Sentences with phrase «narrow the topics of»

They are computer - based, interactive tutorials that cover narrow topics of law.

Not exact matches

Narrow your topics to home in specifically on your content's unique value, says Kerry O'Shea Gorgone, host of the MarketingProfs «Marketing Smarts» podcast and former host of «Baby Time,» a podcast for new and expectant parents.
Since the topic of leadership is so vast, we need to narrow things down to a simple framework that works practically and can be replicated.
Unlike large companies with many stakeholders, a focused entrepreneur in a niche market has a leg up in building community by virtue of their common bond around a narrow topic.
As who we know, what we like, and what we share begins to determine what we see, who we hear and where we hear it from, our experience of the web becomes more intensely focused around a narrower range of topics and a more focused social circle.
I owe a debt of gratitude to Tom Patterson, the Shorenstein Center's interim director, for his advice and counsel in helping me to narrow my topic so that it had the makings of a proper academic paper.
It has become something of a sport for folks in the evangelical, neo-Reformed tradition to take to the internet to draw out the «boundaries of evangelicalism,» boundaries which inevitably fall around their own particular theological distinctions and which seem to grow narrower and narrower with every blog post on the topic.
When biblical scholars have interested themselves in ethical studies, they have tended to focus on rather specific, narrow topics: social justice, the status of women, war, vengeance, property rights, ecological concern for nature and the like.
there is a topic other than philosophy called anthropology that narrows - down the belief systems of all peoples of the world into four different categories....
Obviously, a whole book could be written on the topic and I'm sure many have, but let's keep this simple and narrowed down to the topic of discussion and say that being saved means having been rescued from the wages of sin which is death.
In addition to expectations about the European label industry after Brexit, other topics featured on this year's «ELF» agenda include diversification of the labels and narrow web industry into short run packaging, intelligent labels and packaging, and a look at the total cost of ownership (TCO) of different label printing technologies.
Topics on this year's agenda include: * The European label industry after Brexit * Diversification of the labels and narrow web industry into short run packaging * Intelligent labels and packaging * Recruitment and retention of talent * The state of affairs in digital label printing (based on FINAT commissioned research) and much more.
Labour's national executive committee will meet for the first time since the election in the next fortnight and one source close to the NEC said they believed Lavery's comments would be a controversial topic of discussion — particularly on narrowing the spectrum of political views in the party.
«If future studies continue to not find strong longer - term salvage harvest effects on forest understory vegetation,» Knapp said, «the debates about pros and cons of post-fire management could then narrow to topics such as snag habitat and woody fuel levels that are unequivocally impacted by salvage harvest.»
And then another session also talked about media contraction as being a problem and because there's fewer journalists at mainstream outlets or at outlets that have the budgets and the staff to do real investigative work, what you're getting is a lot of noise on the Internet and a lot of shallow and narrow reporting on the topic.
But after more careful consideration, you're likely to realize that narrower aspects of your project are more important than the topic itself.
As the working groups narrowed in on their specific recommendations, the chairs of multiple groups also met to discuss cross-cutting themes and to merge similar topics into joint recommendations.
When you search online for the topic of Asian single dating you may wish to view all the possibilities that this generic phrase encompasses, or you may wish to narrow down your search.
It's a good making - of piece on a narrow topic.
Switch opens the floor to a team of TV aficionados, engaging them in lively discussion about a particular topic of classic television, and narrowing down favourite shows and / or characters within that genre but with a unique twist.
Starting with a brainstorm web in which students jot down ideas related to a topic, students will then transition to narrowing their focus down to three main ideas followed by the final step of identifying the main idea writing prompt requiring supporting details to rationalize that choice.
Much of the conversations I've heard around the CC informational writing standard seems to take a narrow view of informational text because of the standard specifically mentioning the introduction, topic development, and conclusion.
In Polman and colleagues» project, the writing criteria for science news articles included «present the personal or local impact of a timely, narrow, focused topic of interest to the audience from a unique angle» and «communicate information that accurately represents up - to - date science and forefront the most important elements.»
Ravitch is even - handed in her portrayal and criticism of the various forces, left and right, that have steadily narrowed the range of topics that may be addressed in books and textbooks for school use.
These titles are on the following themes: A Winter Walk; The Site And Antiquities Of Athens; Wild Apples; Narrow Escapes; India: Timeless Topics.
The effort to insist on «assessment boundaries» — which narrow the focus of a standard by setting a ceiling on the content that can be assessed — in connection with every standard often leads to a «dumbing down» of what might actually be learned about a topic, seemingly in the interest of «one - size - fits - all» science that won't be too challenging for students.
These critics have argued that progressive ideas often contribute to the evisceration of academic curricula and narrow the scope of student learning to entertaining but largely vapid topics.
A variety of filters helps you narrow down the information (by team, topic, etc.), and export the data in the most convenient way for you.
Sometimes the topic of our unit is as broad as «Egypt», and sometimes it's as narrow as «horses», or even «Appaloosas».
«The number of topics, for example, with the Indiana Academic Standards is very broad at each grade level, while Common Core is very narrow but very deep for conceptual understand,» Walker told the panel of state lawmakers.
Davis has been teaching Common Core since 2011 and says the new standards appropriately narrow the number of topics math teachers are expected to cover.
Hadaway outlines three formats for organizing narrow reading of children's books in the classroom: focusing on one theme or topic; concentrating on one author, and channeling reading into one subgenre.
Major changes to the test include incorporating more relevant words such as «empirical» — which the Common Core State standards call «academic vocabulary» — instead of the traditional «SAT words» such as «sagacious;» including an evidence - based reading section; narrowing the focus on math topics to allow for deeper knowledge testing; and eliminating the previous penalty for wrong answers.
Enter the child's Lexile measure, and then narrow the search by selecting topics of interest.
For instance, one of the most important tips how to write an essay thesis statement centers on narrowing down your topic, to focus on an issue that can be researched upon and is relevant to your studies.
They have to narrow a broad topic, develop a problem or thesis statement to address, and provide original insight whilst supporting their opinions with the opinions of experts or empirical evidence.
Anyway, back to the topic in hand - in short, I think with so many books out there you're not being narrow minded in choosing not to read the Left Behind series and, frankly, considering you'd probably only get into a disagreement with your friend about them if you did, it's probably prudent of you not to!
Though they tend to be overshadowed by big sets, there are still plenty of useful single - volume reference sources that focus on narrow topics.
There are several strategies you can use to narrow down a topic for a research paper in defining the scope of your annotated bibliography.
It is not a short form of your research paper; it comes with a narrow and particular topic that is quite original and interesting as well.
Choose from a wide list of topics and narrow the list down until you fin the topic you are interested in.
You may want to leave some of your ideas out and narrow your topic.
Once the topic is narrowed down, the professional and the student who is taking help, jot down points that will constitute the introduction and main body of the essay on Islamic banking systems.
So when you specify your field of study and narrow the topic, you are given a list of writers (and their qualifications) to choose from.
You realize quite quickly that the topic will have to be narrowed, and you therefore focus on the impact of the Hispanic vote.
It should end with the a narrow statement on the topic, your goal of writing an essay.
However, the majority of topics can be narrowed to the following question: how will the degree in the given field of study contribute to your short - term and long - term goals.
But, of course, it will be reasonable to narrow your term paper topic prior to writing and information gathering.
To select the best topic for your essay think of 5 to 10 issues, then narrow 5 topics of your interest and select from them the best two.
Keep the topic of college term paper as narrow as possible.
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