, Short portrays in poignant detail the human cost of these Victorian religious struggles to individuals.
Certainly, if the idea of Jesus» risen life started with any factual element associated with an empty tomb, that element was never clearly visualized, even in the imagination of the first disciples, and is now confused for us in narratives that contradict each other on every important detail.
He has an eye for detail and for the ways in which personality brings life to otherwise dryasdust factual narrative.
the context of the whole narrative suggests to me that Jesus is saying in effect...» get a sword, becuz without one, what is about to happen will not be fulfilled»... these details seem to be important to the gospel writers... as Matthew's version of the story where the response suggests more non-violence...»» Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
A long narrative poem appears here describing in some detail the ascetic practices of the Master Mahavira himself.
The complete narrative of Israel's experience offers a number of explanations for the long delay in the occupation of Canaan; but, for all the variation in detail, there is the emphatic understanding that Israel was, in leaving Egypt, totally unprepared for the difficult and highly hazardous task of entrance and occupation of a new homeland.
That the gospel has preserved details of great historical worth in its narrative is certain, and although its framework supplements rather than replaces that of Mark, it makes plain much of what is obscure in Mark and the other gospels.
The issue of inheritance in general also carries theological overtones which Steinberg does not discuss, but her focus allows for a clear reading of the narrative that puts many confusing details in their place.
So if I read your narrative, you completely disagreed and called the story «false» then you basically said what the previous poster said in more detail.
In keeping with the movie theme, Miller quotes at length from Robert McKee, the Hollywood screenwriting guru whose book Story (1997) is at once a detailed guide to the principles of narrative and a primer on the principles...
«While the brute fact that of Jesus» death by crucifixion is historically certain, however, those detailed narratives in our present gospels are much more problematic.»
It consists in the fact that what we have here is not consecutive narrative, but simply individual stories — and these are told in the manner of the people — pious people, who marvel at God's doings rather than ponder over questions of purely human detail (§ 3).
It is arrived at by inventing far - fetched rationalistic explanations of the most obviously legendary details in the biblical narratives.
Weissman preserves her artfully - paced narrative by placing the in - depth background information at the back of the book or in boxes, but still provides enough detail in the main text to clearly explain to readers unfamiliar with the coffee trade and the stakes involved.
Both industry and research communities were consulted to further refine the megatrends and their more detailed narratives which can be found in A. 1 Global food and agribusiness megatrends.
It's a cliché that every picture tells a story, but the forensic details that mark the slide mounts of classic SI photos take the narratives in new directions
The only detail getting in the way of the NHL going full bore to exploit a juicy narrative like that is the unfortunate detail that Toronto is outside of the United States.
The juicy details would be doled out in the coming weeks, but in the moment, the entire narrative structure was well known and instantly understood by anyone who cares even a little bit about the league.
Paul Tough has a sharp eye for the telling detail, a sure grasp of the literature, and a gift for storytelling that together make for a bracing narrative, hard - edged in its realism but also brimming with hope and possibility.
None of these courageous women has ever spoken on the record in such compelling detail, and, on this DVD, the filmmakers weave together their passionate narratives as a celebration of the journey to motherhood that will leave viewers with a renewed sense of amazement about the power of women.
The site has been applauded as a step forward, but the administration has selectively chosen which details to include — or omit — in its own narrative.
In August 2014 — following the release of a long investigative piece by the New York Times that detailed the administration's interactions with the panel — the Times Union reported that Percoco had urged several of the defunct Moreland Commission's members to issue statements supporting the governor's narrative that it had operated independently.
Together, therapist and survivor create a narrative of the survivor's life from birth to the present, putting the most disturbing events, discussed in detail, in a broader context.
(Zhang's discovery narrative is long, detailed and colorful; Doudna's appearance comes in the middle of a paragraph, and her work doesn't get nearly the same star treatment.)
To be more effective at correcting misinformation in news accounts and intentionally misleading «fake news,» you need to provide a detailed counter-message with new information — and get your audience to help develop a new narrative.
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