Sentences with phrase «narrow limits»

But more peculiar to these times was talk of the ever - narrowing limits of choice hunting grounds.
Younger readers are not only reading less but reading only within narrower limits.
There's no question in my mind that babies can control — or at least, try to control — their bladder (within very narrow limits, of course).
When we're restricting expression that results in tangible harm to society we're talking about a relatively narrow limit to free expression.
This, however, does not necessarily mean that organic agriculture sets narrow limits to the use of modern maximum yield varieties, which are often chosen for pest / disease resistance purposes.
At the time, the ministry had argued that by placing such narrow limits on legitimate cryptocurrency trading, the government would effectively be encouraging criminal organizations to use the technology.
Even though this wealth of possibility is confined within narrow limits, these limits are only factual and not essential.
Who to date, what to wear, and how to spend your weekends is often silently defined within very narrow limits.
We presume further to place him within rather narrow limits of time, considering the relative antiquity of his epoch — i.e., before the death of Solomon and, at the earliest, the final years of David's reign.
«Traditionally, scientists have theorized fairly narrow limits on which proteins can be targeted with small - molecule ligands, but our results suggest that those boundaries are much wider,» said Cravatt.
Someone I know whose mind is stunted and unable to open up to new thoughts or experiences because of this rigid prudishness and narrow limited view of relationships and self.
They translate for us what otherwise might remain unexpressed or constricted within the all too narrow limits of private needs and feelings.
In the primitive races I have found practically no difference between the acid balance meat diet of the isolated Eskimos of the far north and the less acid vegetable and milk diet of other groups as efficient factors in the control of caries... our bodies have a mechanism for maintaining proper acid and alkali balance in the blood and this varies through only a very narrow limit whether the balance of the total food eaten is acid or alkaline.»
The conscious mind, where higher - order skills mostly take place, is limited by a universal, highly democratic constraint called «working memory,» whose narrow limits are on average the same for child and adult, rich and poor.
Attempts are made to offer excuses for Luther by pointing out that he never doubted the omnipotence of God and thus determined only narrow limits for the Devil's activities.
«Something [regulated] oxygen in relatively narrow limits
We have already presumed to place the Yahwist within rather narrow limits — somewhere between David's mature years and the death of Solomon.
In the words of an Education Week reporter, «Both national unions have endorsed the charter idea within fairly narrow limits, requiring district control over the schools and collective bargaining for the teachers within them.»
When freedom is affirmed of these microscopic entities, it must be understood that this is freedom within limits — ordinarily very narrow limits.
Hartshorne mentions that «God can set narrow limits to our freedom.»
For them it must not be understood within the narrow limits and strict definitions of the lawyers and theologians.
In the higher organisms, including man, a complex set of neural and humoral regulatory mechanisms preserve the stability of the metabolic processes within very narrow limits, despite substantial changes in the external environment.
When one takes all this into consideration, it must seem surprising that we still know as much as we do about the chronology of the life of Jesus, and especially that we can fix inside relatively narrow limits the time within which all that the Evangelists tell of Jesus» ministry took place.
«God has not confined Himself within the narrow limits of any school of doctrine — high, low or moderate.
Faith is cabined and confined in the narrow limits of subjectivity and consciousness, and receives no external impact from history.
But this world order, if we are fortunate enough to achieve it, will inevitably be very focused on the procedures and structures of government, of adjudication; it will be concerned with economic prosperity and equality within the narrow limits of toleration of our damaged planet; it will be concerned with the control of violence.
On the one hand, the diplomat who proceeds within the narrow limits of the national interest is unlikely to conceive of principles or programs divorced from the necessities of the state.
But they remain far short of what the Council called for — not least because of the narrow limits imposed by canon law.
And this idolatrous worship necessarily debars the tribe - worshiper both from worshipping the one true God and from being his own human brother's keeper outside this one tribe's narrow limits.
NCLB waivers have given states a chance to expand their accountability systems beyond the law's narrow limits, but most of the states that have received waivers have not taken full advantage of that opportunity.
In 1956 Hill pushed beyond the narrow limits of painting into relief and construction using industrial materials such as stainless steel, plastic and rubber to compose precise, geometric reliefs created using mathematical formulas.
Barbara Bowen, the president of the union that represents CUNY's faculty and staff, said that «if CUNY is to be an intellectually vibrant university, it must recognize that «expressive activity» is a vital part of campus life, not a danger to be confined to narrow limits
The continuing satellite measurements of the solar constant found it cycling within narrow limits, scarcely one part in a thousand.
Beyond these powers we must not go; we must scrupulously observe the narrow limits of judicial authority even though self - restraint is alone set over us.
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