Sentences with phrase «narrow definition of»

The IRS does not use a narrow definition of «like kind» when it comes to passive income properties.
A narrow definition of the impending Ability to Repay regulation could harm consumers and the housing market recovery, according to the National Association of REALTORS ®.
Consistent with this narrow definition of DV, the guide mentions certain risk factors for batterers without noting that batterers can abuse even if they have no known risk factors.
As it stands, disabled adult children of unmarried parents are not entitled to child support in Ontario and Alberta unless they are enrolled in full - time education, since common - law partners fall under provincial legislation which includes a narrow definition of who qualifies as a child for the purposes of support, says Silbert, principal of Sharon B. Silbert Professional Corporation.
Generally speaking, the right to adequate housing equates to the right to live somewhere in security, peace and dignity (144) as opposed to the narrow definition of the mere provision of shelter.
They want to be considered for a number of positions, so they don't want their resume to commit them to a narrow definition of what they do.
The US SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) has fixated on the «key question» of whether a token is a security or a utility, but they appear to be taking a very narrow definition of utility token.
Schiff, who is both a passionate advocate and long - time investor in gold, has a narrow definition of money.
In other words, you have to use quite a narrow definition of risk to argue that a whole life policy isn't risky; committing the next several decades of your retirement savings to a complicated financial product with a low return rate and a high abandonment rate involves some pretty significant risk taking (although you can see why insurers love this product category so much).
The government specifically rejected requests to establish a narrow definition of education within its copyright reform package.
If another court were to use some narrow definition of «piracy» to avoid having them qualify, we could equally truthfully call the attacks «terrorism» or even «war».
Bloom hasn't always had such a narrow definition of conflicts of interest.
Our brief overview of the vocabulary associated with A.I. also serves to demonstrate that those who claim that artificial intelligence will not be useful for lawyers for a few years are using a very narrow definition of the term.
The Court confirmed that Customs agents have no right to seize material that does not come within the narrow definition of pornography that Parliament has criminalized as obscene, but held that the basic scheme of the Act, with the exception of the reverse onus provisions, was a reasonable limit on the right to freedom of expression.
A bill was introduced in the North Carolina legislature that would narrow the definition of the «practice of law» to exclude sell - help legal materials, including books, software, and legal information.
She argued in her opinion that acts with animals are «inherently exploitive» and the narrow definition of bestiality «completely undermines the concurrent legislative protections for animals from cruelty and abuse.»
[80] In light of the narrow definition of «client» in Three Rivers 5, some «internal» communications within a corporation may risk being characterised as communications between the client and «third parties».
That seems like an awfully narrow definition of «public education.»
Maybe you're right that he was using a narrow definition of «sceptic» in his WSJ piece.
He used the narrow definition of climate change created by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as only human caused changes.
They began with a very narrow definition of climate change as only those changes caused by humans.
It's a very narrow definition of harm, convenient to the industry's agenda of grabbing subsidies for construction projects.
In fact, I would speculate that besides you and Pat, almost no one else on earth has this very extremely narrow definition of science.
I also believe that there is a danger of «target fixation» or an overly narrow definition of the problem as if there is only one problem.
Using a narrow definition of climate change to achieve a political agenda means the IPCC ignores most major climate mechanisms, especially outside the terrestrial system.
Both can be used to generate offsets under the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), but only if they meet a narrow definition of success.
Most replies take S&N to task for their narrow definition of environmentalism and the simplistic solution they offer; I thought Paul Watson was particularly eloquent on these points.
Mosaka took issue with the predominance of works on the show which «adhere [d] to a narrow definition of male identity».
But with the confetti cleared, it's apparent that the Whitney is still pretty much what it has always been, apart from a few years in the 1980s and 1990s: an institution often flat - footed in its programming and compromised by its narrow definition of «American.»
The last time the N.E.A. was this under fire was during the 1990s, when funding was challenged for artists and institutions that refused to conform to a narrow definition of propriety.
It reconsiders the narrow definition of the Pop art movement and reevaluates its critical reception.
It's not like there's a very narrow definition of Tekken that the team follows, they're actually quite open to new ideas.
Second, Korean Air has a narrow definition of eligible travelers, including yourself and certain family members.
And as for the author's narrow definition of what it means to be a parent, I'm sure any mother or father of a special needs kid will be quick to point out that that is not what parenting is all about.
According to the award's website, «The aim of the award is not to look for work that falls into some narrow definition of political correctness, but rather to seek out work that is thought - provoking, imaginative, and perhaps even infuriating.
The author asserts that we need to go beyond the narrow definition of inclusion as the instruction of students with special needs or disabilities in the regular classroom.
Writing in The Telegraph in November 2011, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, declared that the previous Labour government «set a narrow definition of coasting schools, which allowed many to slip through the net undetected», and that his government was «going to widen it so that more average schools are pressed to do better».
Research shows that pursuing a narrow definition of success often leaves young people lacking the skills they need most to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Fact # 1: Connecticut law has a very narrow definition of what is legally a «conflict of interest».
While Connecticut law has a very narrow definition of what is considered a direct conflict of interest, it fails to provide any meaningful definition of what creates the appearance of a conflict of interest.
In addition, many in the science education community have too narrow a definition of technology that is limited to computers and graphing calculators.
But he argues that the Obama administration erred by adopting a narrow definition of reform and by seeking to implement that definition universally, even where local support was lacking.
(Of course, this is a narrow definition of economic benefit.
A Narrow Definition of Reform.
The importance, joy and rewards of education can be drawn from the narrow definition of the concept of education provided by United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1974:
Look, many people have some narrow definition of what these words should mean when they are said.
Dr. Walsh said people are often subjected to gender pressures and try to conform to a narrow definition of sexuality, which can cause men to exaggerate their sexual experiences and women to keep quiet about theirs.
She writes about our narrow definition of beauty and how we could learn from the flowers to wear the patina of age gloriously.
Some people have a narrow definition of infidelity and wouldn't leave a relationship if it isn't one of these specific, «deal - breaker» behaviors.
It's no secret that women (especially in Hollywood) are under extreme pressure to exemplify a very narrow definition of beauty, and that being pretty or sexy often overshadows any attention paid to accomplishments.
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