Sentences with phrase «narrow constraints for»

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Instead, the majority of the community school conversations to date, have focused largely on advocating for a whole - child approach to education that defines teaching and learning beyond the narrow constraints of a traditional classroom and school infrastructure and practice.
In the end of Lars Nittve's essay for Hanson's exhibition at Rooseum in 1995 (which Nittve curated), he writes:»... To Hanson, though, the main question is likely something different: how to find the precise point of resistance, of friction, of dissonance, that will allow him once again to put the maximum pressure on convention — on painting; that will make you feel that the art's narrow constraints are about to burst wide open; or, to use a well - worn but wonderful cliché, that will make the art sing».
Hopefully those constraints will get narrower as we get make more progress, but the current range has stood the test of time for good reasons.
These narrow columns with meandering trees are a nuisance for people who (in part due to hard time constraints) need to be able to ski threads efficiently.]
In each case, a «prior» ensemble (with parameters selected widely from prior distributions) has been narrowed down to «posterior» ensembles through comparison with observations, although the details of this process differ for each ensemble and at least in the case of the Hadley Centre ensembles, there was also an explicit goal of sampling widely in parameter space subject to observational constraints.
He can always tell Oracle that resource constraints force the court to stay the case unless Oracle narrows it to a very short list of patent claims, but as I explained on previous occasions, it would be very risky for Oracle to narrow its case too much.
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