Sentences with phrase «narrative summary»

Typically, a one - page narrative summary marketing your key qualifications and career achievements.
Some State and Regional Climate Offices provide narrative summaries of recent weather and climate conditions and events.
Embed your skills in a brief narrative summary, job titles, job descriptions, accomplishment statements, descriptions of volunteer work, etc..
For many variables, data had to be abstracted from narrative summaries translated from another language.
LinkedIn Profile: The LinkedIn profile is not a mini-me resume; however, the shiny gems you dug up to create your resume will serve the LinkedIn story well, beginning with the creation of a first - person narrative Summary.
Usually in bulleted form, they first appear at the beginning of the resume and can be combined with a brief but powerful narrative summary.
Beneath that, write a brief narrative summary that outlines the accomplishments you've made in your time with the company.
They are narrative summaries; not doctrinal summaries.
The network was «partially generative,» because even when it did not receive an officer's narrative summary of a crime, it could use the four factors noted above to fill in that missing information and then use all the pieces to infer whether a crime was gang - related.
Mentors also write a narrative summary of the student's work and experience at the site.
Key contents include a commentary or narrative summary; an income and expenditure account and variance analysis; a balance sheet; and cash flow forecasts.
• Attachment B — A narrative summary of changes proposed by the House of Delegates and by the Senate to Governor Kaine's 2010 - 2012 introduced budget (HB / SB 30).
DeSmogBlog has some very worthwhile pieces on the climate files, including a narrative summary of some years - long threads by Elizabeth May, the leader of Canada's Green Party (her conclusion: they show scientists at work); a description of review processes undertaken by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change posted by Kevin Trenberth, whose e-mail messages were highlighted by quite a few climate contrarian - skeptic - realist - denier types (pick one depending on your worldview).
I learned a long time ago that to quote without shopping almost never works and to quote without all the facts is only moderately better, so when I am short on what I need, whether it is a copy of a surgical pathology report, a narrative summary of a stress test so I know your exact ejection fraction or a 5 year history of PSA results, nothing goes to the underwriter until you've supplied the supporting records.
To show your diverse capabilities, lead your resume with a narrative summary that demonstrates your most marketable skills, accomplishments, areas of expertise and any other attributes employers would find desirable.
Begin your resume using a narrative summary of the most critical things they have to know regarding you: aptitude, professional focus, remarkable work, awards and so on.
While I begin all my resumes with a narrative Summary of Qualifications, I write that for human eyes.
A narrative summary of the meaning of a client's score.
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