Sentences with phrase «narrow passages»

Nevertheless, they are also much wider and thus can not always fit through narrow passages well.
The largest discovered are almost ten levels deep, with narrow passages connecting the floors like hamster tunnels.
The parking assist system (with a side monitor and rearview guide monitor) is standard equipment and assists drivers to safely negotiate narrow passages and offer support when parking the vehicle.
Keep the balance to avoid traps, enemies and move through narrow passages.
It took his group two - and - a-half years to leapfrog through narrow passages of open water, with their ship locked in the frozen ice through two cold, dark winters.
«You've got a tremendous narrow passage into the estuary so everything is compressed; physically it concentrates the prey [along the tidal zones],» Dr. Allen explains.
Observers predicted narrow passage for the education bill and an accompanying half - cent rise in the state sales tax that would generate $ 230 million in the school - reform plan's first year.
The Lundehund has a great range of motion in its joints, allowing it to fit into and extricate itself from narrow passages.
Once inside, we crawl through narrow passages on hands and knees.
In subaoritic stenosis the puppy is born with an abnormally narrow passage way leading from the heart to the aorta.
Imagine kayaking along narrow passages lined with clam beaches, as we kayak around a corner a black bear is seen flipping rocks in the morning sun looking for a tasty morsel.
For the ultimate adventure, crawl through narrow passages as you venture deep into the cavern on the Wild Cave Tour.
Imagine kayaking along narrow passages lined with clam beaches that the local First Nations have harvested for thousands of years.
New clients, some clutching the wheel for the first time, must blend immediately into traffic — wincing through major corridors like East 125th Street; negotiating narrow passages made narrower by double - parked cars; avoiding the cyclist on the right, the vendor on the left, the dog camped midlane because his owner is neither muscular nor aware enough to drag it any farther.
Critics, however, point to the difficult and often narrow passages the huge tankers have to traverse to get from the terminal to the open ocean and say a spill would be enormous.
This is extremely dangerous because the visceral fat (the kind inside the organs and blood vesicles) accumulates within the veins and arteries, narrowing the passage available for the blood and gradually obstructs the activity of the blood vessels.
Bigelow directs with lean efficiency moving through the submarine's narrow passages swiftly and cleanly.
For off - roading, we drove to Bangs Canyon, a permanent off - road course near Grand Junction, climbing and descending rock - strewn roads, threading narrow passages while trying to avoid pinstriping (paint scrapes from large branches or protruding rocks).
We moved warily in the darkness, patrolling for insurgents in blind alleys custom - made for ambushes and narrow passages perfect for concealing roadside bombs.
Inflammation narrows the passages, restricting the flow of urine and crystals, the building blocks of urinary or bladder stones.
With narrow passages less urine can flow through the urethra.
Maybe it's the long narrow passages that seem to disappear around dark corners that arouses the explorer in all of us to want to push further into the unknown.
The Golden Gai is essentially six narrow alleyways connected by a slew of even narrower passages that lead everywhere and nowhere.
The property is navigated by narrow passages and palm - shaded roads; the environment is virtually car - free, ensuring a quiet and calm atmosphere.
Cobbled streets and narrow passages reveal architectural treasures among beautifully preserved Medieval, Tudor and Georgian buildings.
After passing through the sea lock, Norwegian Bliss continued along the river stern first, which helps with the manoeuvrability of the ship and is a key component when navigating her through such narrow passages.
The missing 10 % is a minor issue: while guiding Link across the equivalent of a tightrope (among other narrow passages), the 3DS» thumbstick is a slight hindrance because it can not be pressed as delicately as the thumbstick on the N64, GameCube, or Wii controllers.
Noysky Projects: Tactile, Textural Works By Genie Davis Through November 12th A Narrow Passage, at Hollywood's Noysky Projects through November 12th, is a fascinating mix of abstract works.
- Forcing hot air down narrow passages around the cookpot.
Rangel woke knotted in the bed sheets, struggling out of a dream in which she was escaping danger through a very narrow passage.
However, the use of balloon angioplasty to widen narrowed passages is not covered, nor is surgery to the branches of the aorta.
After that the screenshots show the advanced facial expressions of characters, the ability to explore the environment in various ways like climbing, crouching to enter narrow passages, or pushing spider webs aside.
Its diameter at the rim measures 1,045 ft, whereas its maximum depth is 412 ft. Except for two narrow passages on the eastern and northern rims, Blue Hole is completely rimmed by living coral.
We climbed to Monsaraz, a stunning hilltop village with narrow passages, a castle with an old bullring, and views of Spain — everything, seemingly, but hordes of tourists.
Some of these cats suffer from chronic urethral and bladder inflammation (idiopathic cystitis / urethritis) that leads to a swollen, narrowed passage for urine.
This deep cave poses physical challenges, and guests should be prepared to use rappelling equipment and travel through narrow passages.
The waters beneath the Second Narrows bridge in Vancouver's harbour, because of their relative shallowness and strong tidal currents, flowing through a narrow passage that includes the obstacle of the bridge, pose special navigational challenge according to safety experts.
He and a jumping partner were attempting to navigate a narrow passage notched into a steep and spiny ridgeline.
However, some double side by side strollers have issues with manoeuvrability and their larger size can be a hindrance for getting through narrow passages.
In the immediate wake of the House's narrow passage of the health care bill last week, the Democratic campaign committees launched digital ads attacking Republicans, even those who didn't vote for the bill.
Not all Assembly Democrats are cheering the narrow passage of the Liberty Act, a bill that would make New York a sanctuary state, as some suburban and moderate lawmakers voted against the legislation this week.
Nevertheless, the narrow passage of the budget in the House of Representatives is paving the way for an introduction of the tax overhaul.
New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and several other opponents of the law sued on July 25, claiming in part that the law should be nullified because the state Senate violated its own rules and the state's open meetings law before the critical vote that led to its narrow passage.
A team led by Ronald Kwok of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, has studied satellite images of the Nares Strait — the narrow passage between Greenland and Ellesmere Island.
Small wonder then if people feel anxious at Christmas: Yuletide forms a narrow passage between one year and the next, through which all sorts of large and important things (seeing relatives,...
On this day Schmittner went in with five tanks strapped around his body; Bogaerts, who had to wriggle through some narrow passages, called restrictions, brought three.
They are located about a third of a kilometre from the cave entrance, through a narrow passage that at one point requires crawling on all fours.
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