Sentences with phrase «narrow vision»

If you have a very narrow vision of your perfect person you're really limiting your chance of success.
That all occurs off - screen, perhaps because it doesn't fit into the very narrow vision of the film.
This would be freedom from narrow vision, freedom from blaming, and freedom from self - righteousness.
We know that parents and kids face peer pressure to conform to traditional and narrow visions of success — especially academic success.
The EBacc offers too narrow a vision of academic excellence and disregards the importance of creative subjects that many employers value highly.
After your session, you can sign up to get a dedicated coach who will meet with you one on one each week via phone to keep you accountable, help narrow your vision and prioritize your actions.
Building a tech startup oriented media company was a much narrower vision than Referly (my previous startup), where I felt we never settled on a single crisp sentence to describe ourselves.
In the decades before the Council, a painfully narrow vision prevailed, which had the effect of enshrining a neo-scholastic pattern of thought as obligatory.
Billy Graham, pastor to presidents, promulgated a form of public religion that differs from that of Jerry FaIwell and Tim LaHaye, whose narrow vision of a Christian America, suggests Meacham, has engendered much ideological conflict.
Unforgiveness toward anyone or anything narrows our vision and our capacity to love as God does.
When we experience the mysterious abyss of an indefinitely open future, this mysterium tremendum which is in fact the gift of a self - renouncing deity, we are tempted and usually succumb to the tendency to cauterize it with our own narrow visions of the future or of the end of history.
just sayin» only «knows» god and the bible through the incredibly narrow vision he pulls out of his
Theologically educated persons can help the mental health movement avoid narrow vision - limiting definitions of mental health.
Because thinking about ethics only negatively blunts the conversation; it gives us nothing to aspire to and unduly narrows our vision about what it means to be a good lawyer — which is, surely, more than simply not being a bad one.
We love a swoony love story as much as the next person, but not ones involving such narrow casting, such narrow vision, such a narrow waist.
The Holy Communion rightly understood will bring its own corrective of a too narrow vision.
Judge Moukawsher set forth a very narrow vision of what is needed in public schools in order to provide an adequate education; a vision that contradicted precedent across the United States and precedent from the Connecticut Supreme Court itself.
He's right to desire her healing, but clearly this cure - seeking obsession is narrowing his vision, so that he neglects Izzy's need for intimacy and spiritual healing as well.
It forms them into people of narrow vision and diminished humanity.
He also said the report's assertion that faith - based writings weren't relevant to his position represented a «flawed and narrow vision of our diplomatic mission.»
Palmer wanted to narrow the vision of philosophy as an academic discipline and was the architect of the department that hired Josiah Royce.
But when my desire fastens on anything less than God, it immediately becomes destructive, for that is where desire turns into covetousness, and covetousness will rob my life of its potential because it will narrow my vision, depress my limits, bring me to the edge of death, violate my purpose in creation, and starve my life to death.
The obstacles that the new proposals face are depicted as the expression of narrow vision and corrupt self - interest on the part of small groups who are willing to risk the wellbeing of the whole for the sake of retaining the unjust advantages they now enjoy.
And that's the kind of narrow vision that leads to fans voting Nelson Cruz over Alex Rodriguez.
However, our over-reliance, I would say singular reliance, on this narrow vision of success has placed enormous stress on students and parents.
These concepts hold true to be very exciting for not only Utica but the region as a whole, as we narrow our vision to create a sports, arts and entertainment hub unheard of in like markets.»
Sweaty palms, pounding heart, racing mind, tense muscles and narrowed vision.
Having a narrow vision makes you miss out on what could be a great experience.
Such a narrow vision of the family is frustrating to watch for many reasons — fake news jokes, jokes about his taxes, and his obsession with New York are dropped in as though they've never been mocked before — but most of all because given the genre, this cartoon should be a lot more adventurous.
The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) has criticised the introduction of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), claiming it offers a «narrow vision of academic excellence».
What's unclear is what Knee would recommend for future education entrepreneurs and investors, aside from a narrower vision and some increased caution.
His narrow vision lets him dodge the question that should ultimately engage historians of American public education: to what extent, if any, were schools, teachers, and students better or worse off as a result of federal involvement in education policymaking?
Both the external and internal worlds exist, so these are two complementary quests for truth in two aspects of a single reality and any antagonism between them is the product of a narrow vision, a misunderstanding of the true meaning of both these quests.
Don't assume that you know what constitutes a «high quality education,» don't aim a narrow vision of quality at a single type of community, allow the interplay of different choice programs to flourish.
This is more than just a narrow vision of the role of families as merely being able to move their kids out of failure mills and dropout factories.
This narrow vision of education is squeezing play - based learning out of the curriculum, despite the fact that children are still in their early years of development.
The Ballad of Black Tom is a glorious answer to Lovecraft's narrow vision of humanity and a sorrowful, terrifying read that's well worth the tears.
But as an indie I'm not at the mercy of anyone's whims, whether first readers, agents, editors, cover designers, the internal politics of a publishing house, or the narrow vision of non-creatives in a publisher's marketing department.
Don't have narrow vision, lift your head and look around.
Each day it is more obvious that 22 years as dog warden has closed Mr. Skeldon's mind and narrowed his vision.
Then, they narrow their vision and discuss the latest update to Overwatch.
Those that do, like Madden or Call of Duty, aspire to such a narrow vision of what realism means that a degree of exclusion is understandable.
«Abstract Expressionist New York» and «On Line,» they say, merely tweak a narrow vision in the interest of diversity.
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