Sentences with phrase «narrow exceptions»

There are narrow exceptions for certain types of agricultural workers, charities and non-profit organizations, domestic servants, and those employed by family members.
This law states a very narrow exception to that law, as well as the criminal law against helping a person kill himself.
There are also many narrow exceptions in the law.
You may not use documents or information obtained in litigation for any other purpose except the litigation, unless you fall within a few narrow exceptions.
The court found otherwise and thus this fairly narrow exception did not apply.
With certain narrow exceptions, the court has no power to order a party to disclose privileged material.
Those are relatively narrow exceptions, although they do happen.
However, there are incredibly narrow exceptions that allow employees to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer.
With only a few narrow exceptions, personal injury lawsuits require the harm element.
He stressed the need to produce government material in formats that could be read on smartphones and said all data should be publicly available, barring narrow exceptions that relate to national security and state sovereignty.
Since Congress did articulate narrow exceptions in similar cases (computer programs, also secondary transmissions of performances and display of works, and did not include any exception for copies made by computer programs in the course of «using» a protected work, but could have, we can conclude that Congress did not intend to create such an exception.
Fair dealing was no longer conceptualised as narrow exceptions but as «user rights»; moreover, the fair dealing categories were to be given broad and liberal construction.
Some politicians claim that ending support to Planned Parenthood is related to abortion services, knowing full well that because of the Hyde amendment there has been no federal funding of abortion services except for very narrow exceptions for nearly four decades — and that low - income women have been prevented full access to abortion as a result.
There are very narrow exceptions for inaccuracies in citizenship applications that can lead to revocation of citizenship, but a failure to disclose in a citizenship application the fact of having purportedly committed a non-violent, regulatory offense (i.e. one that doesn't harm anyone), as a 12 year old, that does not result in a juvenile adjudication (i.e. conviction), would not be grounds for revocation of someone's U.S. citizenship.
There are a few narrow exceptions to this rule, such as misuse of confidential information that you retained from your former employer (for instance, a client contact list) or in cases where you held such an important role at your former employer that they are particularly vulnerable to your actions after departure.
This would have been a narrow exception which would have caused no harm to the general public or to the monstrosity which is Obamacare, the largest tax increase in the history of mankind.
The analysis prepared by attorney John Privitera of the Albany firm McNamee, Lochner, Titus & Williams concluded that EPCs «are a very narrow exception to the general rules of transparency and competitive bidding.»
There's just one narrow exception: «If the snowdrift is too heavy and the clouds can't be determined, I have the possibility to code «not able to determine cloud amount or cloud type,»» she explains.
Narrow exceptions were created for certain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredge materials that occasionally are deposited offshore.
A stronger requirement for partnerships with community based organizations, with only a narrow exception for rural communities for whom the requirement would be a significant hardship.
Importantly, the Court carved out only a narrow exception — public funding for the religious training of clergy — to the general rule requiring equal treatment of religious and non-religious options.
Locke, however, merely carved out a narrow exception — public funding for the religious training of ministers — to the general rule requiring equal treatment of religious and non-religious options.
Jay and Venn - The SEC letter does not say anything about bull and bear markets and it provides a very narrow exception to the new FAS 157 rules — much narrower than many have been calling for.
Once listed under the ESA, international and interstate movement of listed species is prohibited except under very narrow exceptions.
To my mind this is quite a narrow exception to the general presumption... [146]
He concluded that the third category established a narrow exception to the presumption against restrospectivity:
There is a narrow exception in the law that allows gender - segregated housing provided by a non-profit women's organization to discriminate against trans women.
It is the narrowest exception, but it is the broadest in its application within the states that do recognize it.
The bill provides a narrow exception where circumstances of an individual's credit history are «substantially related to the circumstances of a particular job or licensed activity» and where the employment «depends on the bondability of the individual and the individual may not be bondable due to his or her credit rating.»
The answer is basically «no», subject to a narrow exception that is more conjectural than real at this point, which is explored below.
This is a narrow exception to the general rule against prejudgment execution.
Rule 5.4 (a) has some very narrow exceptions, such as purchasing the practice of a deceased attorney and paying the estate the purchase price or including non-lawyer employees in a retirement plan.
The narrow exception is intended to encourage employers to provide college or university students with practical training to complement classroom learning.
The application was therefore dismissed with the narrow exception of a limited stay relating to the Applicant's obligations to repay $ 1.64 million to AHS.
The court referred to the 2007 Supreme Court of Canada decisions re Pecore v Pecore, and Madsen Estate, and stated that it now appears that a presumption of resulting trust applies in all cases of gratuitous transfers, with some very narrow exceptions, such as transfers between parents and minor children.
The Integrated Accessibility Standards («IAS») regulation creates a narrow exception to this effective date where a College has entered into a contract before January 1, 2013 to construct or redevelop a public space to which the IAS would otherwise apply.
Many attorneys and judges instinctively believe that unpublished opinions of the California Court of Appeal can not be cited in any court (subject to very narrow exceptions, i.e. res judicata or attorney discipline).
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