Sentences with phrase «nasty bout»

The phrase "nasty bout" refers to a difficult or intense episode or experience of something negative, usually related to illness or conflict. Full definition
Do not give your kitten cows milk, doing so is not good kitten care, not only is it unnecessary it can cause nasty bouts of diarrhea.
Winter finally caught up with the Memphis suburbs over the past couple of weeks, bringing nasty bouts with freezing rain and (currently) a little snow.
The result of consuming bitter zucchini can be a very nasty bout of diarrhea, tummy ache and vomiting.
Some of the white powder's more - unexpected applications: exfoliating your skin, fighting fires, cleaning up grease spills, and curing nasty bouts of indigestion.
And Beijing recently raised its solar capacity target from 21 GW to 35 GW, partially in response to a particularly nasty bout of air pollution in Beijing and other cities.
Had nasty bout with PPD but am much better now.
There is little doubt that a US Dollar crisis would be terrible for the US economy, and could spur a nasty bout of strong inflation.
I've been having lots of soup lately, because it is cold and because I've been getting over a nasty bout of bronchitis, which I had over most of the holidays.
After a five - day trip to London and a nasty bout of tonsillitis picked up on the flight home, I am finally back to blogging ways today.
BUT he's unpredictable with this so, though I'm loathe to complain about more sleep, my boobs get really confused and I've had far more issues with blocked ducts, sore nipples and a nasty bout of mastitis that I never had with my daughter.
However, when Oliver got a nasty bout of gastroenteritis at about 9 months old and wouldn't eat anything for about 2 weeks.
Giving your baby too many apricots or apricot - based foods all in one go can trigger a nasty bout of diarrhea.
If your baby has had a nasty bout of diarrhea, yogurt can be a great way to replenish his gut with «friendly» bacteria.
Cow's milk - based formula — some pediatricians will suggest switching your baby to soy formula for a week or two, because babies can have difficulty in digesting cow's milk following a nasty bout of diarrhea
Scientists at Imperial College London used the pandemic in 2009 as a «unique» natural experiment to work out why some people went down with a nasty bout of the flu while others didn't.
We also confirmed via my recent blood and stool tests that I have a whole host of hormone imbalances, and a nasty bout of candida.
There's some exciting video news I can't wait to share with you soon — half term and a nasty bout of tonsillitis has rather messed with my video mojo but I'll be returning to YouTube soon with some fun - packed (and informative, of course) videos shot from home.
I arrived looking like one of the walking dead because I was so sick that morning with a nasty bout of food poisoning.
Due to a nasty bout with ringworm, Poppyseed was completely bald; here she is sporting a blue sock sweater under a blanket to keep her nice and toasty.
Due to a nasty bout with ringworm, Poppyseed, pictured below, was completely bald; here she is sporting a sweater — made from a sock!!
Mike Fox, just back from a nasty bout of sinusitis, notes that President Bush has suspended the Davis - Bacon Act «for certain counties in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida.
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