Sentences with phrase «narrow jets»

A quick glance at the Hubble picture at top shows that this celestial body, called He 2 - 90, looks like a young, dust - enshrouded star with narrow jets of material streaming from each side.
In the typical textbook picture, volcanoes, such as those that are forming the Hawaiian islands, erupt when magma gushes out as narrow jets from deep inside Earth.
Very broad features beneath the surface have been interpreted as plumes or super-plumes, but, still, they're far too wide to be considered narrow jets.
New seismology data are now confirming that such narrow jets don't actually exist, says Don Anderson, the Eleanor and John R. McMillian Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus, at Caltech.
According to current mantle - plume theory, Anderson explains, heat from Earth's core somehow generates narrow jets of hot magma that gush through the mantle and to the surface.
«This one is different; it's definitely not a simple, plain - Jane narrow jet
February's tropical anomaly showed up as a very narrow jet of westward winds «burrowed» within the eastward phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation, according to Osprey.
Narrow jets of gas apparently race from the stellar cradle at extremely high speeds and stretch several light - years out into space.
The new flick should help astronomers understand the narrow jets formed by neutron stars and black holes in our galaxy and beyond.
A pair of narrow jets is the one that was found in past observations.
Then, suddenly, a narrow jet of radiation, pointed right at us, erupted from the black hole at close to the speed of light.
Now, a new model tries to set the record straight, proposing that a whirling black hole can whip magnetic fields into a coiled frenzy that expels the energy as two narrow jets.
Now, as astronomers report online today in Nature, the x-ray data as well as radio observations indicate the fireworks caused a narrow jet of material to shoot away from the black hole's outskirts.
Material falling from the exploded star onto the compact companion would have been heated and blasted back into space in two narrow jets, along with a beam of radiation.
The new measurements suggest that what is really happening is just the opposite: Instead of narrow jets, there are broad upwellings, which are balanced by narrow channels of sinking material called slabs.
The quasar has a narrow jet emerging from it.
And somehow, two narrow jets of gas are streaming from this binary system at 200 to 300 miles per second or more, slamming into older, slower - moving clouds of star stuff.
Astronomers using a world - wide collection of radio telescopes, including the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), have made a dramatic «movie» of a voracious, superdense neutron star repeatedly spitting out subatomic particles at nearly the speed of light into two narrow jets as it pulls material from a companion star.
So the scientists set out to test two main theories: whether the supernova was caused in part by two narrow jets of material streaming out of either end of a rotating star, or whether it was the result of stuff «sloshing» around inside, leaving behind a lumpy shape.
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